We Could Have It Going On

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Pairing: Rachel/Quinn

Summary: Quinn decides to take a very drunk Rachel home from one of Noah's parties.

A/N: This is pretty much just Faberry fluff with like, the barest hint of plot.


The only thing more entertaining than a speechless Rachel Berry, was a drunk Rachel Berry.

Quinn watched with an amused smile as Rachel literally pranced around the room, dancing and singing to whoever would listen.

Rachel Barbra Berry was absolutely shit-faced.

Quinn had thought that, after the whole Alcohol Awareness Week incident, Rachel would've drank a little less at her second party. But she was proven wrong as the little brunette hopped around and joined in taking shots with whoever poured them for her.

Puckerman parties were always the best parties, and everybody had been surprised when he invited Rachel for once.

"Jew babe gets fun when she's drunk, she's an animal." Was his nonchalant explanation when Santana had asked.

Everybody seemed to be enjoying her presence though. And Quinn was so thankful that Rachel decided to forego the nightgown, and instead dressed like a normal human being. She wore a black, high-waisted skirt that went to her mid-thigh, and a orangy-pink blouse that was buttoned up to show just enough cleavage. Her bangs were pinned up in a bump and she had straightened her hair.

She looked simply sexy, Quinn thought, eyes widening and the unexpected thought.

Suddenly, 3 jocks were sitting next to Quinn, holding a tray of shots, and Rachel came bouncing over to them.

"Shots, shots, sh-sh-shots, shots! Everybo-day!" Rachel cheered, her shirt had mysteriously unbuttoned two more, showing even more cleavage than intended. The three jocks laughed and cheered, Quinn watched and smiled when Rachel hiccuped.

When the three guys left, Rachel lingered, and she suddenly plopped down in Quinn's lap. The blonde's eyes went wide as she wrapped her arms around Rachel's waist instinctively, preventing the giggling girl from falling backwards.

Rachel's arms wrapped around Quinn's neck. "Me and you, we could totally have it going on, right? We would be totally great together, right? I'm not just imagining it?" She shouted over the music. Quinn was completely sober, choosing to drink water instead of alcohol, knowing she'd need a way home. Her eyes went even more wide and Rachel's questions, and they closed when she realized that, if she had been drunk, she probably would have agreed.

"Rachel, we're both straight." Quinn pointed out.

"Maybe we're not. We'd totally be a great couple. Don't deny it, Q." Rachel slurred. The nickname came unexpectedly. Quinn had never heard Rachel call her that before, but she hoped it happened more often.

"Do you have a ride home?" Quinn asked.

"I think Mercedes left already." Rachel said absently. Quinn growled and shook her head.

"Okay, Rach. We need to get you home." It was already 3am, so she wasn't feeling guilty about ending Rachel's fun.

"Okay." The small brunette nodded.

As they walked through the house, Rachel kept stumbling and giggling, leaning most of her weight on Quinn. Quinn was lucky Rachel weighed about as much as a child.

They got to the blonde's car and Quinn made sure Rachel was buckled in safely before hopping in the drivers side.


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