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Please read A/N at the end! Video is the trailer to C&H.


"Do wormholes exist? Explain space time continuum." Niall read as he sat in the girl's bedroom floor, resting his head on the edge of her bed and furrowing his eyebrows trying to work out the question which he was now forced to complete.

"Yep." The girl confirmed from the bed. She had her back to Niall and was curled over some pills which had spilled from an orange bottle that had no name. With her debit card, she was trying to crush one of the pills silently behind the popstar. 

The pair had gotten to the flat grinning from their adrenaline filled adventure, their lips moving with the recent story that was still vividly printed in their mind. Once they got inside the bedroom, the girl kicked her shoes off and threw her jacket to the pile in the corner of the room. 

Niall had been inside the room once before and it was as if nothing had changed. The mess was still there, the cigarette smoke embedded deep into the walls as well as the rose smell that lingered consciously in the room, seeping through the thick coat of liquor and drugs which stuck around in the room making their bold mark on the Irish lad. There were more empty bottles on the windowsill in a proud display of the demons that had filled her mind while drinking in the memories. 

"Aren't wormholes like time travellin'?" He asked, tilting his head back to catch sight of the girl who merely nodded in silence. "Bu' time travel doesn't exist. Wha' stupid question even is this?"

"It's a hypothetical concept, Niall. But that's where black holes come in, and the issue of space time-"

"Aren't you bet'er off doin' this yourself?" Niall interrupted and then put down the paper. "I know fuck all."

"Ugh, fine." She looked back to see where he had put the paper down. "Put it on my desk, would you?"

Niall pulled himself up sighing and placed the paper on the table. When he turned around he could see the girl's blue hair sprawled over in front of her as she was snorting something up her nose, completely immersed in her actions. Niall quickly tensed his jaw at the sight of the girl doing drugs, disliking the scene especially now knowing she had a paper to submit for the next day. 

"Why're ya get'n high for?" 

But Ocean said nothing as she tilted her head back in a whiplash making sure the powder had gotten into her system. Her thumb and index finger then pinched the bridge of her nose before inhaling deeply again. 

"Ocean!" Niall clapped his hands to get Ocean's attention, but she refused to turn around or even react to his words. The popstar was beginning to get annoyed as he felt slightly betrayed by the gesture knowing she'd had to go through a false sense of relief in order to come full circle with the happiness which he thought was genuine. 

Niall came to stand in front of the girl and was firing words at the girl which she didn't even attempt to hear. His bullets then ceased as the lad sighed loudly, kneeling in front of her and reaching out his hands to cup her pale face.

The girl batted her eyelashes as though broken from a trance and came into contact with the soft yet worried eyes that were piercing at her. Niall's thumb was gently rubbing her cheek as geometric shapes began spinning around the room just as the girl with silvery blue hair's vision became blurry with the chemicals burning in her bloodstream. 

Niall carried on talking to her and was shaking her until finally the girl spilled some words out of her mouth.

"Please don't hit me." She muttered absentmindedly, her eyes losing focus the demons of her past making a harsh comeback to her mind. 

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