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The following day, Ocean decided to stay back in the hotel as the pop star went to his dress rehearsals in the morning. She decided she was going to go to the show later, as she had actually been quite distracted with the thought of visiting her parents house since they talked about it last night, that she hardly had time to focus on anything else. 

The eagerness to see her beloved dog as well as a hint of curiosity to find how her parents were fairing was slightly overpowering. Whenever she tried to do something, her mind would bring her back to the thought of them. She simply had to head out whilst Niall was away, so he wouldn't ask any questions. 

Ocean rushed around the room, devouring the breakfast she had ordered pretty quickly. The poached eggs on toast and the glass of freshly squeezed orange juice went down a treat. After swallowing the last mouthful, she quickly grabbed her Ray-Bans and closed the door shut behind her, inwardly smiling at the owl on the handle. 

She breathed in the smell of jasmine in the lift as she reached the lobby, and headed confidently to the Concierge desk where Robert had made it very clear he was at her service should she need anything. Well, the girl with silvery-blue hair was quite literally taking his words as she showed up with a short smile at the front of the desk. 

"Good morning, miss." Robert smiled, quite surprised to see the young girl at his desk but pleasantly intrigued to find out her request. "Have you been enjoying your stay at the Langley?"

"Yes, it's been quite nice, thanks." Ocean replied, trying to rush through the pleasantries to get to her point. "Can I get a taxi?" 

"Your room actually comes with a private driver, should you need one instead, miss." Robert offered, knowing Ocean would appreciate that suggestion much better.

Ocean raised her eyebrows and nodded, not even thinking about the cost that would bring, but since Rebecca hadn't exactly given her the warmest of welcome she decided to not give it a second thought. 

"That'd be great, yes." 

"Excellent! George will make your journey seamless. Shall I tell him you're going to the stadium?" Robert offered, assuming the girl was on her way to see the band.

"Oh, no. I'll direct him, thanks." She smiled and didn't say anything else. 

"Very well." Robert, nodded and dialled a number on the phone behind his desk calling the driver. "I must say, George is one of our most trusted drivers. He actually lives not far from here, just a short drive to the next town. I'm sure he'll tell you about it, he loves a chat. I hope you don't mind."

The girl simply shook her head, giving out a different façade to what she was feeling. Chatting to the driver was not something she was keen to do, as she hated small chat, but she was sure to find a way to cope with it if it meant she was going to see Agnes. 

"I'm sure he'll be fine."

 A few minutes later, George appeared at the front door and Robert introduced him to Ocean. George looked at the girl as if he recognised her, but before his brain started running through his archive of memories of where he might know her from, they headed out via the spinning doors and the girl with silvery-blue hair muttered a quick word of thanks to Robert again, for organising the car.

"You're most welcome, miss. Anytime." Robert waved them goodbye and turned back to his desk. 

George was strong-built, he had short blond hair and Ocean assumed he must be in his forties as she could see the laughter lines prominently marked on his face from the evident good life he must have had. He had a gentle aura that eased Ocean's mind as he gave her an air of comfort and trust which made the girl relax as they walked down the hotel steps. 

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