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A week had gone by, and countless messages had been left on Ocean's phone to which none received a reply. That week of February, was a tough one for the Irishman.

The girl with silvery-blue hair and Jasper, were still together. That night, when she had hung up the phone, Jasper had returned just like he had promised. Ocean, was surprised at first, but the gladness that filled her chest soon dissolved the worry and doubt into thin air and filled it with the lust and love she had for him instead.

But as her fingers ran through his hair and the other traced over the ink on his chest, she wondered why her soul still felt empty. And as she got lost in his coffee tainted orbs, she found herself imagining some sapphire ones instead. Of course, the thought unsettled her; she shook her head and pushed the images to the back of her head. It was the brown ones she liked; everyone knew that.

But as the silence engulfed her surroundings, Ocean found herself wondering why Niall was still popping into her head. She was happy, the boy of her dreams was right next to her; yet, as the memory of her hazed words to Niall about having thought about him came into her mind, she wondered if she truly was as happy as she kept telling herself she was.

Jasper and Ocean's relationship was no longer the same, she knew that. Yet, they still crawled to each other's arms at the end of the day. It was what she was used to; it was her refuge.

On the Sunday morning, Jasper had buisness to attend to and told his girlfriend that he'd be "back shortly." It was seven o'clock in the evening, and Jasper still hadn't arrived. She wanted to stay at his place to greet him when he returned, and so she roamed around his house freely, putting on some of his CD's and dancing to the beat on her own. After a full day of pondering about the same thing, the girl finally decided to take a fag and put her mind at rest. She was resting her elbows on the windowsill, and had a cigarette burning between her fingers, when she saw the scene that opened her eyes to the truth.

Jasper was snogging a blonde girl on the opposite side of the road. The fact that she was pushing herself closer to him, and he so willingly accepting it as his hands ran down her body, was enough to turn Ocean berserk.

Wanting to surprise him, she began to grab things from his bedroom; anything: perfume bottles, clothes, mirror, lamp, and anything she could get her hands on and began throwing them out the window. The smashing of sounds immidiately grabbed Jasper's attention and he instantly pulled away from the girl and ran across the street to scream up at his girlfriend. The blonde once her eyes saw what was happening, ran from the scene.

"What the fuck?!"

But Ocean didn't stop, she turned to grab his precious XBOX and chucked it out the window too.

"NO!" Jasper groaned as he saw the gamebox smash on the floor.

It was the sound of sirens that momentarily stopped Ocean in her actions and snapped her head to the sound of the car approaching. Zach was on patrol and was driving down the street when he saw the little incident occurring just to his right. When his eyes landed on the girl on the window, seeing the blue hair billowing with the wind and the fury her features had on them, he stopped the car and headed to Jasper who was trying to find his keys to get into the flat. But of course, the guy had left them upstairs with his girlfriend.

The pair exchanged a silent greeting, both not at all surprised with the reaction the girl was having, already used to her tanrums.

However, as Ocean spotted the robust figure appear in her line of vision, she swore out loud and rushed down the stairs.

Ignoring her friend and her dick of a boyfriend, she took out the lighter that was in her back pocket and began to hastily try and light it up. Zach, upon understanding her intentions, immidiately rushed to the the girl's side.

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