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Ocean was sleeping so profoundly, that she hadn't even budged when the knock on the door came. It was until it banged against it so loudly, that the girl with silvery-blue hair jolted awake. Rubbing her eyes from the webs of sleep, Ocean yawned before standing up. 

"Ocean!" Jasper's voice echoed in the quiet apartment as his knuckles knocked hard against the door, the neighbours were surely bound to have gotten up as well. The girl gulped, before heading towards the door to open it. She wasn't sure why she was hasitating; she really hoped he would have stayed away. However, from the sound of his voice, she could tell he was angry and after a moment of thought the girl's blue eyes widened as realisation hit her hard. 

Her hand was slightly trembling as she finally opened the door and finally came face-to-face with her ex-boyfriend's upheaved temper. 

"Who do you think you are, causing a scene like that outisde my house?" Jasper fired as he stumbled into the flat drunkenly. 

Ocean quickly shut the door behind him, not wanting the neighbours to hear any of this outburst. Jasper drunk was never any good news.

"Fucking invlove the police and start throwing my stuff out the window? Huh?" He yelled as he came close to her. The havoc woke Scarlette up as well, and the brunette quickly came to stand by Ocean's side, offering her flatmate some support.

But Ocean was starting to panic; she turned her back on him and her friend and went inside her bedroom. Jasper followed, hitting on the wall as Ocean gave him no reply. It was until he entered the girl's bedroom that Ocean, turned around and spoke.

"Jasper, get out!"

Jasper laughed coldly, before deciding on getting straight to the point. His laughter ceased immidiately as his brown hues locked with Ocean's blue ones. 

"Where's the bag, Ocean?" He asked flatly. 

"What?" She replied slightly confused, even though she knew very well what he was talking about. However, her small acting skills allowed her a moment longer to think of an excuse. 

"Don't fuck with me. Where is the goddamn bag? What did you do with it?" 

"I see you managed to get your keys then.." Her tough facade was only helpful in trying to show him that she wasn't at all scared of the situation. Her eyes quickly glanced at Scarlette, who was well portraying the role of the victim. 

She knew that she was adding fuel to the fire by not answering him, but she had already come across this type of behaviour from him before. She knew how to handle it, yet this time round she couldn't explain why her hands wouldn't stop shaking. 

Jasper ran a hand through his long hair before banging his fist on the wall, making his ex-girlfriend jump but disgusing it by going over to sit on the bed as if it was another typical day. After a small pause, the Londoner came towards Ocean, his fury flaring from his features as he stopped just inches away from her face. 

"Where is it?" He asked, and as Ocean gave no answer, he curled his fingers around her jaw and brougth her pale face upwards so she would look at him clearly as he asked her again, "Where is the fucking bag?"

Scarlette then squealed in terror as she quickly rushed to her friend's rescue and started pulling Jasper away. However, Jasper merely turned around, slapped her and then pushed her so hard that the girl fell on the floor. 

"It's under the kitchen sink," Ocean quickly muttered following the scene before her with attentive eyes. Jasper's fingers suddenly loosened as soon as he heard the answer and stood back shaking his head at her for having been so stubborn. Ocean swallowed and then knew she needed to act strong again for both her friend and herself, "Now get the fuck out, or I'm calling the police!"

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