Chapter 14

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I'm shaken awake as yelling fills the air. I groan wanting them to go away. My head is killing me. The yelling definitely isn't helping at all.

"North, get the fuck up," Kota commands. My eyes snap open immediately obeying my Beta. I'm on the ground. Why the fuck am I on the ground? The moon is high in the school glancing around I see the others spread around some of them still on the ground. I sat up fast realizing I didn't see Sang.

"Where is she?" I ask heart pounding. "What the fuck happened?" Kota looks at me grimly. His eyes are hard and unforgiving.

"She's gone," he states. "They used tranqs, took all of you down." My ears ringing I stand up fast. I stumble a bit, but I push through it. We need to move now.

"Fuck!" I exclaim. "We have to find her." Kota nods.

"We will."

"Everyone get up and move to the cars," Alpha commands. "We don't know if we are still being watched." Everyone moves together. I seem to be the only one still feeling dazed. Kota notices like always.

"They used two on you," he tells me. "Tell me immediately if you don't feel well." I nod in agreement though it's not entirely honest. I will find my Sang Baby. I don't care if I feel like crap or I pass out again. Nothing is getting in my fucking way.

We make it to the pack house in record time. Kota and Victor immediately head upstairs to run tests on the vials. We need as much information as we can get if we are going to find them. The rest of us gather in the living room. All eyes focus on our Alpha. His irises of molten steel staring us down.

"What do we know?" His words ring through the room.

"They were watching us, waiting to make their move," Luke states. "It's the only thing that makes sense for them to have attacked us then. They couldn't have known we were heading there."

"We can't reach her through the bond," Sean adds looking as distraught as I feel. That means one of two things. She is either dead, or they are using silver to block the connection. I have to believe it is the latter or I would fall apart completely.

"But why only take Peanut?" Nathan asks. No one has an answer for him.

"Who, is the question we should be focusing on," Owen says. "I think I have a pretty good guess."

"The fucking principals?" Gabe asks. Alpha nods.

"We know they are involved with the production and distributions of this drug. Perhaps they realized we were investigating them and took Sang as leverage against us. They've been targeting her for a while. We didn't take their threat seriously enough."

"Where could they be?" Sean asks.

"That's what we need to figure out," Alpha replies.

We pull together satellite images of the area and all of our information on the suspects. We are still trying to come up with possible locations when loud footsteps sound on the stairs. Kota bursts into the room, Victor following closely behind him.

"I know why they took Ten," he announces. "The drug is laced with shifter blood." Everyone gasps except Owen but his eyes widen in shock.

"That's why shifters have been disappearing in the area!" Luke exclaims.

"They've been fucking bleeding them for this fucking drug?" I rage. How horrible can humans get?

"Why didn't they take us all then?" Nathan asks, glancing around at everyone.

"They only knew she was a shifter," Owen realizes, his eyes darting as his mind made connections. "After Friday Fall, when she showed some of her shifter abilities, they began to fixate on her." I hate that is all makes sense. It means they are probably bleeding her dry as we speak.

"We need to fucking find them," I snap unable to sit still. I get up and begin to pace the room.

"We will," Alpha says with so much conviction it helps to calm me down. Not a lot, but it helps. "This is what we are going to do. We know who took her. We know where they usually are. We will split up and go to their usual hangouts. Look for any fresh scents, and follow them. Alert immediately if you find anything."

Soon enough we are all on four paws, utilizing the forest for cover. Silas and I are heading back to the school. I head immediately for the spot she was taken from. Catching Sang's scent I follow it. It disappears by a dirt road a little ways into the forest. Silas follows me. There are faint tire tracks in the dirt, but I couldn't tell if they were very recent or not.

There isn't anything else. The frustration eats at me. Silas nudges me getting me out of my spiral. He walks slowly around the edge of the forest surrounding the road. Suddenly, he freezes barking at me. I head over and immediately catch what got his attention. I will never forget their nasty scent.

One look is all it takes before we are sprinting through the trees. The scent is heavy indicating high emotions or high physical exertion. Carrying an unconscious girl you kidnapped definitely falls into both categories.

Breaking through the tree line, I spot the wooden cabin instantly. The scents lead right to it. Smoke billows out from the chimney and lights shine inside. I immediately alert my pack.

We've found them. 

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