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The rain was tapping against the car's windscreen as Niall drove around the town trying to make sense of the situation. He was going to go back to Ocean, there was no doubt about it, but he wondered if the girl would ever come to realise that her boyfriend was destroying her.

Niall still hadn't met the guy, and he could tell already what an undeserving human being he was. Yet, Ocean was still mad about him. That in itself made Niall fume because the girl was blinded from the truth. Yet, no matter how hard Niall tried to make her see otherwise, it seemed she wasn't about to let it go.

The wind was howling like the swirling storm inside Niall, and it raged on with no sign of stopping. It raged thorugh the whole journey back to Ocean's flat, as Niall felt even hopeless at the thought of Ocean ever growing fond of him.

But he was becoming addicted. Addicted to seeing the girl with silvery-blue hair.

As he parked the car outside her home, he noticed the door the building was open again. Why is it always open? He thought as he got out of the car and pulled up the zip of his red hoodie, before heading upstairs.

He straightened his clothes as he waited outside the door and breathed loudly, trying to cool his nerves.

Niall was about to knock when he heard voices inside the flat, and decided to wait. He had already intruded once and it didn't quite go according to plan, besides there was a male's voice on the opposite end of the door and so he was intrigued to know more about the dick that was Jasper.

"Don't go!" Ocean begged and even though Niall couldn't see her, he could tell she was desperate.

"Babe, let go." Niall's nostrils flared as he heard Jasper's voice for the first time. He sounded rough and careless, and Niall's thoughts about him grew even more in opposition.

"Don't just fuck me and leave!" She rushed towards him, "Love you 'til the end of time, remember?" There was no answer back and Niall could hear Ocean's sniffle and he knew she was beginning to cry. "You promised, Jas."

By this point, Niall wasn't sure why his hands had turned into fists and the sudden rage that swirled inside his stomach as the thought of Jasper touching Ocean, as she had just stated, disgusted him and infuriated him. He wanted to punch that guy until he could no longer remember her name. He was a bastard, the girl was so infatuated with him and he didn't even care. He just took advantage of her, and Niall wasn't sure if could let that go. But he remained outside, his arms frozen beside him as he continued to listen.

"Don't leave me," Her voice croaked,as she stared at Jasper through her tears. The girl looked so vulnerable, almost fragile.

"You know I can't keep him waiting," He pushed her away as he ignored her pleas. Niall didn't know what he was talking about, but he had a feeling it wasn't anything good.

"You'll be back though? You'll come back to me..." Her tone was slightly clingy and Niall could just about hear Jasper sigh. He hated the way Ocean was being, her emotions were being wasted on a moron that was just using her body rather than her heart.

"I need to go." Jasper approached the door and as Niall heard the shuffling of footsteps, he knew he had to hide. He looked to the side and saw the corridor leading to different flats and quickly ran there to hide, just when door number 13 opened.

"I'll try and see you later on, okay?" Jasper was now outside the flat and Niall wanted so much as to peak to see what the pathetic-excuse-of-a-boyfriend even looked like, but he decided not to risk being exposed.

"You promise?" Ocean still tried to sound hopeful as she looked at Jasper with puppy-eyes.

"Take these," Jasper then said, as Niall heard the muffling sound of a small bag being handed to Ocean. "It's on me, okay? I have to go." The sharp thuds of footsteps down the stairs then reached Niall's ears and he knew that Jasper was leaving.

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