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Third person pov:

For the rest of the week they just went on normally, Mattheo didn't talk at all but he was always around. Finally it was Friday, y/n's been pretty excited about the party this week. This was her first party at Hogwarts and there are some very attractive people that will be there.

Y/n's pov:

I woke up at the normal time, yay it's finally Friday! I don't know why this is such a big deal to me, sometimes i just get really excited over little things. I get up, shower and get ready for classes today, then i walk down stairs to the hall to meet up with my

"Hey y/n you excited for tonight?" Blaise asks, "yea i guess so" i smile, "so i invited Cedric Diggory, do you know him?" Blaise asks "uh yea he's in my potions class" i reply. "Do you like him?" Pansy asks, "yea he's ok, i can tell why he was held back in potions" we all laugh, "hey where Mattheo?" i ask and they shrug.

"Alright i'm going to class, see you guys later" i get up and walk to class, i sit down in class and Mattheo isn't there it's just Cedric "have you seen Mattheo?" he shakes his head "no i haven't" that's weird where is he.

Mattheo isn't in any of our classes all day, i don't know where he is. I wonder if he's going to be at the party tonight. After class i go to my room, the party doesn't start until 11:00pm so i decide to take a nap until around 10:30pm.

I wake up and it's 10:30pm so it's now time for me to get ready, so i get out of bed and wash my face. I curl/ straighten (wtv you want) my hair, put on some light makeup and get dressed. (If you don't like the outfit chose something else)

It's now 11:20pm, i didn't want to be the first one there so i waited for a bit before i went down

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It's now 11:20pm, i didn't want to be the first one there so i waited for a bit before i went down. I walked down the stairs to the party and looked around, Mattheo wasn't there, i hope he's ok. He's probably fine, i walk over to the drink table and pour myself a cup of whatever and take a big sip, i see Draco sitting on the couch smoking a joint so i go sit next to him.

"Hey Draco" i say sitting down, "well don't you look nice" he says then continues smoking, "who are all of these people?" i ask, "people from the other houses, Blaise will invite anyone" he says disgusted. "Oh ok, um have you seen Mattheo?" i ask, why do i keep asking people about him, i don't care if he's here or not, "no i haven't, sorry love" he says a little bit concerned, "that's alright, i'll see you later" i get up and go get another drink.

As i'm pouring myself another cup i see Cedric walk in and i smile at him, he walks over to me. "Hello, you look nice" he says, "yea i've heard that" we both laugh, "do you want a drink" i ask and nods. Cedric and i then  continue talking for a while, i like talking to him.

Mattheo's pov:

I decide to go to the party, i have no idea why, i don't even want to go. But i go anyways, i don't make a big entrance because i don't want people talking to me except for my friends so i sneak in and go sit with them.

"Oh look who showed up, haven't seen you all day mate where've you been?" Blaise says to me, he's definitely high, "i've been busy man, what did i miss" "not much, oh y/n was asking where you were, i don't know where she went though. Oh there she is, with Cedric" Draco points to her and she's talking to him and laughing, wow he must be a funny guy lately.

I get up and walk over to the drink table where y/n's talking to Cedric, she turns to me "omg Mattheo where've you been?" she puts her arm around me, "i'll talk to you later Ced" she turns her head around to him and then we walk away. "So where we're you today?" she says, "i had to do some things" "oh ok, you didn't miss much. Classes were boring today" she says.

"You know Riddle i actually missed you in class today" she smiles, "did you really?" i say confused, she missed me, i missed her today i'm normally with her all the time and not seeing her kinda sucked. "Well not anymore since you asked weirdo" she says and i laugh, "what's so funny?" she says "nothing" i shrug, "yea it better be nothing" she says giving me a taunting look.

We talk for a bit and then she asks me to dance, of course i say yes. It took a few stumbles to finally get to the dance floor since we've both had a few drinks, we get to a space where we can dance and both start dancing. She looks really pretty in her outfit and she's actually a good dancer.

"You're not very good at this" she says to me laughing a bit, "here i'll help you" she puts my hands on her waist and her hands around my neck moving her body to the music. As we're dancing i can't stop staring at her, she looks so beautiful and she's so close to me, i don't know what came over me but i leaned down and kissed her.

Y/n's pov:

We're dancing very close together and he smells so good, he seems like he's actually having fun. We make eye contact as we're dancing and he slowly leans down and kisses me, i didn't know what to do so i kissed back. I didn't want it to stop but he pulled away, "sorry, i don't know why-" i cut him off by pulling him back down to kiss me again.

He pulls my body closer to his, i open my mouth allowing him to slid his tongue inside. He's such a good kisser, wait why am i kissing Mattheo, i don't even like him that way but i still don't want it to stop. I put one of my hands in his hair as the kiss deepens, i never expected my first kiss to be with a Riddle but here we are.

I slowly pull away from the kiss to catch my breath and he does the same, i'm looking up at him and he's staring at me with his eyes sparkling in the light. "And i didn't think you would be the person i kissed tonight" i say and he looks away jealous, i put my hand on his face and he looks back at me, "i'm joking" i say then i go on my tiptoes, "we should do this again sometime" i whisper in his ear and i walk up the stairs to the dorms.

Mattheo's pov:

She whispers in my ear, god it made me melt, i don't know why she makes me feel this way. She's walks away, i can't help but stare at her, she's perfect. I want her and only her, after tonight no one else can have her. Now that she isn't at the party anymore i don't really want to be here so i go upstairs and fall asleep.

Y/n's pov:

Once i get to my room i'm still thinking about Mattheo, i wasn't expecting to kiss him tonight but i'm glad i did. I was feeling bold bold tonight apparently. He is hot and i am too so us together just makes sense you know, i don't know if we'll date but i'll definitely keep him around. I really need to get some sleep, i'm tired and a bit tipsy. I get ready for bed and i fall asleep.

Can't Let Go: Reader x Mattheo Riddle Where stories live. Discover now