Chapter 15

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Black spots dance in my vision as the room spins. My body feels strange as the blood continues to flow from me to the current bag they are filling. I've lost count of what number it is. I don't think they are going to stop until I'm dead. Hendricks mentioned only a few bags, but clearly McCoy isn't listening.

The silver circling my wrists doesn't burn anymore. I don't know if I should be thankful or panicked because of that. I just feel numb, though. Even the threat of imminent death doesn't faze me.

The door to my cell slams open as McCoy steps in. My head rolls back as I try to look at him. He smirks at me sauntering forward. A weak growl is all I can muster at his proximity.

"You don't look so good, mongrel," he taunts, crouching down in front of me. A single finger touches my forehead before slowly sliding down the side of my face. Disgust tries to break through the numbness with no luck.

He harshly pulls the tube from my arm capping the full bag, as blood trails down dripping from my fingertips. Squeezing painfully, he wraps a dirty bandage around my wound. He sneers at me.

"Wouldn't want you to go too fast," he says. "I have so much planned for you."

I will rage, fear, anything to come, but it won't. I feel like I'm in some sort of limbo. I try to move my fingers, but they don't respond. Is this all just a nightmare? Maybe, I'll wake up back with my pack. Loud noises break through my thoughts. McCoy shoots up and whips around to stare at the door he had come through.

Growls echo through the night. Like a shiver they run up my spine and I feel the numbness containing me start to crack. I know those howls. Those howls are my home.

The crashes and noises get closer. McCoy moves quickly pulling a small blade from his pocket. He moves around behind me placing the knife to my throat just as the first figure appears in the doorway.

Owen looks like an angel of vengeance. His eyes glow with the presence of his wolf as blood drips down his suit. His hand are partially transformed, gruesome claws ready to strike. More figures appear behind him. My pack. Some are partially shifted while others are in their wolf form. The blade presses harder to my throat.

"That would be the last mistake you made," Owen warns him, rage as cold as steel.

"Where's Hendricks? What did you monsters do?" McCoy demands. Owen scoffs.

"He's dead," he tells him plainly. "You call us monsters after what you've done?"

"You are unnatural, demons," McCoy rants. His hysterical words bleeding into his movements. The knife pierces me a bit more making me wince. "All of you should be put down like the animals you are."

"Maybe," Owen relents. A vicious smirk fills his face. "But you won't be there to see it."

In the next moment many things happen at once. The blade is thrown from my neck. Blood splatters all around me. Gurgling noises fill the room as I feel McCoy fall to the ground. Once they stop silence descends upon the room. And then my pack is there.

Sean and Silas work together to undo the silver shackles around my wrists. Sean tends to my wounds as I survey the rest of the room. Gabe sits down in front of me mumbling curses under his breath as he helps wipe the blood off my face. North, Nathan, and Owen surround McCoy's body. Blood drips from North's mouth and hands. I caught his eye and sent him a small smile knowing what he had done for me.

Kota dips down and wraps a warm blanket around my shoulders. Victor sits beside me pulling me close, humming a tune that instantly relaxes me. I lean into him, relaxing finally knowing that they will take care of me. Darkness takes me as the scents of my pack surround me like a warm cocoon.


Bright lights greet me when I open my eyes again. A monitor beeps in time with my heartbeat. White walls surround me, and clean scents fill my nose.

I squint my eyes as I take in the room. My entire pack is there, most asleep. I meet watchful, silver eyes just as the door opens.

"Pookie!" Sean exclaims. "You're awake!" His words rouse the others. He hurries over to the bed and begins to look me over.


"Sang baby!"



"Aggele mou!"

"I fucking knew I picked the right nickname, Trouble." Gabe smiles warmly at me. His words make me chuckle. I wince as my laughter jolts my sore body.

"Take it easy, Ten." Kota steps up beside me and gently squeezes my hand.

"How are you feeling, Sang?" Owen asks me his eyes watching me carefully.

"Owen, you stole my line," Sean pouts. "Now, Pookie, tell your favorite doctor what hurts."

"Just sore," I mumble already wishing I could go back to sleep.

"You'll get to rest more in a minute, Pookie," Sean promises. "Let me doctor you for a little while though."

"What happened?" I ask. Luke surges forward.

"Well, you had lost a lot of blood so Dr. Green gave you an infusion of our blood and then we headed to the hospital," he rambles. "You've been out for over 12 hours!"

"Don't worry about McCoy or Hendricks," Nathan tells me. "They will never be bothering anyone again."

"So we don't have to go back to that school?" I ask hopeful. Kota smiles down at me.

"Nope, we never have to go back, Ten." I smile back at him. I really don't like school, at least not that school.

"We've been given leave as a pack," Owen states. It seems to be new information for everyone based on their faces. "No new missions until we are ready." The boys erupt in cheers around me. I feel the same way. It will be nice to just have time together as a pack.

Looking around at them, I realize my heart feels like its about to burst. I'd read about love, but I didn't know what it felt like. This is what it feels like. Wonder fills me as I realize, it goes beyond just pack. I never want them to not be in my life. I want to experience everything with them. I want them to be my first kiss and my last. I've never been more sure of anything in my life.

As my thoughts continue to race, I feel a tingling in my chest. Pulling the hospital gown down I see a dark spiral mark appear on my skin just above my heart. The guys stare at it in wonder. I notice Victor roll his sleeve up to show an identical mark slowly bleeding from a faint color to solid black.

Connections burn stronger between each of us. Everything in me settles as I meet there wonder filled gazes. It's beyond anything I could have ever imagined.

"What is this?" I ask in amazement.

"It's the mate bond," Owen manages to get out. His wide eyes stare at me as his hand clutches the side of his neck. "We can explain it all to you."

I knew that they could and would. We had all the time in the world, and I knew I was going to spend every second of it surrounded by love, happiness, and my pack. We had our entire lives ahead of us, and I couldn't wait. 

***And that's a wrap! I'm sorry the last few chapters of this story have been so short. It was very difficult to write them at all. I completely lost any and all motivation/inspiration with this story. I might one day go back and edit and extend this story, but for now I'm content with it. I hope you guys are too! Happy Reading!!

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