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Y/n's pov:

I woke up at 6:30 and Pansy was sleeping next to me, so i wake her up so she can get ready too. "Hey Pans, it's 6:30" she groans and gets up slowly, "alright i'm going to my room see you in a bit" she says and walks out of my room.

I go to the bathroom, shower and do everything else i do to get ready, then i meet Pansy outside of our rooms and we walk down to The Great Hall. When we get there we sit down, i sit beside Draco and she sits beside Blaise "so did you keep her out of trouble?" Draco says to Pansy, "no we went and lit things on fire Draco... of course i did, we just hung out in her room" she says, "good!" Draco says and i roll my eyes.

We sit and talk for a while until Mattheo shows up, "i'm gonna go" i say and i get up and walk away, Mattheo follows me "hey wait up" i just ignore him and keep walking, "y/n stop!" he pulls my arm back, "let go of me Mattheo" i say but he holds on to me tighter. "No, not until you talk to me. Why are you so mad at me?" he says looking directly into my eyes, "i'm not mad at you" i say and pull my arm out of his grip and we both walk to class.

We sit down at our table and Cedric soon joins us, once again Snape gives out the instructions and tells us to start. I get up to grab the stuff and ask if Cedric can help me and he nods, we get all the supplies and bring them back to the table.

"Hey Diggory, can you help me with this please" i say, "of course" and he helps me stir the potion. Mattheo is just sitting there glaring at me i don't know what his problem is, if he's still mad about the fight we had yesterday he needs to get over it.

Mattheo's pov:

Y/n asks Cedric to help her get the supplies for the potion, i don't know why she would ask him or need his help, she did fine on her own yesterday. She also asks him for help stirring the potion, is it really that hard to stir a potion. Did i mention i don't like him, he's just so annoying!

As y/n and Cedric are making the potion they're laughing and talking, what could possibly be so funny. I want to ask if i can help but that would make me seem jealous or something, which i'm not, but i'm not helpful so it wouldn't makes sense.

Y/n's pov:

"Professor Snape, we're finished" i say once Cedric and i are done, he walks over and approves us to leave. We get out of the class, "bye Cedric, thanks for the help today" i smile and he does too then walks away.

Mattheo rolls his eyes and walks away, "hey where you going?" i ask and he ignores me, "Mattheo" i say again and he mumbles, "what" "what's wrong with you today?" i say as he stops walking, "so now you want to talk to me?" he says, "well i-" he cuts me off, "i tried talking to you this morning but you just blew me off, in class you were just talking to Cedric, y/n you could've asked me for help" he says. I just stand there.

"And you're still silent, what's so special about Cedric?" he says, "Cedric? why is this about him?" i reply, "it's not, forget it. I'll see you at our next class" and he walks away. I'm so confused, why is he so mad that i was talking to Cedric? He's acting really weird.

I go to the rest of my classes and Mattheo doesn't say a word to me for the rest of the day, after class we walk to the common room and meet up with Pansy, Draco and Blaise. "Hey guys" Blaise says as we sit down with them, "hi Blaise" "so are you guys coming to the party on Friday?" he says grinning, "i didn't know there was one" i say confused, "well now that you do, you're coming" "alright then" i say and he begins giving us all the details for the party.

"Sounds good! I'll definitely be there! Mattheo are you going to go?" i ask and they all look at him, "i might" he replies and we all continue talking about whatever, but Mattheo still remains quiet.

After a while i get up, "i'm going to bed, i'm really tired. Goodnight everyone" and i go upstairs and get ready for bed, i'm excited to go to a party here, i've never exactly been to one so i think it'll be fun. I hope Mattheo decides to go and maybe actually enjoy himself for once.

This chapter was shorter lol the next on will be longer

Can't Let Go: Reader x Mattheo Riddle Where stories live. Discover now