Chapter 14

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Y/n's pov: ⚠️Sex, drugs, alcohol⚠️

I woke up in Mattheo's room, we haven't fought since maybe Tuesday, I can't really remember. The past two nights Ive stayed in his room, we haven't been fighting or anything. We're going to the party tonight, Blaise said there's going to be a lot of people, I'm excited Mattheo and I are like a couple I think and now everyone will see that.

I get up out of bed and slowly walk to the bathroom, I turn on the shower and I stand under the warm water. It feels nice, as I'm washing my hair I hear him get up, I'm almost done in the shower and he comes in with me, "Hello gorgeous" he says leaning down and kissing me, "Morning" I say. "Y/n I kind of have a problem" he whines, "Oh yea? Why's that?" I ask, "I don't know I just want you like really bad" he whines again, "Oh, but we have class" I say, "Yea, but that's not for a while" he says.

"Well I guess if we have a little bit of time-" I say and he cuts me off by kissing me, he pushes me into the shower wall hand slides his hand down to my opening. He quickly puts two fingers inside of me and I exhale, he begins curling them inside of me quickly, I can't kiss him anymore as I try to catch my breath. He kisses my cheek and neck, "Oh god" I say as he removes his fingers and picks me up. He lifts me up with his hands under my thighs, he lowers me a bit onto his dick, giving me no time to adjust.

He lifts me up and down on his dick quickly, I rest my head on his shoulder moaning in his ear. He moves me up and down quicker, my nails are digging into his back, "fuck" I moan loudly and he laughs. "I'm going to come" I say, "Alright, go for it" he says, I come on his dick, he pulls out and comes as well. I rinse my self off quickly in the shower, then I get ready. He finishes getting ready before me so he sits on his bed and waits, I walk out of the bathroom, "Shit, we gotta go" I say and he slowly gets up.

We don't have time to go to the Great Hall so we just go straight to class, we walk in a bit late, "Oh well, thank you two for joining us" Snape says, "Sorry professor" I say as we walk in and take our seats, once he finishes explaining the lesson we grab the things we need for the potion. "Hey Y/n, are you going to the party tonight?" Cedric asks, "Yea" I reply, "Cool, see you there" Cedric says and Mattheo clenches his fist, I put my hand on his and he relaxes.

Class is finally over and we leave, "He likes you" Mattheo says, "No he doesn't relax, and even if he does I like you" I reassure him, "Yea and my dick is definitely way bigger than his" he says, "Your dick is bigger than most peoples" I say and he nods proudly, "See you after class" I say and we go to our other classes.

Once I'm done class for the day I meet Mattheo outside of his class, he walks out of the class with a girl, she's laughing but he doesn't look impressed. "Hey" I walk up to them eyeing down the girl, "Hi I'm Astoria" the girl says, putting her hand out for me to shake it. I look at her hand, "I'm Y/n" I say, she puts her hand down. I grab Mattheo's hand, "We're going to go, bye Astoria" I fake smile and Mattheo and I walk away.

"And you said I'm jealous" he laughs, "Shut the fuck up" I roll my eyes and we continue walking to my room, "We have time before the party, what do you want to do?" I ask, "You know what I want to do" he says, "Again? There's only so much I can take" I whine, "Yea I guess you're right, but later" he says, "Wanna take a nap?" I ask, "Sure" he says and we both take off our robes and climb into bed. We both fall asleep for a few hours.

We both wake up an hour before the party, I get out of bed and go into the bathroom, I have a quick body shower and then I get ready. I get dressed, do my hair and makeup then I walk out of the bathroom. Mattheo's sitting there dressed and ready, "Ready to go love?" he asks holding out his hand, I nod then grab his hand. We walk downstairs and there's already a lot of people there, "Never seen this many people in our common room" I say.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2021 ⏰

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