Chapter 1

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I don't think I can do this. Anxiety and excitement wage a fierce battle in my gut as the brick building gets closer and closer. My knee bounces an erratic rhythm as I stare out the window. A warm weight lands on it halting the movement.

My breath cataches as I whip my head around to meet Silas's eyes. A small but warm smile shines brightly on his face instantly soothing most of my nerves. I'm not alone, I remind myself. I have my pack.

For the past few weeks, I had been going through what Gabriel termed how to be a fucking human 101. Owen and Kota helped me get caught up on most of the basics of math and grammar. I really like learning and picked it up quickly.

Luke and Gabriel tried to help as well. They showed me a few documentaries about high school. They were very intense and I became worried. High school seemed a lot more dangerous than what they originally described. Kota found out and told me that those were exaggerated on purpose for entertainment purposes. I don't understand how that is entertaining but it made me feel better. I can do this.

Today is registration day which means we'll get to sign up for our classes. Owen and Sean already have done this but they thought it would be a good trial run for me to get used to being around so many people.

My wolf is already on edge. She has to hide here. She can't protect me if needed. We both didn't like that. Since that day at the hospital, she has become more and more her own being, a comforting support I don't know how I lived without.

The car stopping draws me out of my thoughts. Silas moves his hand to grab mine giving it a soft squeeze.

"Ready, Aggele?" No. Anxiety clogs my throat but I give him a jerky nod anyway.

"It'll be okay, Ten," Kota tells me from his seat in the front of the vehicle. "We'll be with you the whole time."

I reluctantly follow them out of the car. The others are already waiting for us. I take a deep breath familiarizing myself with all the new scents. It is slightly overwhelming but I focus on those of the guys which helps center me. Just like we talked about.

Silas keeps a hold of my hand as we head toward the building. Other teenagers stream in and out, some with adults, some in groups talking and laughing loudly. I wince at all the noise. We head straight in bypassing the long tables where everyone else seemed to be waiting.

Some of the others broke off to stand in the lines. I could tell they were listening in on the conversations around them. Already, they were at work. I hope that I can help them. Kota and Silas lead me to an office off the main corridor.

I sigh in relief as we step inside. Sean and Owen are already there sitting behind their respective desks. Once the door shuts, the noise and overwhelming smells calm helping me to relax even more. Sean stands up as soon as he spots me making his way over.

"Pookie!" he exclaimed. "How are you doing?" I manage a tight smile.

Okay. The smile he gives me tells me that I didn't fool them. I'm not okay but I will be. I can do this. Taking a few deep breaths, I settle myself feeling a brush of comfort form deep within. I send back a wave of gratification. I'm never alone now. The thought makes me feel so much better.

"Save me," Sean cried dramatically. "Owen's making me" He said the last word like it was a scandalous crime. I couldn't help but laugh which I think is exactly what he wanted.

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