Ch. 8

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Y/n's pov: ⚠️Seggs/smut⚠️

I woke up late, which is weird 'cause i went to bed pretty early, i wonder what i'm going to do today. There's a knock at my door, i get out of bed and answer it, "morning y/n" Mattheo walks in my room, "what are you doing?" i ask, "we're going to Hogsmeade today remember?" he says.

"I didn't think we were still doing that" bipolar ass bitch, "well hurry up and get ready" he says and i walk into the bathroom and turn on the shower. I'm really confused why he wants be around me right now, like mans has issues for real. I finish showering and get ready, shit, i forgot to grab clothes and Mattheo's in my room.

I run out of the bathroom in my towel and over to my dresser, "you should definitely wear that outfit today" he smirks, "i was thinking of wearing whats under it" his eyes widen, "didn't think i would say that did you?" he shakes his head and i laugh, then i grab my clothes and go into the bathroom to change.

I walk out of the bathroom and he sits up from the bed, "ready to go love?" love, omfg less than 24 hours ago he was literally yelling at me, "yes i am baby girl" i say and bite my lip, squint and raise my eyebrows. He looks confused but opens the door for me to walk out, "thank you" i say and we leave my room.

We leave the castle and head to Hogsmeade, once we get there he asks, "where do you want to go first?" "i don't know, any suggestions?" i say, "let's go to Honeydukes" "what's that?" i ask, "it's a candy shop" he says excitedly, "ok sure" we walk to the shop.

Mattheo grabs a bunch of things and pays for them, we walk out of the store and he's very happy about the candy he just got, it's adorable. We continue walking for a little while and i see a store, Gladrags Wizardwear, "can we go in there?" i ask, "sure"

We walk in the store and i look at a few things, there's some really nice things here. "What are you going to get?" "i don't know" i reply, "grab a bunch of things you like and try them on, or i'll chose for you" he says and a grab a few things that i like and walk over to the dressing room.

I tried on a few shirts, hoodies, pants and skirts, i like some of them but others looked better before i looked at them twice. "Ok i think this is all i want" i say carrying the clothes, Mattheo and i walk up to the register.

I go to grab my wallet but he pulls my arm away and pays for my things, why is he being so nice? He finishes paying and we walk out of the store, "thanks" i smile, "no problem" "do you want to head back to school?" i ask, "sure" he says and we leave.

Once we get back to school we stop at my room to drop off my new things and we go to his room so he can put away the rest of his things, "woah, your room is so nice" i say, "thanks" i begin to look around and he sits on his bed.

I walk around his room and look at his things, "woah this is cool" I say picking up a switchblade, "you want it?" he asks, "what?" "keep it" "wait actually!?" i say surprised, "yea, i don't need it" he replies "thanks" I say examining it.

I walk over to his bed and sit down next to him, he stares at me and I look at him, "what's up?" I ask and he doesn't say anything, "Mattheo?" I ask and he takes a breath then grabs my face and kisses me, woah, I kiss him back.

He pulls me onto his lap, my legs straddling him, he has his hands under my thighs. He pulls away, "may I?" he asks gesturing to my shirt, I nod, he takes off my shirt and begins to kiss me again. He then starts unbuttoning his shirt with one hand and the other hand still under my thigh. This escalated quickly.

He takes off his shirt then puts his hand back under my leg, I begin slowly moving my hips forward and back as I feel him getting hard. He lifts me up and lays me on my back, I pull off my shorts and toss them to the side.

Can't Let Go: Reader x Mattheo Riddle Where stories live. Discover now