CHAPTER 4: "The Great and Daring Escape"

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“See anyone yet?” Baby Ruby asked.

“No.” Baby Sapphire replied. “Maybe you should try again with the other Rubies.”

But Baby Ruby was against that. “What?! Those other Rubies don’t like me! They even pushed me out of their group, telling me that I was not good enough to be like them!”

“Oh…” Baby Sapphire said, feeling very sorry for her. “But I can see you trying again and introducing me to them.”

“H… How?” Baby Ruby asked nervously.

At that moment, Baby Sapphire revealed her little eye to her. “I have the ability to see in the future.”

“Whoa!” Baby Ruby gasped. “That’s… amazing!”

Baby Sapphire just blushed with a very cute smile before she got up onto her feet and helped Baby Ruby do the same thing. That was when a very heartwarming moment began to unfold as Baby Sapphire helped her little friend… walk for the first time in their young lives.

Meanwhile, back in their room, the five OTHER Baby Rubies were still playing with each other, complete with their different attitudes. Baby Doc and Baby Army were doing the honors of looking out and protecting the rest of the clan. Baby Eyeball was very proud to see that they were all getting along and improving on their behavior. Baby Navy and Baby Leggy were both being silly and just making funny faces at each other… until something mysterious happened.

As both Baby Navy and Baby Leggy held their hands and tried to be funny again, a sudden glow engulfed them, resulting in a BIGGER Baby Ruby! Baby Doc, Baby Army, Baby Eyeball all stopped doing what they were doing and gasped in surprise.

“Wh… What just happened?” Baby Eyeball asked in shock.

The other two Baby Rubies unfused back and began to feel shocked and even a bit embarrassed. They both have no clue what they did or why, but they knew that they could be in some trouble if the other Baby Rubies didn’t appreciate what they witnessed. 

“Whoa!” Baby Leggy gasped. “What was that?”

“Uhh…” Baby Navy added with anxiety. “We’re… sorry…?”

But suddenly, Baby Eyeball thought of an idea.

“Hey!” She said. “Why don't we all give it a try?” 

And that was the case, the five Baby Rubies all gathered around in a very cute little circle and held their hands with one another. It took a few seconds, but then… they glow engulfed them as they got bigger… and BIGGER… AND BIGGER! Soon, the 5 little Baby Rubies became a GIANT and COLOSSAL Baby Ruby, complete with each and every Gem in their proper place.

Back with Baby Ruby and Baby Sapphire, they decided to walk in and to meet the other Baby Rubies, just like how Baby Sapphire predicted they would do so. Baby Sapphire was excited, but Baby Ruby was nervous due to the harsh treatment she got from them.

“Are you... sure about this?” She asked nervously.

“I’m sure.” Baby Sapphire replied confidently. “Just have some faith.”

“Well… okay…” Baby Ruby agreed until they both noticed the HUMONGOUS Baby Ruby stomping around the room, being VERY energetic.

They both gasped and even SHIVERED with sheer terror upon noticing the colossal Baby Ruby as they didn’t think they would see such a thing.

“Wh… Wh… Wh… What is… that???” Baby Ruby asked in horror.

But the giant Baby Ruby’s rough-housing ended up causing a pillar to be bumped with a LOT of accidental force. To make matters worse, it soon began to shake and wobble left and right until it began to tip over and began to fall. Baby Ruby and Baby Sapphire both knew the terror that was unfolding and knew that bad news could come.

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