Chapter 12

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Y/n's pov:

I wake up in Mattheo's arms again, we've gone so long without a fight and it's the second day in a row that we've woken up together. I slide out of his grip, "what are you doing?" he groans, "I have to get ready, I need to go to all my classes today" "why" "because I haven't gone since Friday" I respond, "so?" he says, "so... I need to learn things" "why?" "so I can make you shut the fuck up" I say.

"Please do" he smirks, "yea?" I lean over top of him, I kiss him and slide my hand under the covers to his dick. I stroke it slowly and he deepens the kiss, then I pull away, "I have to get ready now" I say and he groans rolling his eyes. I stumble to get my clothes, he laughs at me and I flip him off, "do you need help princess?" he says, "no" I say putting on my robe.

I stumble out of his room and into mine, I turn on the shower and grab fresh clothes. After my shower I get ready and walk out of my room, of course Mattheo's there waiting for me. We walk down stairs, my legs are shaky, he puts his hand around my waist and we walk into the hall for breakfast. We slowly walk up to our friends and they look at me and laugh.

"You ok Y/n?" Blaise cracks a smile, "yep, great" I respond, "you sure?" Draco asks as we sit down, "yes!" I say, "what's so funny?" Mattheo asks, they look at each other, "Mattheo" "oh fuck" "I'm going to come" they moan making fun of me, "why the fuck were you listening?" I say, "it wasn't intentional" Draco says, Mattheo laughs, "they aren't wrong though" he says.

"Really?" Pansy says, "good girl" "you like that?" "I love making you feel good" they make fun of him too and I laugh, "that's fine if everyone heard, now they know we're together" he says, "we're together?" I ask, "don't make it a big deal" he says, I look at Pansy and her eyes widen with excitement. "We're going to class" he says lifting me up.

We walk out of the hall and to potions, we sit down at our table and the bell rings, "you know before I met you, I was happy not being on time for things" "it's good to be on time, don't want to miss out on learning" I joke, "no actually, that's exactly what I want to do" he says and I roll my eyes. Snape begins explaining the lesson and Mattheo moves my chair closer to him.

"We're not doing this again" I whisper, "fine, I'll just rest my hand here" he whispers putting his hand on my upper thigh. Snape finishes explaining and Cedric grabs the stuff we need for the potion, I try to get up to help him but Mattheo squeezes my leg and holds me down. "What are you doing, I need to help" "no you don't, you do it everyday, let someone else have a turn" he says.

I sit there and wait for Cedric to get back with all of the supplies and begin organizing everything, I push his hand off my leg, then I get up and start working on the potion. Mattheo stares at me the entire time, "what's wrong with you?" I turn around, "nothing" he says. I turn back around and work on the project, our group finishes early of course and we leave to wait for our next class.

We walk out of potions class and he walks the other way, what's his problem...? Whatever. I go to the rest of my classes and catch up on the work I missed when I didn't go, after class I meet up with my friends in the common room. "Hey man" Draco says as Mattheo storms in the room, he walks over and grabs my arm and pulls me upstairs.

"what are you doing!?" I shout as he pulls me, "let go of me" I yell. We get to his room and pushes me inside, "what the hell was that" I exclaim, "what was that in potions?" he asks, "what?" "you pushed me away from you" "yea because I needed to get work done" I say, "or it's because Cedric was there" he says, "that makes no sense" "it makes complete sense, you like Cedric, it's obvious" he says.

"I think you're jealous" I say, "I am not" he snaps, "then why do you care so much?" "I don't I'm just saying, when you flirt with other guys it looks bad" "I don't flirt with him, he's in our class" I shout, "you totally flirt with him, especially around me, you flirt with everyone, god you're such a whore!" he spits, "are you serious?" I say he leans against the wall and shrugs, "go fuck yourself" I say and I storm out of the room.

I walk downstairs and he follows a bit behind me, we sit down with our friends far away from each other. "Welcome back" Pansy says, I nod, they continue talking and Mattheo and I stare at each other. We're both glaring at each other until I get up, "where are you going?" Pansy asks, "just for a walk" "do you want me to come?" she asks, "no it's ok" I walk out of the room.

I walk down the hall, but I don't feel like walking anymore, so I sit down on the ground and lean against the wall. I'm sitting there doing nothing until I hear someone, "hello there" I hear a boy say and I look up to see two red-haired boys, that are obviously twins standing in front of me. "Hi" I say, "what's a pretty girl like you looking so sad for?" one of them asks teaching out his hand to help me up.

I get up, "I'm fine, it's nothing" they both look at me like they know I'm lying, "hey wait, aren't you Ron's older brothers?" I ask, "yes we are" they say and the same time, "what are your names?" I ask, "I'm Fred" one says, "And I'm George" the other says, "nice to meet you guys" I say, "what's your name?" Fred asks, "Y/n" "oh you're Potters sister" he says, "you're hotter than I expected!" George says, "thanks?" I reply.

"Walk with us Y/n" they say and we walk down the hallway, "why are you guys talking to me, I'm a Slytherin?" I ask, "Slytherins are hot" they both say and I laugh, "why does your brother not like you?" Fred asks, "Freddie" George smacks his arm, "no it's alright, I used a curse on him years ago, that's why I never came to Hogwarts until this year" "I wouldn't mind if you used a curse on me" Fred says smirking and George rolls his eyes.

"That can be arranged" I flirt back, he turns red and George laughs, "so do you like being in Slytherin?" George asks, "yea, it's okay, most of us are kinda mean though" "yea we know" they both say, "you're not mean though" Fred says, "thanks, I appreciate it" I smile, "I need to get back to my room, I should probably go to bed soon" I say, "ok we'll walk you back" George says and we walk down the halls to the common room.

I open the door, "thanks guys, see you around" I smile and walk in, Mattheo's still sitting on the couch and he's staring at me angrily. I walk upstairs and go into my room, I get ready for bed and I lay down, some Gryffindors are actually nice to me. Didn't think that would happen, I like Fred and George, they're funny. I turn off my lamp and I fall asleep.

Can't Let Go: Reader x Mattheo Riddle Where stories live. Discover now