Ch. 7

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Y/n's pov:

The rest of the week went on like normal, i went to class and hung out with my friends. And now it's finally the weekend, this week seemed to go by very slowly. Mattheo's been very touchy this week, especially in potions like he keeps holding onto my leg and moving my chair closer to his. Also if any guy looked at me for longer than 5 seconds he would pull me away and the guy would somehow end up in the hospital wing severely beat up hours later.

"What do you want to do this weekend?" he asks as we're walking back from our last class this week, "can we go to Hogsmeade?" i ask, "sure, tomorrow?" he asks, "yea!" "but only the two of us" he says sharply, "ok? sure" what is with him i don't like the way he's acting, it's not even like we're dating.

We enter the common room and see our friends, they seem to be talking about something suspicious. "Hey guys, what's up?" they all jump hearing my voice, "oh uh nothing" they look down and don't say anything, "ok?" "y/n could i actually talk to you for a minute" Draco says, "sure!" we walk out into the hall.

"What's up?" i ask, "Mattheo's been acting weird right?" he asks, "yea i guess, why?" "cause we've noticed he has been, when he gets weird like this something bad happens" he says, "what do you mean?" "last time he got all weird like this, something was happening with his father and i just want to make sure you're safe" "oh, i'll talk to him, find out what's going on. Thanks Draco" i say, "of course" we walk back into the common room.

"Took you long enough" Mattheo glares, "calm down" i shove him to turn around and walk away with me, "what did he want to talk to you about?" he asks, "uh he just wanted to ask me about something" "like what?" "nothing, it's not a big deal" he glares at me and we walk upstairs, we go into my room and he flops on my bed.

"You ok?" i ask, "yes, i'm fine" "okay" i reply, "why'd you say it like that?" he asks sitting up, "i don't know it's just, i don't believe you" i say, "and why is that?" "cause you've been acting like a douche" he stands up, "no i have not" he snaps, "alright then, forget it"

I move to go into the bathroom, "don't walk away from me" he shouts and pushes me against the wall, "that hurt asshole" "good, now, what's wrong with the way i'm acting? I'm actually the same as usual" he says, "are you kidding, you keep beating people up Mattheo" i raise my voice, "don't raise your voice at me" he shouts, "you're literally yelling at me right now"

"Because you're accusing me of things" he says, "yea things that you did" i reply, "look it doesn't matter why i did what i did, ok? I'm fine so you need to let it go" "no i will not let it go, you're a horrible person Mattheo and i don't even want to be around you right now" i spit, "fine then don't be, i don't need someone always telling me what to do" he moves back away from the wall and goes to walk out.

"Oh right, that your fathers job, sorry i forgot" i say, "what?" he looks back at me, "you don't need me telling you what to do, daddy's already got that handled, right?" "watch what you say y/n" he spits, "why? Is he going to try and kill me like he did to my parents? Last time he tried that it didn't work out very well for him" i reply, "he could kill you if he wanted to"

"Oh really? Than why am i here with you right now?" "fuck you y/n" he walks away, "good one" i yell as he walks out of my room and slams the door. "Holy fuck" i whisper to myself and flop onto my bed, yea i might've gone a bit too far, but i don't really care at this point.

I'm guessing we're not going to Hogsmeade tomorrow now, i guess i can ask Pansy to do something. It's too early to go to bed and i want to do something, but i want to do something by myself. I think i'm going to go to the astronomy tower, there probably won't be anyone there right now.

I walk out of my room and go to the tower, i hear people talking, i wonder who it is. I peek my head around the corner to see Draco, he's talking to someone i just can't see who "if anyone finds out about this-" Draco gets cut off, "no one will find out" i hear a familiar voice say.

"I better get going" says the familiar sounding boy, oh my god, they share a short kiss and the boy walks away. I know who that is, that voice is a little too familiar. It's Harry, like my brother Harry, is he? Are they? What is going on?

I walk out from behind the corner to see Draco standing by the opening looking out the tower, he hears me and snaps his head around to see me. "Y/n, hi, how long have you been here?" he says shakily, "not very long" i say, "did you... uh..?" "yea..." i reply, "y/n please don't tell anyone, please" he sighs, "i won't, don't worry"

He sighs, "thank you" i step closer to him and pull him into a hug, he begins to cry as i'm hugging him, "it's ok, everything will be ok." After a few minutes he pulls away from the hug, "I should go find Blaise, goodbye y/n" "goodbye Draco" i smile and he walks away.

I walk over to the opening of the tower and i sit on the ledge with my feet hanging over, i take a deep breath and close my eyes for a minute. It's cold outside, all i can hear is the wind whistling and i feel the cold air on my face. After a while i get off the ledge and slowly walk to my room.

I get into my room and get ready for bed, i can't stop thinking about what happened with Draco tonight. He's definitely not ok and i feel bad for him, i hope that soon he can be ok. Also not surprised it's with Harry, i always knew he was fruity, and in first year it wasn't hard to tell Draco was either. On the train ride to Hogwarts he was so excited to meet Harry and he wanted to be his "friend" so badly.

Alright that's this chapter, sorry it took so long to publish i had to think of things lol

Can't Let Go: Reader x Mattheo Riddle Where stories live. Discover now