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Ocean's blue eyes widened in surprise because the idea of  wine tasting was so unconventional for a first date that the suggestion actually made her crack a smile. She, too, was a very unconventional girl so the choice was fully praised. 

Stepping into the house, the girl with silvery-blue hair didn't know where to look to first. Her eyes went straight to the ceiling where tiny holes were allowing some specks of sunlight to sprinkle into the entrance and create small rainbows in the process. It was something out of Grand Designs! Across the room she could spot a table that instead of legs, had ropes holding it up from the ceiling in the middle of the room. One of the walls beside her was covered in fur and the one opposite with mirrors. The old man, however, was not leading them to the curious spaces of the house but to a set of spiral stairs leading downstairs. 

A quick cold shiver ran down her spine as the hollow cold air of the cellar was quick to receive them. As they made their way to the last step, Niall held Ocean's hand for support. The gesture made her eyes twinkle, and she did not even attempt to pull her hand away. With full approval, Niall held the girl's hand closer as they followed the man into the centre of the room where the lights suddenly blinked on.

Old barrels were lined on the left side of the room, with tiny lights twinkling on above them slowly revealing the grandeur of the place. Wooden wine racks lined the opposite side of the room as well as across the centre of the room, with hundreds of wine bottles resting horizontally on each rack. There was an arched doorway at the end of the room with a green light shining from its sides, and Ocean could just about spot spot a glass cabinet with what seemed to be a bottle being showcased inside it. 

"As you both know, wine is made in virtually every country in the world," The old man began. "Today, I hope to enlighten you with its fascinating history and, most importantly, to give you this wonderful opportunity to taste some delicious wine." A small smile wavered upon his lips, before turning his back on the couple and heading to the small table that awaited them just beside the wine rack in the centre of the room. 

Niall had to almost pull Ocean along, as the girl kept staring at her surroundings. She could spot some really expensive wine and she really admired the dedication this place had in preserving it all. His hand held tightly on to hers as they reached the table and saw the wine glasses and an ice bucket resting on it. 

"Some of these countries where wine is produced, are mostly known to wine experts as the 'Old World' and the 'New World'. The 'Old World' consists of regions with long history of wine production and with unique characteristics that give the wine a certain taste due to the land's unique climate and soil. Some of these regions include France, Italy and Germany." Both Niall and Ocean were listening intently to every word the man was muttering, yet one specific thought kept popping into Ocean's head throughout it all. 

When would it be time to actually taste the wine? 

"As the name suggests, the 'New World' are the countries with regions now commonly producing wine and which consist of having hotter climate and producing different grapes. The regions are in counties like Australia, Chile and the United States." He then went on to explain some of the different types of grapes that existed, but both Niall and Ocean had lost interest. The pop star turned to Ocean and began pulling faces at her; Ocean stifled a laugh but she might as well have laughed out loud because their guide was so consumed in his telling of the history that he was hardly paying any attention to them. 

However, no matter how many faces Niall pulled, Ocean was beginning to get impatient. Finally pulling away from Niall's clasp, Ocean drifted off to the wine rack beside her. Surprisingly, their guide had noticed her wandering off and came to join her. 

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