Ch. 5

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Y/n's pov:

I woke up and it was almost noon so i felt like i had to get up, so i got up, showered and got ready for the day. Then i went down stairs to the common room where my friends were sitting, "morning sunshine" Blaise says to me, "good morning" i smile looking really tired.

"Have fun last night y/n?" Draco asks raising his eyebrows, "yes i did" i say sitting down with them, everyone's staring at me, "it looked like it" "what?" i say confused, "you and Cedric seemed to be having a good time!" i look over at Mattheo he becomes tense, "yea right, 'cause out of all the boys at Hogwarts i'd settle for Cedric, that's hilarious." Mattheo relaxes a bit, but still seems on edge.

He gets up and walks away, he seems upset and angry, i wonder why. I continue to talk to my friends about what they did at the party and how their nights were, it's seems like we all had a good time, however when Draco is talking about his night there's parts of it that are being left out. Like he goes to say something about it, then stops and makes something up, i wonder what he could've done.

i get up from my seat, "where you going?" Pansy asks, "i'll be right back" i walk out of the common room to look for Mattheo, as i'm walking down the hall i see a group of people crowding around something, i push my way through the crowd to see Mattheo on top of someone basically pounding their head in.

Draco and Blaise soon showed up and pushed through the group and pulled Mattheo off the other boy, it was Cedric, why did he do that to him. He was bleeding badly and his face was bruised, i felt bad but we had to get Mattheo out of there. "Come-on, we gotta get out of here" i say to the boys who are holding Mattheo back and they pull him away, we're walking down the hall and we soon get to the common room.

We get inside and Mattheo sits on the couch, "thanks guys" i say and the two boys walk away not leaving the room but watching the door, "why did you do that? what were you thinking?" i ask angrily and he just rolls his eyes and looks away.

"Hey i asked you a question Mattheo, why did you do that? What possessed you to do something that stupid?" he stands up and looks down on me not saying anything, "if you're trying to intimidate me it won't work, so tell why the fuck you just did that or sit down" i spit and he's still glaring at me.

"It's none of your business" he states, "it's my business now cause i saw what you did" i reply, "no it's not your business, not everything is about you" he spits, "i never said it was about me, i'm just wondering why you would do that" "y/n it doesn't matter, you need to learn to stay out of things that don't concern you. I did that because i had my reasons and that's all you need to know" he snaps.

"You obviously don't get it. It does matter, why can't you just tell me why you did that? I can't think of any logical reason why you can't tell me!" i shout, "oh my fuck- just leave it alone, i don't have to tell you shit. You're a pathetic little bitch that can't mind her business, now get that through your head and fuck off" he says then pushes me out of his way and walks upstairs.

I just stand there silently, trying to comprehend what just happened, but if he wants to act like a baby that's fine with me. I sit down on the couch, i was in a good mood but now i'm kinda pissed off and annoyed. But i won't let him ruin my day so i go look for Pansy, she's in the hall outside of the common room.

"Hey Pans" i say and she looks at me, "hey, are you ok? I heard you guys yelling in there" she asks concerned, "yea i'm fine, wanna go see what happened with Cedric?" i ask and she nods. We walk down the hallway to where Mattheo just beat up Cedric and there's blood all over the ground, "holy shit, Mattheo did that" "yep, it could've been worse if the boys didn't pull him away"

We walk to the hospital wing to see Cedric lying in a bed unconscious, "is he alive?" Pansy asks Madam Pomfrey, "yes, do you girls know what happened by any chance?" she asks, i can't tell her that Mattheo did it. "No sorry, i just heard some kids talking about it and he's one of my good friends so i had to see if he was ok" i say and she nods, "thank you for visiting him, but for right now i think it's best if he is left alone until he recovers" she says and we agree and walk out.

"He looks horrible, it'll take him a while to recover" Pansy says, "yea, i still want to know what Mattheo did it, he wouldn't tell me" i say, "i know i heard the argument from outside" she says, "it's just annoying" i say and we continue walking back to find the boys.

They see us and walk over to us, "y/n are you ok?" Draco asks, "yea i'm fine" i sigh and lean against the wall, "why was he so mad at Cedric?" Blaise asks, "i don't know, we're all in potions together and Mattheo's told me a few times that he didn't like him" i reply.

"Y/n, did you and Cedric do something?" Draco asks, "like what?" i respond, "i don't know something that would make him jealous if he.. maybe liked you?" i laugh, "he doesn't like me, Mattheo and i did kiss but we were both drunk so it meant nothing" i say confused, "YOU KISSED HIM!?" Pansy asked shocked and the boys are also shocked, "yea but it wasn't a big deal"

"At the party i was just talking to Cedric and Mattheo walked over, then we talked for a bit, danced and then kissed" i say, "so you were talking to Cedric and he pulled you away and kissed you?" "yea..." i reply, "y/n"
Draco says, "ohhh, yea now it makes sense" i say and Draco puts his hand on his forehead.

"Alright, so now we know why he did it" Blaise says, "we don't know for sure, this is just what we think" i say because i don't know if i want it to be true, i don't know how i feel about him yet we only met a week ago, "y/n don't be dumb we know for sure" "alright" i say and we continue talking for a while, Pansy and i tell them about us visiting Cedric and how badly he was hurt.

"I'm going to go to my room, i'll try talking to him tomorrow maybe, not sure yet. Bye guys" i say and i walk up to my room, when i get there Mattheo is sitting on the ground infront of my door. "Hi.." i say and he gets up quickly, "hey y/n" his eyes are puffy, "i'm really sorry about earlier, i didn't mean-" i pull him in for a hug, it looks like he needs it right now.

I put my arms over his shoulders and he wraps his arms around my waist, and he holds onto me for a while. After a few minutes we pull away from the hug, "wanna come in" i ask gesturing him to come in my room and he nods.

We get in my room and he flops down onto my bed dramatically and i let out a quiet laugh, he lifts his head up "is something funny Potter?" he asks in a joking tone, "nope" i'm hiding my grin and he smiles.

"Could i maybe stay here tonight?" he asks sitting on the edge of my bed looking up at me, "sure, that's fine" i say. It's getting late and i'm tired so i grab clothes from my drawer and go to the bathroom to get ready for bed.

I walk out of the bathroom ready for bed and Mattheo is already asleep in my bed, i quietly turn off the light and get into bed with him. He turns over and pulls me closer to him, he puts his head on my chest and wraps his arms around me taking a deep breath, relaxing in my arms.

I then close my eyes and fall asleep.

Things are going slow 'cause they only met a week ago, so more interesting things will happen soon.

Can't Let Go: Reader x Mattheo Riddle Where stories live. Discover now