Chapter 4

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July 28, 1918

The next few days felt terrible. It was freezing cold in spite of it being Summer. That was Summer in Siberia. From dawn until dusk, we were walking to Tomsk. Apparently, it was a smaller town that was more developed than other towns and cities in Siberia. Timofey was my greatest friend on the trip and often spoke to me. On the afternoon of July 28, 1918–we finally made it into Tomsk.

Our group marched through town and we got looks from everyone. I would give strange looks too if I saw a large group of dirty men. But we were almost at our destination. Apparently, Ilya's parents were old and lived a few minutes out of town. They owned a shoe store in town that was mostly run by his sister and brother-in-law because his parents were just too old.

"What if his parents are rude?" I asked Timofey.
"Then we face it together, comrade."
"I don't understand. How did you end up in this group?"
"I was about fifteen. My mother succumbed to Tuberculosis. My father developed and drinking problem and made it clear that he didn't want me anymore. So, I left."
"How did you manage? Surely you were sad." I turned my head to look at Timofey. He shrugged.
"I guess I was a little bit. But now I have a new family that cares for me more than that bastard ever did. You and I just met and I'm sure we like each other more than our own parents liked us."
I immediately shot back. "No Timofey! My parents loved me."
"Then why'd they leave you?" He said. I couldn't respond. They didn't intentionally leave me. Yakov Yurovsky and his men took them from me. One day, I would get to him and his life miserable. Until then, I was here. And here, I would learn and plot.

Ilya's family's' home was in the distance. It was two-floors and the chimney blew out smoke. It sat on a hill and overlooked a forest. I could smell a nice aroma in the distance. Food. I had only had about three slices of bread in the last few days so the thought of a meal was absolutely lovely.

We made it to the front door and Ilya knocked loudly. In seconds, a young woman with brown-hair and gray-eyes answered the door. She gasped and threw her arms around Ilya. She started to squeal and cry. Ilya simply laughed at this matter.
"My brother! Oh, you're home! This is so wonderful! Mother and Father, Ilya is home with his friends!" She let us into the home. It didn't look at cramped as it was on the outside. The inside was plain and dusty. Nothing too special. When Ilya's parents came around the corner, they truly had been as old as he said they were. They gave grins and hugged him.

Ilya cleared his throat. "Allow me to introduce them. Of course, you already know majority of them. But the little man in the wheelchair is named Alexei. It's his fourteenth birthday in a couple of weeks. And unfortunately, he's permanently paralyzed."
"Oh dear, how come?"
"I'm not sure. He said it was just some strange illness he was born with. It doesn't matter, all I mean is that you are too be very easy on him. He's the newest member."
"Goodness, did you have to force him?" His dad grumbled.
"Not exactly. I simply spoke out that he would become worm food if he didn't join."
His sister rolled her eyes and came up to me. She picked me up like it was nothing. It reminded me of the strength Maria had and how she was able to carry me anywhere.
"You boys sleep in the basement. And then, I shall fill your bellies." She smirked and everyone cheered. She opened the door next her and revealed some stairs. She carried me down into the dark room and I saw several campcots with mattresses. A basement. "Mama! Oh God, forgive our sins! Oh God!" Olga and Tatiana screamed while huddled together in the corner of the basement. I hated this. It just reminded me of my family's murder.

"Here. You get tucked in and stay calm. I shall bring dinner to you when it's done. Do you need anything?" His sister asked as the other men followed her down the stairs and started to claim their beds. I just shook my head at her. "Alright, shout for me if you need anything."
She disappeared and Timofey sat his potato sack on the bed next to mine. He sat down, took of his shoes, and started to look through the sack.
"What exactly is in your bag? And why does everyone have one?" I questioned. Timofey started to take stuff out. A pair of shoes, a couple shirts, a couple pairs of pants...and money and jewelry. A lot of of it. "Goodness gracious! You all weren't joking about being thieves."
Timofey chuckled. "This could be you one day. Imagine if we sold all this, we'd be rich. I'd go to America and started my own rum business. What'd you do, Savenkov?"
"I guess I'd...go to Paris. Maybe I'll smoke a cigarette and simply look at the Eiffel Tower. Perhaps I'll have a lady on my arm." I smiled. Timofey gave another chuckle and took out a small metal case out of his pocket. He took out a cigarette and handed it to me. He then lit it for me as well. "Thanks."

Later that night, dinner was served. Unfortunately, there was hardly anything because Ilya's family hadn't been expecting so many people. But since I'm paralyzed and a child, I got food. I had four cubes of beef and half of a boiled potato. It was absolutely delightful to have a hot meal. I would never forget their kindness.
I was trying to sleep that night but I couldn't. I kept thinking about my family. That's all I could think about. My family's execution was absolutely dreadful. I missed Anastasia terribly. My best friend in the whole world. But I couldn't get Mama out of my head. She was shot in the head and just sat there in her chair, all bloody. I almost cried but I held it in. I couldn't cry. I needed to be a man now and learn how to take care of myself, no matter how difficult it was.
"Alexei?" I heard Timofey whisper.
"What?" I asked.
"I have a question for you."
"What is it?"
"Are you sure you're permanently paralyzed?"
"Well...I don't know. Why do you ask?"
"I think it's time you finally get back on your feet."

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