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Niall sat on the armchair knowing very well that he couldn't leave Ocean by herself. It wasn't like she was incapable of being on her own, but Niall felt it would be innapropriate to leave her in that state.

I mean, she could roll over and choke and she wouldn't even know it. Niall thought as he nodded, reassuring himself that his excuse was a good one.

The room was so silent, apart from soft breathing of Ocean and the gentle tapping of the rain against the window. There was a small voice in Niall's head egging him to wonder around the flat, to know more about the blue-haired girl sleeping on the couch; but another voice told him he knew better than that. He'd be playing with fire -if the girl caught him he'd be doomed.

So he remained seated. Her bedroom door was shut anyway.

However amidst the silence a low whimpering sound began to be heard. The whimpering sound grew louder and before Niall knew it, Ocean was beginning to stir and pant really heavily. A gulp ran down Niall's throat before he decided on rushing to her side.

"Ocean!" Niall whispered, hoping to get her attention. After he saw that it didn't do any use, he laid a hand on her shoulder and began to shake her. "Hey, Ocean! Ocean, wake up!" He shook her more roughly, turning her on her back and grabbing both her shoulders. "Wake up! It's just a dream, c'mon. Wake u-"

He was suddenly cut off when a punch hit his left cheek. The blow had startled Niall completely and thrown him back onto the coffee table with a groan leaving his smooth lips.

The clattering sound woke Ocean up as the thudding pain in her knuckles became noticeable. Her eyes widened at the sight of Niall sprawled on the coffee table with his left palm covering his cheek, as her breathing began to go back to normal once she realised what had happened.

"Don't do that!" She complained at the gesture Niall tried offering, as she rubbed her aching knuckles.

"Even in your dreams ya want to kill me!"

"I didn't know you were there!" She didn't know why she was explaining herself but once she realised she was doing so, she stopped.

 "What were ya dreamin' about anyway?" Niall asked even though he had a small inkling that it was about Jasper.

"I can't remember," Ocean mumbled as her blue orbs suddenly dialated and stared into blankness.

"You can't remember or you don't want to tell me?"

"It's none of your fucking buisness, Niall." Ocean then snapped harshly as her face flashed towards him. She knew it was a delicate subject -her nightmare- but she didn't want to ellaborate on the details especially to someone who wouldn't understand. So, she responded in the only way she knew how and that would stop him from pestering on. "Stop intefering with my life!"

However, what Ocean didn't expect from Niall once he had gotten up from the coffee table was for him to respond in quite an aggressive manner also.

"Ya know what? Fine! It's a constant arguement with you, and there's never an end. I'm sick of it. It's none of my buisness, ya're right, but I wanted to help you. I wanted to show ya that there's a life out there worth living and that you just gotta see it to believe it; and now I think what a pathetic bastard I was to think you were a life worth saving. I don't know why I even tried, ya don't deserve my 'elp."

Niall was getting more aggrevated by the second, but he wasn't going to become aggressive like her so he put his hands in his pockets as his cheeks flushed with anger. His words pierced inside Ocean's skin like a blade and were digging deeper the more she thought about them. She didn't know why she felt hurt with the thought of him thinking that of her, and she knew it was all her fault. However, Ocean wasn't yet anywhere near admitting that to herself.

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