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Time froze as their eyes bore into one another's for that precious moment. The movement of the Earth stopped still, the waves in the sea slept soundlessly on the surface of the shore and gravity worked that little bit harder to pull both bodies closer to the centre of the Earth which burned brightly with satisfaction to hold two spirits whose hearts glowed loudly with care.

The girl's freckles twinkled like stars in the sky and Niall was amazed by how beautiful they complimented her face as his eyes traced them down her neck. 

"Thank you doctor, for taking care of my wound." 

"Ocean sayin' thank you?" Niall's eyes widened with shock as the Earth began to spin again. Ocean wrapped a tissue around her finger, and Niall watched her with intrigued eyes. "I think I migh' just have wi'nessed a miracle!" 

The girl laughed, and then the boy followed. It was a harmless moment, and Ocean's smile gleamed bissfully as Niall was glad to see her shine in front of him. 

"Shut up." She responded, as she feebly slapped his chest with both of her hands. 

It took a second before Niall dipped his head down and nuzzled his face on the crook of Ocean's neck as he breathed in her scent. He kissed her freckled skin as his hands snaked around her waist and pulled her closer. 

The girl with silvery-blue hair had her heart broken and a wounded finger, but in that moment she couldn't have felt more alive. She allowed Niall's arms to guide her around the moment which was wholeheartedly welcomed by her.

Her cigarette-tainted scent laced heavily around the jasmine smell of her skin, but Niall found himself wanting to always have that smell near him. It was her scent, and that was enough to make him love it. And just to prove it so, he let his tongue taste the goodness that was her skin. 

Ocean tilted her head slightly to the side as her eyes closed heavenly enjoying what the popstar was doing to her. Slowly the pair approached a wall and Niall didn't waste time to push the girl against it and bring his lips crashing onto hers. A muffled moan stumbled from Ocean's lips as their mouth moved in sync, and Niall felt even more drawn to her as he heard the beautiful sound that he tried to get it out from her again. 

And so she did. 

That small yet meaningful geasture proved to the Irish lad that the girl was finally accepting him; she was opening up to him and for that he was greatful his trying had payed off. The small steps she had taken had finally lead to this moment Niall had fantasised about for so long. His lips moved to under her earlobe as they began to gently nip her skin, and Ocean's hands travelled to his blond hair which she tugged on slightly less gentle than he was being. The blond lad groaned as he loved her rough handling of him, and sucked harder on her skin making another moan to leave her lips. And as he heard it, he couldn't believe he had gone so long without the taste of her; it had frankly drove him insane. 

"Jump on me," he mumbled roughly against her neck, as his voice sounded deep and husky. The girl with silvery-blue hair happily obliged and pressed herself closer to him as she did so, just as Niall felt himself harden. 

It was like he was stuck in a daze, and frankly one he didn't want to leave. She was intoxicating, and all Niall wanted was to be drowned in her moans that fluttered around his head and made him lose control. He wanted the moment to be frozen still, never wanting to let the girl be alone again. He ran his hands down her side skidding past the edge of her breast, as tempting as it was, because his fingers were itching for something more pleasant that he knew -as she pressed herself against him- was eager to be touched. 

As his fingers reached the bare skin of her waist, between her Guns N' Roses t-shirt and her pulka-dot pyjama bottoms, he tickled her belly button before kissing her lips and letting her laughter vibrate through him. To that, Ocean pushed her hips forward wanting Niall to lower his hands further and feel her wanting for him. Niall couldn't believe this was happening; he had waited so long that when he finally had her in his hands he didn't know what to do. It was until Ocean rested her hand over his and guided it down her body, that the missing piece to the puzzle was found. 

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