Ch. 6

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Y/n's pov:

I woke up in my bed, i was alone, where did he go? I started to get worried and i felt sad, he just left. Then i heard the bathroom door open, oh good he's still here "morning darling" he says in a deep sleepy voice and climbs back into bed, "good morning handsome" i reply as he pulls me closer to him.

"How did you sleep?" i ask, "i slept great, your bed is way more comfortable than mine" he replied, "you can stay in it anytime" i say, "oh really?" "definitely" i smirk.

"Thanks for letting me stay over and i'm really sorry about yesterday" he says, "forget about it, it wasn't a big deal" i reply. "We have to get ready for class soon" i say trying to get up but he's holding onto me tight, "how about we skip class today" he says, "what, skip class, you? that's not like you at all Mr. Riddle" i say sarcastically and he rolls his eyes.

"Y/n you're very beautiful" he says playing with my hair, "ew, don't ruin it" he lets out a quiet laugh and shakes his head. I get out of bed, "i'm gonna shower" "alright i'll be here, waiting for you to be done" he pouts.

I walk into the bathroom, have a shower, brush my teeth and do everything i need to get ready, i put on comfortable clothes since i'm not going to class today and i walk out of the bathroom and lay down again with Mattheo.

"Took you long enough" he says, "aw did you miss me?" i stick out my bottom lip tauntingly, "shut up" "what are we going to do today?" i ask, "i don't know, we can go into the forest" he suggests, "what? the forbidden forest, i knew you were a bad boy but not that bad" i say sarcastically, "y/n" i laugh "sorry bro" and i give him a fist bump, he fist bumps me back confused then shakes his head again.

"So are we going to go?" he asks, "sure, why not" we walk out of my room and head towards the forest, i start skipping my way there and he just watches me confused. "Skip with me" i say turning around and skipping around him in circles, "no, i'm not doing that" he says disgusted, "yes you are" i say, "no, i'm not" "fine, i'm not moving then" i say stopping.

"Ok, stay here then" he walks into the forest and i'm still standing there, a minute or so later he walks back out and grabs my hand. "Let's go" he sighs and we both skip into the forest, hah i got him to skip with me, he's not very good at it though.

We skip into the forest until we get to a little lake, we both sit on the ground leaning against the trees looking at the small pond. I grab a rock and throw it into the water, "this place is nice, do you come here often?" i ask, "yea, normally i don't bring anyone with me though" he replies, "i feel so special" i put my hand over my heart and smile.

We then sit there in silence for a while, but it was a nice kind of silence not the awkward kind. I grab a flat rock and stand up, i try to skip it on the water but it's just sinks and Mattheo laughs at me, "you do it then" i say turning around to face him, he gets up and grabs a rock and it skips on the water, "show off" i roll my eyes.

"Here, you gotta flick your wrist" he demonstrates and i try again, i skip the rock on the water, "i did it" i smile, "good job!" he smiles back and stares at me. I begin to take off my shirt and pants and run into the water, "y/n what are you doing?" he asks, "come on" i say and he looks hesitant but starts taking off his clothes, holy shit.

He walks into the water with me, i hold my breath and go underwater. I come up out of the water and rub my eyes, i look at Mattheo who's watching me, "your turn" i say and he goes under the water. He then comes up out of the water, he's hot when he's in water.

"Together now" he says, we both go under the water and come back up at the same time. He looks so good right now and i'm having fun with him, for once he seems genuinely happy. "Y/n" "yes" i say looking up at him, "i think you look very pretty" he smiles, "thank you" i reply, oh no, i think i might like him, no that's silly i just met him.

Can't Let Go: Reader x Mattheo Riddle Where stories live. Discover now