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Ocean drank herself to sleep that night. On the morrow, as the sunlight crept lazily over Ocean's half naked body on the bed, she gruggily awoke and after putting her RayBans over her tired eyes she left the bedroom. She found her flatmate half-asleep watching TV and balancing her cereal on her belly.

"Did we fight last night?" Ocean asked, getting straight to the point as she plopped herself next to her friend and started watching an episode of Friends with her. The memories of last night were slightly blurry in her mind, and it gave her a headache to think about them.

"It was no big deal," Scarlette replied blankly not even looking over at her. However, whenever Scarlette used a blank tone it meant that there was something clearly bothering her, and that she left -whoever was around her- to figure it out.

"Ok!" Ocean replied brightly, having caught Scarlette's drift and deciding not to do anything about it. If she has a problem, she'll have to say it, she thought.

They were watching the episode of The One With The Football and Joey had just caught the ball and Chandler had just started doing his traidmark dance and Ocean had started laughing like nothing in the world mattered. It annoyed Scarlette to see her friend take no care in the matter and so she stood up abruptly and left to the kitchen to put her bowl in the sink and then stomped to her bedroom and banged the door shut.

Ocean rolled her eyes at her friend's tantrum and extended her legs over the spot she had been sitting on and rested her head on the armrest and finished watching one of her favourite shows. Once the episode had finished, and Ocean cursed the channel for not streaming more episodes, she got up and went to the kitchen to prepare herself a mug of strong coffee. After it was done, she went to her bedroom and went to place her mug on the windowsill after opening the window and enjoying the cold breeze that had begun to pour in.

The pile of clothes in front of her was getting higher by the second and it was getting hard for Ocean to tell between the clean set of clothes and the dirty ones. So, she decided on tidying some of it in order for the pile to be reduced slightly. In the background, Angel With A Shotgun by the Cab was playing from her iPod as she began to remember some clothing items she had pulled from under the pile and had forgotten she had bought in the first place. She found some knee socks which she hadn't worn in a while and decided to put them on along with shorts -despite the freezing cold weather- and left her pyjama top on.

The entrance door being shut suddenly was heard, and Ocean knew Scarlette had left the flat. She shook her head as her friend didn't say goodbye and carried on with her task, singing along to the tracklist that played on.

Her vacant thoughts soon began to draw images of Jasper and Ocean began to reminisce about the blissful time she had spent with him. She thought that her life was nothing without him. Even though you're not here I won't move on, she thought. In a moment of pure need, she grabbed her phone and went over to the window about to call him. She rested her elbow on the windowsill and began to dial his number; however, her mind was so entranced in Jasper that she didn't even feel her elbow hitting the mug and falling from the building.

"Ow!" A yell of pain travelled up to Ocean's ears as the mug landed on a person below.

Ocean leaned over, curious to find who her mug had landed on, and was surprised to find it had been on Niall. She cursed under her breath and rolled her eyes almost in reflex as she saw him there. There was no getting rid of him.

She rushed downstairs ready to vent her anger and frustration on the popstar who was rubbing his head in pain, as Ocean opened the door.

"You are out to kill me, woman." Niall mumbled the minute he saw her figure come into view.

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