Chapter 11

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Y/n's pov: ⚠️sex⚠️

I wake up in the common room, arms wrapped around me, what time is it I wonder. I try to get up but Mattheo's grip tightens, "nooo" he groans, "we gotta get up, I actually have to go to class today" "nooo" he groans again, I roll over so we're face to face and I kiss his forehead, "can we get ready for class now?" I say, "I guess so" he sighs. I sit up and help him up and we walk upstairs to get ready.

After I shower and get ready I walk out of my room and he's waiting for me, "ready to go m'lady" I nod, then he grabs my hand and we walk to class. We get to class, Mattheo and I sit next to each other and Cedric sits across from us, I wonder why the seats moved. Snape explains the lesson and I grab the things for the potion, as I was gone Mattheo moved my chair closer to his.

I get back and lay everything out on the table, I begin organizing everything and making the potion. Mattheo puts his hand on my upper thigh, I look at him confused and he smirks, oh god I know what's happening here. He pulls my legs apart and starts playing with my underwear, "stop it we're in class" I whisper to him, "don't care" he says.

Thank god our tables at the back corner of the class and the table cloth covers to almost the ground, he drops his pen, "oops, I'm just going to grab that" he says, then he gets off his chair and goes under the table. When he gets under the table he pulls off my underwear and my eyes widen, then he comes back up from under the table, "got it" he says showing us both his pen.

He nudges me, making me look at him putting my underpants in his pocket, oh great now I have nothing under my skirt. He puts his hand back on my upper thigh and begins rubbing it, my breathing increases a bit, as he continues working his way up to my clit. He starts rubbing my clit with his middle finger in slow circles, I begin squirming, I slowly start closing my legs and my face turns red.

Mattheo grabs my face and puts my ear up to his lips "Keep moving and I will fuck you right on this table in front of everyone" he whispers aggressively and I take a deep breath and open my legs again. He moves his fingers down to my opening and quickly puts two fingers in, curling them in very quickly, I clear my throat and scratch my nose trying not to make a noise. "You ok?" Cedric asks and Mattheo goes faster, "yep, all good!" I smile.

I try my hardest to finish the potion correctly and I finish it early of course, not as early as normal though, had other things on my mind. "Professor" I call Snape over and push Mattheo's hand away, "we're finished" he examines the potion, "you may leave early, like usual" he says and Mattheo and I walk out of class quickly.

"Bye Cedric" I say as we're leaving, Mattheo puts his hand on the back of my neck and pushes me forward, "you're not going to your next class" he whispers in my ear and I nod. We walk to the common room and upstairs into his room, he opens the door, "get in" he demands and I walk in his room, then he pushes me against the wall.

"I need you to tell me something" he says, "yea anything" I say, "why do you think you can be flirty with other people when you're mine?" he says and I just stare at him, "hello? I asked you a question" he says again, "I uhh, don't know what you mean" I say and he puts his hand on my neck, "don't fucking play dumb" he says "I seriously don't know what you're talking about" I say.

He takes his hand off my throat and punches the wall right next to my head, I inhale sharply, "see now, you put yourself in this position" he says. He puts his mouth up to my ear, "I'm going to fuck the flirty out of you ok?" he pulls away and I nod, "good, get on the bed" he snaps. I quickly get on the bed and he walks over, "take off your clothes" he demands.

I take off all my clothes so I'm completely naked, I toss them to the side, "lay down" he says, I lay down and he examines my body, "god you're so fucking gorgeous" he says. He takes off his shirt, pants and underwear, "spread you legs for me pretty girl" he says, I slowly spread my legs teasing him. He puts his hands on the inside of my legs and pushes them open quicker, "a little impatient are we Mattheo" I say condescendingly.

Can't Let Go: Reader x Mattheo Riddle Where stories live. Discover now