Chapter 19

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September 1928

Hadeon actually showed up the next afternoon. His story was just done as told. He killed Kabanov's dogs. Kabanov had two dogs and Hadeon decided to just kill both. It was good enough. Kabanov killed Joy, Ortipo, and Jimmy. Joy was my dog and I loved her more than anything. Ortipo was a French Bulldog that was a gift from one of Tatiana's boyfriends. Jimmy was Anastasia's King Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. He was a cute and quiet dog. So now Kabanov gets to experience the pain of knowing someone murdered your pet. There's something about revenge and justice that's just so...freeing.

Rodion and Hadeon got the suits and coats they needed. We went from looking like scums to true high-class men. Now, it was time to send out party invitations. Everyone in high-society and middle-society was invited. Including Yurovsky, Medvedev, and Nikulin. Oh, and their families as well. It was going to be such fun.

A few nights later was the day of the party. I hired an orchestra to play music and my servants got right to work. Apparently, hundreds of guests were showing up. I did my best to look sharp that night. I sat in my room and mentally prepared myself to come downstairs. The nerves in my soul. How would I see Yurovsky and not punch him in the face? Would I be able to stay Alexei Savenkov in front of him? I needed to. I needed to find the will to.
"Alexei." Hadeon burst into the room. "When will you be ready? The guests want to meet Alexei Savenkov."
"Just a minute, Hadeon. How do I look?"
"Like a million bucks. Now come on, we don't have all night." He groaned.
We walked down the hallway to the staircase. The orchestra became quiet and the men and women looked at me. I cleared my throat and smiled.
"Welcome to my party everyone! I have just moved to the city of Moscow and it is truly a privilege to see all of you tonight. Please drink and dance as much as you want. My brothers and I are very please. To the Soviet Union!" I shouted.
"To the Soviet Union!" They all shouted after me and laughed. That's when the orchestra picked back up and everyone went back to their useless chatter. Now, time to find my family's killers.

I saw Yakov Yurovsky with his wife chatting with other men. That was my go time. I went up to him and brightly smiled. Don't be Alexei Romanov. Be Alexei Savenkov.
"Citizen Yurovsky!" I exclaimed. He turned to me with a puzzled expression. My God, he looked exactly the same. And there was the flashback. Him shooting my father to death. How would I not punch him?
"Citizen Savenkov! Thank you for inviting me to this party. It has been too long since I've had such fun."
"I'm glad you're satisfied. Is this your wife?"
The plump woman nodded. "Yes, I am. Thank you for inviting as well. Our children were too sleepy to come tonight. Say, you're are so handsome and hardworking. Your parents must be very proud of you."
I looked back at Yurovsky. "Yes, they truly are. And you sir, what is your name?" I looked at the man Yurovsky had been speaking to. He grinned and shook my hand.
"My name is Mikhail Medvedev. I came alone tonight. The Mrs. wasn't feeling well and my children are also too young to come tonight. I must say that your home is exquisite. Why on earth would someone as wealthy as you come to Moscow and not Leningrad?"
I shrugged. "I simply love Moscow and I believe we could clean the city up. Of course, the country still needs to be fixed after the Tsar's destruction."
Yurovsky and Medvedev nodded at me. "Absolutely! The Soviet Union truly is the greatest country in the world. Oh! You must meet our friend Grigori Nikulin! I am not sure where he is but I'm sure you'd love to meet him."
"I did send an invitation. Perhaps he's here and just hiding. Oh well, I shall seem him soon-" I stopped. I had been scanning the room when I saw that. There stood a young woman in the corner who wore a hat, a blue dress, and gloves. I saw her face and froze. I had met her before a long time ago. This woman couldn't be in Russia, could she? Why would Princess Ileana of Romania be in Russia?
"Would you all excuse me? I'd like to dance." I said to the men.

I casually walked past Ileana. I then grabbed her hand very quickly and dragged her to the dining room that was now the dance room. Her eyes were wide with fear as I pulled her in a waltz.
"This is assault. Please let me go, sir." She murmured. It was horrible Russian.
"Princess Ileana. Why are you here at my house?" I said to her in English.
"What? You can speak English? How do you know who I am? Who are you?"
"My name is Alexei Savenkov. I'm the owner of this house and I did not send an invitation to Romania. So please, why are you here?"
Ileana gulped. "Well, I'm stalking that banker that's drinking to your left. I'm looking for an inheritance."
"An inheritance? From the Romanovs?"
"Yes. They left my mother a sapphire that we received in 1921 but that simply isn't enough for us. How much do I need to pay you to keep quiet and not arrest me?"
I scoffed and rolled my eyes at her. "I do not want your money, your royal highness. I just don't understand how you're here in Russia right now. Did you come alone?"
"You're a complete stranger! I don't need to tell you anything!"
"Fine. Then I won't help you. I'm sure the police will-"
"I came here with my brother, Prince Nicholas of Romania. Him and I are hiding in cheap hotel on the poor side of Moscow. Are you happy now?" She sassed me. I met her when she was five and I was just about to turn ten. I do not remember her being so sassy. It was 1914 and my parents hoped of marrying Olga to Ileana's eldest brother, Carol. They did not get along at all and we went home to Russia. But I got along quite well with Ileana and Nicholas.
"Thank you. Come to my office tomorrow and we'll speak to the banker."
She looked puzzled again and lightly shook her head. "Why are you helping me? You're a Communist. Shouldn't you hate me?"
I shrugged and twirled her around. "That's the thing about me, your highness. I don't like following the rules."

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