Snowed In

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Pairing: Santana/Rachel friendship

"This isn't happening. You're joking. This is a dream-no a nightmare. This is a nightmare." Santana said to herself as she paced in front of the exit to McKinley, which was now stuck shut from all the snow on the other side. "How the fuck did this even happen?" She demanded.

"Santana. Calm down. The snow that was on the roof probably slid off and covered the exits. We'll be fine. I'm sure somebody is coming to help right now." Rachel responded confidently.

"Why did we get sent to do this? Out of all people, why us? We hate each other!" The latina exclaimed. It hurt Rachel a little bit because she didn't necessarily hate Santana.

The glee club was having a little campfire sing along in the forest not too far from McKinley on Christmas Eve just for the hell of it. Mr. Schue forgot the guitars and asked Rachel and Santana, since they were the closest to him at the time, to drive back to school to get them.

He gave them his keys and sent them on their way. While they were getting the guitars, they heard an incredibly loud thump and saw that they were literally snowed in.

"It was all merely chance. Just calm down, Santana. Panicking won't change anything."

Santana exhale deeply and nodded. "Yeah. You're right. Somebody is probably on their way right now. " she shrugged, to which Rachel smiled.

"Exactly. But maybe we should call somebody to let them know where we are." Rachel suggested.

Santana took out her phone and dialled a number. "Hello? Britt? Hey.. Yeah so, me and Rachel are kind of stuck at McKinley.. No. We're fine.. No I didn't kill her.. Just, can you get somebody to come down and help us? All the doors are blocked by snow.. Yeah, snow... Okay. And Quinn too. She's probably stronger than most of the guys.. Kay. Bye." She hung up and turned to Rachel. "Britt said that she'd get Mr. Schue and some of the guys to come."

"That's good then. Now we just have to wait." Rachel said with a nod.

"And that's the hard part." Santana groaned before walking away.

"Wait! Where are you going?" The diva asked.

"I don't know. Away from you?" She said without turning around.

"But what if somebody comes?"

"I have at least half an hour before then and I'd rather not spend it with you." And with that, Santana was gone.

Rachel decided to stay by the door in case someone came and she pulled out her phone and started playing a game.

After about 10 minutes, though, she heard strumming and the distinct voice of Santana coming from the direction of the choir room. Rachel hesitantly stood up and walked towards the sound.

Cause I've been, thinkin' bout you lately
Maybe you could save me from this crazy world we live in
And I know we could happen, cause you know that I've been feelin' you

Rachel walked into the choir room and saw Santana sitting on a stool facing the wall. She played the guitar perfectly. Never placing a wrong finger or missing a beat as she sang.

Storms they will come
But I know,
That the sun will shine again.
He's my friend,
And he says that we belong together.
I'll sing a song,
To break the ice.
Just a smile from you would suffice.
It's not me,
Being nice girl this is real tonight.

The small diva noticed how Santana didn't care to change the lyric to fit to her preference of boys, but didn't see it as important. Rachel walked further in to the room and suddenly the music stopped.

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