Ch. 10

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Y/n's pov: ⚠️alcohol and drugs⚠️

I woke up to Pansy poking me, "what?" I groan, slowly opening my eyes, "you gotta get up, we have class today" she says, "what if we skip class today and get drunk?" I say, "are you serious?" she asks, "yea, why not?" "ok sure" she smiles, "wait I have something better than just alcohol" she runs out of the room, a few minutes later she runs back in.

"Here" she puts it down on my table, "woah" she has a huge box full of joints, "nice, todays going to be awesome" I say and I get out of bed. I quickly have a shower and put on a bit of makeup, I get comfortable clothes and get changed into them. I walk out of my room and Pansy did the same thing as me, we walk down stairs and sit on the couch.

"Ok so for drinks we have vodka, fire whiskey and tequila" I say, "ooh, pass me the fire whiskey" she says, I hand her the bottle and she takes a sip then passes it to me and I do the same thing. I grab six shot glasses and put them on the table, I fill each of them up with vodka and we line them up in front of us. "No hands" I say, we pick up the glasses with our mouths and take each of the shots without using our hands.

Once we start to get tipsy Pansy grabs her box of joints and grabs one for both of us, I light both of the joints and we smoke them. "We should go for a walk" Pansy says, "yes we should" I say and we both get up and walk out of the common room each with a bottle of alcohol, "where are we going" I ask, "I have no idea" she replies and we keep walking.

"Wanna go back now, I thought this would be more fun" she says, "yea me too, let's go back" I say and we walk back and flop on the couches. "Hey Pansy" "hey Y/n" she replies, "we need something to do" I say, "yea, what is there to do though?" "wanna make out?" I ask, "why not" she gets off the couch and sits on my lap. "Wait, so you're not straight?" she asks.

"I go both ways" I smirk, "that's good to hear" she says, she straddles my lap and I put my hands on her ass. She licks her lip, then she leans down and kisses me, she puts her hands on my face. She opens her mouth and I slid my tongue in her mouth, she gasps and I smile against her lips. I flip us over so she's laying on her back and I'm on top of her.

"This was a really good idea Y/n" she says, "I know I'm brilliant" I say, she takes off my hoodie, then I take off her shirt and we go back to kissing. We're now just in our bras and pants, I slid my hand down her body to the waistband on her pants and play with it. I slid my hand into her pants and the common room door opens, Pansy and I sit up and look at the people that just walked in, thank god its just Draco, Blaise and Mattheo.

"Holy shit" Draco says, "that's hot" Blaise says and Mattheo stands there shocked. Pansy puts her mouth up to my ear, "wanna go upstairs and pretend we're doing it to mess with them?" she asks and I smile at her, "alright boys, this has been fun" I say as Pansy and I grab our clothes and get off the couch. "Where are you going?" Draco asks, "we're just uh... see you later" Pansy says and we quickly walk upstairs.

Once we get half way up the stairs "oh shit, gimme sec" I say and run back downstairs, I jog over to the couch where the boys are now sitting and grab our bottle of tequila, then I run back upstairs.

Mattheo's pov:

"What the hell just happened?" Draco says, "I don't know but I liked it" Blaise replies, "are they lesbos?" Blaise asks, "no! Well Y/n's not, obviously" I say, "dude she moved on, get over it" Draco says, "yea with a chick" Blaise says, "shut up" I say. "What do you think they're going up there?" "they've gotta be fucking" Blaise replies.

"We should listen to see what they're doing" Blaise says, "ok" Draco replies, "guys that's so stupid" I say. They look at me then each other and they jump off the couch and run upstairs, I walk behind them. We all get to the door and put our ears against it, listening to what's happening inside Y/n's room.

Y/n's pov:

Once we get into my room Pansy sits on the bed, I lock the door then join her, "how long do you think I'll take them to get up here?" I ask, "can't be long now" she replies. We're sitting there and we hear footsteps, I walk over to the door and look out the peephole. I quietly run back over to the bed.

"They all have their ears against the door, listening" I laugh, "what should we do?" she asks, "moan, really loud" we both giggle quietly and she nods. Pansy then starts moaning loudly, "oh yes" "fuck Y/n" "oh my god" I'm covering my mouth trying not to laugh, "yes, right there" "just like that" she continues also trying not to laugh.

"Give it a minute then it's your turn" she whispers and we both stay silent for a couple minutes, "ok now" she says, I breathe heavily, gasp and whimper to start off. Then I begin moaning, holding in my laughter "Pansy" "harder" "fuck yes" I moan and she almost laughs but I cover her mouth, "oh god" "mhm" we both silently laugh and I fall off the bed which makes us laugh more.

Mattheo's pov:

We hear moans inside of the bedroom, "which ones that" Draco asks, "definitely not Y/n" I say and they slowly turn and look at me. We put our ears back on the door, "guys this is really stupid" I say, "shhh" "be quiet" they both reply. It goes silent in the room for a minute and then we hear more moaning, "that's Y/n" I say and they look at me again, "what?" I say and they both turn around.

The noises stop and it goes silent, shit, there's footsteps coming towards the door. The door opens and we all fall in the room, "hey we were just wondering if you had any toothpaste?" Blaise asks, " know what, we'll come back later" he says and we all get up quickly, "wait... did you want to watch?" Y/n asks, what the hell.

"Sure" Blaise says but Draco grabs his arm, "no we're good, have a good time" Draco says and he pushes Blaise out of the room. Y/n closes the door after we all leave, "dude what the hell, she just offered to let us watch, her and Pansy" Blaise says, "dude that's ducking creepy if we watch" Draco replies, "hey idiots, let's go" I say and we walk downstairs.

Y/n's pov:

I shut the door and Pansy and I burst our laughing, "I got nervous that they'd stay" she says, "me too, thank god they didn't" I say, "anyways thanks for the fun day Y/n, I'm going to my room" "alright, see you tomorrow" I say and she leaves my room, today was quite fun, but the boys were really funny. I grab my clothes and get ready for bed.

I can't fall asleep right now, I'm not sure why, oh god I'm going to be hungover tomorrow. I get out of bed and walk down stairs, no ones going to be out of their room because it's 1:00 in the morning. I get downstairs and someone's sitting on the couch, of course it's Mattheo, I'm not really that mad at him anymore... maybe a little but I've mostly gotten over it.

"Hey" I say and he quickly turns around, "hi" he replies, "can I sit?" I ask, "yea of course" "thanks" I say sitting down on the end of the couch. "Why are you awake?" he asks, "can't fall asleep, you?" "same here" he replies, "hey did you and Pansy really... you know?" he asks, "no, we heard you guys outside and thought we'd have some fun" I reply, "oh thank god" "what do you mean by that?" I ask.

"Just the thought of you being with someone else made me mad" he says, "oh" "yea sorry" he says, "don't be sorry, but I have a question, why did you kick me out after we...?" I ask, "I honestly have no idea, I was just worried that you would get attached to me... but then I became attached to you" he replies, "so you don't hate me?" "no, I actually really like you, I'm just not good at expressing my feelings" "you're doing a good job right now" I say.

I get up and move closer to him, he puts his arm around me and pulls me toward him "I like you too." "You know this means you're mine right" he says, "I figured" I reply leaning my head on his chest, he kisses the top of my head. We stay like that for a while and then I get up, lay on my back and put my head on a pillow, "what are you doing" he says, "come here" I say and lays with his head on my chest.

He wraps his arms around me and I play with his hair until he fall's asleep on top of me. I guess we're good now, I definitely did not expect him to share his feelings about me tonight. I didn't even know he had feelings, but it was very sweet, I like him. I'm still not quite over what he did, but I guess he's just not used to feelings being allowed.

Can't Let Go: Reader x Mattheo Riddle Where stories live. Discover now