CHAPTER 14: "Collecting Energy"

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Meanwhile, Toddler Garnet, Baby Amethyst and Baby Pearl were all still getting used to being together as a trio, but the progress was going very well as they continued finding a new home to call their own. But soon, Baby Amethyst started to groan and moan in total exhaustion.

“Guys?” She asked. “Can we stop?”

“Why?” Baby Pearl asked. “Is there a problem?”

Baby Amethyst just yawned a little and fell flat on her back. “Yeah. I think I’m getting tired from walking all day.”

“Hmm.” Toddler Garnet understood. “Good point.”

“I guess so.” Baby Pearl agreed.

“There's a few trees over there.” Toddler Garnet suggested. “Let's stop here and rest up before we continue our journey.”

“Good idea.” Baby Pearl approved as she walked over to Baby Amethyst and carefully picked her up off of her back. “Up we go, Amethyst.” 

Baby Amethyst was just too tired to react, but she did appreciate the offering and was going to get a little nap for her energy to soon be restored. Soon, the three little Baby Gemlings were all snuggled up together at the trees that Toddler Garnet found as they were getting ready for their very first nap.

Baby Amethyst was still in Baby Pearl's little arms as she soon had her two little eyes closed and was getting ready for her much-needed nap. However, there was a little problem. She just wasn't sleeping ENTIRELY yet. All she could do was slightly move her small hands and feet as she was squirming around.

“Uhh…” Baby Pearl noticed. “Is... something wrong, Amethyst?”

“Meh.” Baby Amethyst replied softly. “I just… don’t know… I'm not feeling sleepy yet.”

“Hmm.” Toddler Garnet understood. “Pearl. Maybe we should… do something.”

“Yeah.” Baby Pearl agreed. “But what?”

Toddler Garnet decided to use her future-vision to think of an idea to help Baby Amethyst fall asleep faster and saw her coming up with a great one. And that idea was to sing to her with a very sweet, soothing, and calm song.

“A song.” Toddler Garnet smiled.

“Really?” Baby Pearl asked. “Wh… What song can we sing to her?”

“How about this one?” Toddler Garnet suggested as she carefully held Baby Amethyst in her arms and began singing to her.

Close your eyes. Sleep is more than it seems.
Soon, you'll witness a land filled with dreams.
A dream of joy lightens up the dark.
Dreams are like flowers that bloom in your heart.

Your dreams will soon bloom in your mind.
Don’t be blue, because your friends will shine.
Your imagination shines like the sun in the park!
Dreams are like flowers that bloom in your heart.

Baby Amethyst’s eyelids slowly began to drop as she started sucking her thumb and snuggled up with Toddler Garnet as she continued singing.

So dream and bloom… Bloom and dream.
And watch your garden grow.
When you awaken with a smile, everyone will know…

You've been to Dream-Land and now, you've returned.
Eager to share everything that you've learned!
Believing in dreams isn't really so hard!

Dreams are like flowers that bloom in your heart.
Dreams are like flowers that bloom in your heart.

And just like that. Baby Amethyst was successfully asleep as Toddler Garnet and Baby Pearl heard the soft sounds of her sleeping peacefully. But as they sighed in relief and joy, Baby Pearl suddenly heard an ominous sound. She looked outside to see a sudden flashing light followed by a loud CRACK! It was the sounds… of a thunderstorm. 

As the thunder began to rumble and the rain started to roar, Baby Pearl felt quite terrified. Baby Amethyst was still sleeping, not acknowledging the storm. Baby Pearl just knew that she needed to have something for comfort. So, she decided to protect Baby Amethyst and hug her to make her feel better from the terrifying sounds of the storm.

Baby Amethyst, still sleeping, just smiled and even decided to give Baby Pearl a heartwarming hug, which warmed her heart up like a warm fire as the Baby Gems all huddled together and fell asleep for the night.

Back at the Kindergarten, Baby Jasper and the Baby Rubies were all investigating around the place to find some evidence or even talked to some of the Baby Amethyst Guards, in hopes of knowing where they could’ve gone. They searched high and low, up and down, all and around the place, but there was no sign of luck for them anywhere.

“Any luck?” Baby Jasper asked them.

“Negative.” Baby Doc replied.

“We’ve looked everywhere.” Baby Army added.

However, Baby Eyeball DID find something.

“Affirmative!” She replied.

Upon hearing her, the rest of the clan walked up and found their evidence, which was right under their feet.

“Footprints!” Baby Army and Doc approved.

“Well done!” Baby Jasper said joyfully. “We’re getting closer… to FINISHING that pathetic fusion.”

“Who do you think these footprints are from?” Baby Navy asked.

“I know DARN WELL who!” Baby Jasper replied sternly.

“Uhh… Are you… sure?” Baby Leggy asked.

“TRUST ME!” Baby Jasper added angrily. “I know my way around this place and dealing with Gems that I don't like. Once we find her, victory… WILL BE OURS.”

She even delivered to them an ominous grin, knowing that she was, indeed, coming up with quite a maniacal plan to finish Toddler Garnet once and for all as she and the Baby Rubies all shared a maniacal laugh together as a group.

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