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A silence was created around the two young people for a moment. They stared into each other's eyes with no words being spoken, the only sound that was audible was the faint scream of girls at the end of the alley and the thrashing wind hissing in between them.

As Niall looked at his reflection in the waters of her orbs he realised he enjoyed the sudden silence. The girl wasn't insulting him or being hostile, she was just sitting there almost peaceful.

"I stayed here, because I wanted to see you." Niall suddenly decided to tell Ocean, taking a hold of the moment and hoping that by telling her the truth she would return it by expressing her own feelings about her crying that night.

However, the heat of the moment and the fact that Ocean hadn't immidiately trashed him with hateful words, had made the popstar continue with the truth he felt the urge to share with her.

"I'm intrigued by you."

A rolling of eyes is what welcomed Niall next, as Ocean then added, "I'm not interested in you, Scarface."

Niall tried hard not to let the words wound him, as he commented, "You're unbelievable."

"Piss off." Ocean retorted as she let out a short scoff, before making a face.

"See, that's what intrigues me. The way you snap at me every time I open my mouth for no reason whatsoever." He shook his head in disbelief as he added, "I have never come across such an angry person like you before. It's intriguing, you can't deny it."

Surprised, Niall watched as Ocean got up from sitting on the kerb and quite threateningly stood before him placing a hand on her hips and the other pointing steadily at his face.

"You really need to stop acting like you know me, mate."

Niall wasn't going to let that brush past him and so he added, "You need to stop acting so defensive, yeah? I was just making an observation." He remained sitting on the kerb, looking up at her as though he wasn't apprehensive about what she was going to do next. "You think you're so hard to read, and even though you fucking are, I can tell that whatever is makin' you so angry is part of the reason why you were cryin' that night." He couldn't help it, the words kept coming up like word vomit and he simply couldn't control them. He was starting to get really angry with the façade she was puttng up, because it was impossible to think that a person was naturally this angry all the time.

"I can tell you don't like it when things don't go your way, or when someone tells you something you don't like and you like takin' it out on people around ya; and I just happened to be your victim." He gestured to his nose with a pointed look.

Ocean rolled her eyes, chuckling coldy letting her misty breath become visible in the wintery night. "You really want me to feel sorry for you, don't you?"

Niall's eyes widen in shock that she still wasn't capable of feeling that, but having seen her incapability to responding as he would expect from any other person, he wasn't surprised.

"I know you're not going to apologise," He nodded in agreement with his statement, " but, at least not yet."

"You're chasing the clouds, love." She murmured coldly, running her tongue over the front of her teeth as she stared at him.

"Might." He paused giving her a moment of satisfaction, before adding, "But the sun comes out eventually and those clouds fade away."

Ocean blinked, taking in the the hopeful tone in his voice, but deciding on crushing him again. She raised her middle finger to his face, before turning on her heels and walking off. She made to the other end of the alley; it was slightly further away but was unblocked from the annoying fans she would have no problem punching in the face.

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