Chapter 24

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September 1928

Count Romanov was destroying Nikulin, Yurovsky, Medvedev. They were constantly coming to me and asking for help. Now, Count Romanov has sent another letter to them.

"I shall avenge my family. I shall do to you and your children what you did to the Tsar and Tsarina. You have been warned."
-Count Romanov

The three of them were in my office and paced around. They asked me to conspire with them about who is writing the letters. Oh, if only they knew it was me and that I was the Tsarevich. It'd be fun to see the fear in their eyes. But I was having so much fun playing something this game.
"Alright, so it could be one of the Grand Duchesses. We know that Olga and Anastasia Nikolaevna are possible. And it's not completely improbable that Maria Nikolaevna is a candidate. She was awfully friendly with guards." Yurovsky exhaled.
"Hm, have you ever that of the possibility that it could be another Romanov trying to mess with you? Perhaps the Tsar's sister, Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna. Or Princess Irina Yusupova?" I shrugged.
Medvedev shook his head. "But why would they harass us? Besides, they probably don't know who specifically executed their family members. It had to be one of the Grand Duchesses. My money is on Anastasia Nikolaevna. She was always a feisty one. Oh, and I must admit something. I believe one of the Grand Duchesses may have been at the pub in Leningrad that night."
I groaned. "Citizen Medvedev, how do you know?"
"I woke up in the middle of the road. I was completely naked and my wallet was gone. Which means that one of the Grand Duchesses resolved to...prostitution after surviving the execution. Once again, Maria Nikolaevna is very likely."
I was getting angry. How dare they call Maria a whore. Maria was nothing but beautiful, sweet, and lively. She may have been flirtatious but she would never sleep with one of these raging alcoholics. Still, I kept calm.
"Go back to Leningrad and find all of the prostitutes you've hired. They might be going under an alias. Believe me, they must've hidden themselves very well." I said to them. Medvedev and Nikulin nodded to each other and then left. Yurovsky, however, sat down across from me.

"What else can I do to help you, Citizen Yurovsky?" I asked him. He twiddled with his thumbs and was silent for a moment.
"I was the one that killed the Tsar."
"Were you? What was it like?"
"I did it for Russia. Russia is my pride and joy. We deserve to be free. But it was somewhat...gnarly. Tsar Nicholas II was an awful and dishonorable man. My only regret is not torturing him first. I also killed Tatiana Nikolaevna and Tsarevich Alexei."
"Why kill the children though? They surely aren't responsible for the Tsar's actions?"
"Of course not. But there can't be an heir to come back and claim the throne. The Soviet Union shall always stay in power. The Romanovs had it coming, that's all I can say."
"You don't even regret killing the children?"
"Not in the slightest." Yurovsky leaned in, the strong smell of whiskey came in my nose. There was silence when Yurovsky stood and went to the door. He didn't say another word to me.

I sat in my study at home that night. I prepared a box with a pig's heart in it. Don't ask me how I got it, I just did. But the meat will go to some hungry orphans here in Moscow. The heart will be sent to Yurovsky along with another note.

"Soon, this will be your heart. I will then crush it in my hand. The same way you crushed my heart killing my parents, sisters, and brother that night. It will not be long before we meet."
-Count Romanov.

The housekeeper peaked in the door. "Excuse me, Mr. Savenkov. You have a visitor." She said in her soft voice. I groaned and stood up.
"Who is it?"
"She says her name is Ileana. May I send her to your study?"
I nodded and put the lid on the box with the pig's heart. "Yes, you can absolutely send her up." The housekeeper disappeared and I quickly hurried my box under my desk. I sat down and quietly waited. Ileana came into my study. She was back in her least clothes and her hair was a little messy. She closed the door and walked to my desk.

"I want to deeply apologize for the other night. I was very drunk and it was wrong of me to kiss you."
"Please, do not worry about it. I'm sure you're lonely waiting for Alexander to show up."
Ileana snickered. "Oh, you have no idea."
I stood up and motioned my hand to show that she could sit my chair. Which she did. I put my hands in my pockets and gave a wan smile at her.
"Why don't I ask the chef to put on some tea. Do you like tea?"
"Yes, I love tea. Tea sounds lovely." Ileana smiled back. I walked away and out of my office. I went downstairs and into the kitchen. There, I asked for the chef to put on tea. She told me it would be ready in a few minutes. I made my way back upstairs and into my study. There stood Ileana...holding my gold Romanov brooch.

I got close to her and tried to get it from her but she moved her hand away.
"Ileana, give me my brooch back. Why were you going through my desk?"
"I was do you have this? Only Romanov men had this brooch and it was so rare. Alexei, how do you have the damn brooch?" She raised her voice. I was caught but I needed to keep up the lie as much as possible. Perhaps I could change her mind.
"Ileana, I got the brooch at an auction a few years back. I thought it was too nice and rich to throw away."
Ileana shook her head. " not lie to me. Do not lie like so many other men. Alyosha, is that you? Are you Tsarevich Alexei?" Ileana put her hand on my face.
She was clearly convinced. So, I walked past her and sat down in my chair. I picked up a cigarette and lit it. I started to smoke it.
"No one has called me that in a very long time. I'm satisfied that I can be Tsarevich Alexei once again."
Ileana broke into sobs. "I-I thought about you everyday. Why didn't you come for me?"
"Ileana, we were children when I made that promise. I didn't even think you remembered it."
"Well, I do! It's now too late for us! Prince Alexander is my soon-to-be fiancé."
I exhaled the smoke from my cigarette and shrugged. "I know that. You remind me how kind and sweet he is to you all the time. I'm happy for you."
"Oh! I want you to care! Alexei, claim your rights  to the throne. Use your brooch as proof and get your inheritance money. Then let's be happy together! You can be my husband!" Ileana exclaimed. I didn't know what to say. I didn't like hurting people, especially women. The way Ileana looked at me in that broke me inside.
"Honestly, I don't think I want that life back. I'm perfectly fine being a commoner. My family is dead, Ileana. They are dead and I'm moving on with my life." Ileana rushed next to me and knelt down next to my chair. She put her hand on my face and turned my head toward her. She put our foreheads together.
"Here it comes, Alexei...I love you."
"And there it goes, Ileana. It goes in one ear and out the other. I think it's best you go home."
She stood up and wiped the tears she had on her cheeks. She walked toward the door and stopped.
"Will you at least wave me off in four-days? I'll be at the docks in Leningrad. Will you at least do that for me?" Ileana asked in a soft tone. I exhaled and put out my cigarette.
"Yes, I can do that." I replied. And with that, she disappeared out of my office and behind the double-doors.

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