
406 16 9

Pairing: Rachel/Quinn

Freshman year of high school. Rachel Berry was more than a little excited. She was moving from middle school to real high school. That means people wouldn't treat her like a child anymore, mind you her fathers did treat her according to her maturity.

She walked into McKinley high and almost immediately saw her, as if she were drawn to her like some supernatural magnet. In a red and white uniform with WMHS written on the chest.

The memories hit Rachel like a semi-truck. And within minutes, it was like she became a thousand years wiser. The memories were vague, besides the ones of them meeting each other again and again, but the most vivid part was the girls face.

Rachel was slightly skeptical, though, because, while the girl had the same eyes and the same smile, she didn't have glasses. She was also a perfect blonde, and she was skinnier than in Rachel's memories. While the girl from Rachel's thoughts wasn't chubby, she wasn't as fit as this girl, and it kind of threw her off.

But the brunette had a feeling this was the right girl. Even if she remembered her as a brunette with glasses and someone who would never become a cheerleader.

When the blonde turned her head, still laughing from her conversation, Rachel noticed the look of recognition that crossed her face as she became serious. Rachel also saw how clearly the taller girl tried to hide it before she turned back to the one blonde and one brunette cheerleaders in front of her.

Throughout the day, Rachel saw that she had 2 classes with the blonde girl, but she was never able to talk to her because the tall girl seemed to sit as far away as possible. It confused Rachel, because every other time this happened, she practically jumped into her arms.

At lunch, though, the cheerleader was alone at her locker and Rachel saw this as the perfect opportunity. She walked up to the blonde girl and smiled.

"Hi, Lucy." She greeted. She was met with a face of feigned confusion and irritation.

"My name isn't Lucy. It's Quinn." Quinn snapped.

"Yeah, I know. Lucy Quinn. But Quinn's your middle name. That's not supposed to change. I'm not stupid. I've known you for like, ever." Rachel pointed out.

"What are you talking about?" Quinn hissed. Rachel saw the small piece of recognition in her eyes, but it was mostly masked by annoyance.

"Lucy, you remember me. I can tell." The brunette said in a low voice.

"I've never met you before, freak. And I said, my name is Quinn." Quinn seethed before slamming her locker shut and walking away, leaving Rachel completely confused.


It was December 18th, 1956. Rachel's 16th birthday. Her mom and dad were throwing her a party and inviting all of her friends. She said she didn't want an extravagant party, but since her parents insisted.

She was worrying because Lucy still hadn't called her. It wasn't even about saying Happy Birthday at that point, the tall brunette had promised she'd come over before the party, or tell her if she couldn't come. And Lucy always kept her promises.

It hit 7:30 and slowly people began to fill Rachel's house. Lucy still hasn't shown up and at that point, the small girl was terrified. Her parents told her not to worry, that she was probably just running late, before they left for the night. Rachel got irritated at how calm they were and decided she'd grab a drink. She got a friend, James, to make her a drink made of Rum, lime juice and cola. She quickly downed it before rejoining the party.

As the night grew on, and Lucy was still missing from the party, the more Rachel drank. By the time it hit about 11:50, she saw somebody pull up in a red mustang, one she didn't recognize.

She stumbled to the front door and to the driveway where a familiar head of brown hair was emerging from the vehicle. Wearing a yellow dress and a plain white neckerchief, with her long brown hair tied into a side pony tail at the bottom of her head and her plain black thick-rimmed glasses, was Lucy.

"Lucy!" Rachel cheered, it was slightly slurred. "You made it."

"Yeah, Rach." Lucy laughed, pushing her glasses up before walking over to her girlfriend and holding her up. "Sorry I'm late."

Then, Rachel gasped, as if realizing something. "DID YOU STEAL A CAR?!" She shouted. "You can get arrested for that! A-and you're not allowed to be arrested because-"

"No, I didn't steal it. I'm late, because I was picking up your birthday present." Lucy explained.

It took Rachel a second to put two and two together so the taller girl handed the short the keys to her new car.

"Actually," Lucy started, taking the keys back. "Maybe I shouldn't give you these now." She chuckled.

Rachel threw her arms around her girlfriends neck and squeezed. "Thank you!" She shouted.

Lucy pulled back and looked Rachel in the eyes, this seemed to make the smaller girl sober up a bit.

"Happy birthday, Rach. I love you." Lucy said honestly. When their lips touched, both girls gasped as the memories hit them. Their past lives together rushing back to the front of their minds. It was that moment that they realized they found their soulmate... Again.


Rachel wasn't sure why she was crying at the memory. Maybe it was because the two girls snuck up on to the roof of Rachel's house and reminisced about their adventures together in their past lives after they remembered. Maybe because that's what they did after every time they remembered. Maybe because Lucy-er Quinn, should have been laying next to Rachel in her bed, talking about the past 16 years of their lives. Instead, the small brunette was curled in a ball, all alone, crying to herself. She had no clue why Lu- why Quinn refused to acknowledge their past. It was what they were meant to do. Their were soulmates, eternally, reborn with the inevitability of finding each other again.

And Rachel would be damned if she let this time be any different.

A/N: okaay so I posted this here because I'm thinking about making it a full fic and it's been sitting there, completed, for so long. But if not many people are interested in it then I'll leave it. But, for the most part, I hope my ideas were clear and they didn't confuse anyone.

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