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A treacherous week had gone by, the skies had furiously broken into a storm, flooding gardens and making birds seek refuge in any nook and cranny between trees they could find. The sun had made an appearance, sweeping a bright hand over the town and making puddles glisten with the light, but no later had this begun than another hellish storm followed suite. 

Despite the melancholy weather, the girl with silvery-blue hair and the pop star had a rather joyful week. 

With every moment Niall could spare from his free time, he spent it with Ocean. A lot of heated romping had been made, and a lot of cigarettes had been smoked. The latter solely taken by Ocean. The two had explored their bodies as an astronomer explored the stars, so meticulously and thoroughly taking notes of moments they've experienced the most profound pleasure and remembering details each other liked for next time. 

It was a week that didn't see a lot of Ocean's fiery side, the only fire she expressed was in the bedroom and Niall was rather thankful for that. Her smile fell onto her face a lot easier and Niall found himself being quite the jester around her and making her laugh wholeheartedly. 

The drugs that entered her bloodstream were more sporadic that week, and every time the chemicals would call for her, Niall distracted her with his exploring hands on her body. The passion to feel bliss inside her body was greater than the act of temporary relief, so Ocean would cave to Niall's touch and their romping would continue.

So, as the weather had been an abhorrent one there wasn't much else to do than spend it in each other's arms and under and over Ocean's bedsheets. There were other activities that were suggested to go and do, but the girl would refuse them all, stating that she didn't want to be seen out in public with Niall and that it was more fun staying at hers. Every time Niall would try and object to her reasoning, she would pull his pants down and twirl her tongue on his hard member and the moment would be instantly forgotten.

However, as the week was drawing to a close, it was time for Niall to travel to the next city to perform to his many fans. As the dreaded moment became more tangible, Ocean's mood started to turn like the skies above her.

"Why don't ya come to Manchester wi' me?" Niall muttered, his eagerness to be around her oozed into his blue orbs making them twinkle with hope. 

"What for?!" Ocean pulled a face.

Niall's face fell slightly but perked up again as he said, "so I can fuck ya in another city."

Ocean laughed and rolled her eyes, pushing his naked torso back and falling onto his chest so her face rested on top of her clasped hands.

"You're ridiculous," she said plainly. "I'm sure you won't have a shortage of girls there; I personally don't need to go."

"I suppose you're right about that," Niall paused and examined Ocean's face who was looking blankly at him not showing that the statement had bothered her. "But I'm happy with your body, and your body only."

"I don't want you thinking we're anything special, Niall." Ocean added quickly. "You're just my fuck buddy and that's all."

To that Niall looked hurt, but he tensed his jaw and didn't say anything. He wasn't sure if Ocean really meant it. In some way, he hadn't really thought about anything serious about their time together, but when he said he wanted to just have her to fuck, he meant it with more than just the physical aspect of that. He wanted to keep seeing her smile and make her laugh, and spend more time with her. In fact, thinking about it in that moment, he really didn't want to leave her behind.

Ocean's words had thrown him off slightly and he was now really thinking about it. What did he want with this girl? The idea of having him to himself was a prospect that sent a pack of butterflies loose in his stomach and he twitched at the thought. He hadn't exactly thought about her as anything serious yet, but he really wanted to have her exclusively to himself. 

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