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Back in the car, Jasper was still raging with anger. His knuckles were turning white as he gripped the steering wheel with force. Ocean looked uneasy as she didn't want to do or say anything that might make him snap at her, she only wished she had never gotten involved in this. 

After a few silent moments of Jasper staring blankly ahead, he finally sighed and turned on the car's engine. He turned to look at Ocean, as though finally taking in her presence as he blinked away the violent trance he was immersed in. 

"You alright?" He asked her in a somewhat soothing tone to which the girl with silvery-blue hair merely nodded and turned away, folding her arms over her chest hoping the journey could fast-forward and reach their destination. She felt sick at the thought of the gun travelling in with them, at such close vicinity. Her body tensed up as the image of Jasper pulling out his gun with such ease and getting ready to shoot came back to the front of her mind and made her almost regurgitate. 

Jasper didn't comment or say anything, but it was obvious his ex girlfriend was shaken up by the events. He instead turned on the radio to fill the silence as they drove away on the motorway. 

The twinkling red and white lights ahead of them from the row of cars were shining in all directions as rain started to trickle down the windscreen. Ocean still hadn't texted Niall, and she was unsure what to even say to him after the whirlwind of events that had unfolded. 

As they approached Ocean's building, Jasper pulled up at the entrance and turned off the engine muting the drumming of the songs to a halt. 

"I need you to keep the bag and the money for a few days." Jasper ordered, the idea clearly brewing in his mind during the journey back. The girl realised he was clearly thinking of a way she would have to repay him for making the journey to get her, and this was it.

"I can't-"

"You fucking will." Jasper snapped, interrupting anything else she might say as he banged the steering wheel as he spoke.

"Where am I meant to even put it? What if Scarlett finds it?"

"You better hide it well then. I'll get it in a few days after I lay low for a bit. It all better be there as it is now - I don't want you getting your fingers in it, O. I mean it."

After a long sigh of hesitation, Ocean was handed the bag before she could protest any further. She was scared of Jasper and his gun at the moment, and knew it was best to just take the bag and hide it somewhere safe until he'd come to it. It would just be a few days after all.

"Okay, you better leave now." Jasper added, as he turned away from her and started the engine again. 

The girl unfastened her seatbelt and opened the door, she wanted to thank him for picking her up but having the new job on her hands she decided against it. So, she got out and banged the door shut, she then heard the car rev to life as it drove away from her without a further word.

It was the middle of the night and the street was quiet, she quickly hurried into the building paranoid of eyes on her and on the bag filled with illegal substances and questionable money.

Ocean snuck into the flat in silence, but no matter how quiet she was trying to be, Scarlett sprung to life on the sofa and switched on the lamp beside her.

"You're back?" Scarlett asked, half asleep, the light making her narrow her eyes as she took in her friend's presence.

"Hey, Scar." Ocean mumbled. "Go back to sleep."

"You're back early," The irony in her word made the girl with silvery-blue hair sigh, as she closed the door behind her. "Did you bring food?" Scarlette noticed the supermarket bag in her hand, her stomach stirring with hunger at the thought of food.

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