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On the drive to Ocean's flat, Niall's head was exploding with infuriating thoughts. The long journey really allowed his brain to meddle with the situation; he didn't want to be angry because it was all a fake plot to get him so; yet, the fact that she had danced and even kissed Harry was something he was finding trouble getting over, no matter how hard he tried to tell himself wasn't intentional. 

The moment he parked his car on the side of the road, his nose was flaring with anger and his fists were curled as he pushed the door of his car open and went to buzz Ocean's flat number in. He buzzed so many times and so hard, he thought the button would fall out. 

Ocean was resting on the sofa, binge watching Breaking Bad on Netflix as the buzz suddenly vibrated down her flat. For a second, she didn't even hear it, she was too consumed in Jesse Pinkman and Walter White trying to catch a fly that the it took her acouple more buzzes for the girl to jump from the sofa and go over to the interphone. She obviously had an idea about who it was, and she was quite surprised it took him this quick a time to get back to her. 

Deciding to act oblivious and completely innocent, she unhooked the phone and said, "Hello, who is it?"

"Ocean, ya think you're clever do ya?" Niall fired down the phone the minute he heard her voice. 

"Who is this?" She asked angelically, even though the Irish accent was so prominantly laced in his fury, it was obvious to tell who the person was. 

"Niall, who the fuck is it gonna be?" 

"Niall?" She paused as a smirk grew in the corner of her lips. Niall punched the wall hard next to him, and groaned with frustration. 

"Open up!"

"I'm afraid I can't. An attitude like that, is not welcomed in my household."

Niall laughed coldly, he made another frustrated noise and then added, "If ya don't fuckin' open up righ' now, I swear I'll burn this buildin' down."

Ocean chuckled amusingly, "Will you now?"

"OPEN UP!" It was then that the girl finally gave in, and buzzed him in as she rolled her eyes preparing herself for the wrath that was about to come. 

The knock on her door arrived quickly after, and Ocean opened up with an innocent expression painted across her face. 

"What brings you here?" She asked as she watched the band member storm inside her flat, very much like Jasper had done some time ago, and stare at her once she closed the door behind her -again sparing the neighbours of the foreseen outburts. 

"Ya love windin' me up, don't ya?" He asked as he thumped his foot nervously, putting his hands in his pockets and then taking them out, just so he could repeat the motion again. 

"Why, that I do!" She grinned.

"Did ya have fun last nigh'?" He asked as a hand ran through his short hair, wanting to stay calm about this, but obviously finding it extrememly hard to do so.

"Last night?" Ocean heard Niall scoff with bitterness and so she added, "Oh yeah I did." She then looked deep into his dark blue eyes and smirked, "I had tons of fun last night." 

"Good," He flared through strained teeth. 

"Good." She repeated far jollier than he was being. 

After a short moment, Niall groaned and ran his hands down his face. "Okay, this ain't workin'. Wha' the fuck did ya try and achieve by that? Hmm?" His frustration and bottled in anger suddenly rocketed out of his mouth. "What were ya thinkin'!? Was that your grea' master plan to piss me off!? Have you no fuckin' respect?"

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