Chapter 28

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October 1928

I heard some rumors the next morning. Nikulin drank the cyandine-whiskey quickly. Then, he started seizing in the middle of the night and was taken to the hospital. Nikulin somehow survived, but he was going to be in a wheelchair for the rest of his life and have a hard time speaking again. And as for Yurovsky, somehow he survived. He was found laying next to the river, shivering and about to die from hypothermia. He would also be paralyzed for the rest of his life from the impact with his back hitting the ice so hard. The new talk on the street was that Yurovsky was talking about how Tsarevich Alexei Romanov was alive and in Moscow. That the business owner named Alexei Savenkov was him. But no one believed the old man and was very close to declaring him "insane". It was hilarious, truly.

Rodion, Hadeon, and I sat at the breakfast table with me. We had a pleasant and quiet breakfast, not saying much. It was peaceful and our lives were getting better and better.
"Are we truly not going to say anything?" Hadeon asked.
"What is there to say? We are having a perfect day. Don't ruin it, kid." Rodion groaned.
"He has a point." I nodded. "We must speak about all that has gone on. First, I want to thank both of you for joining me on this mission. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have gotten my family justice. Second, we must speak about the future.
Rodion pushed back his chair and groaned.
"Alexei, what is going on-"
"Let me speak, please. Hadeon, I went out late last night and I got you a train ticket to Tomsk."
Hadeon furrowed his eyebrows. "W-What do you mean? I do not want to leave."
"You are just a kid. You're sixteen. It's time to go home to Ilya and the other men. I am sure they miss you terribly." I stood up. Hadeon and Rodion then stood up with me. I turned my attention toward Rodion.
"Rodion, if you go into my study, you will find a deed to the house and my company. I have officially made you the owner of both. All they need are some signatures from you."
"When did you do this?"
"I have been in the process of this for about one week now. I have signed all of the paper work and worked out the finances. You just have to do the rest."
Rodion shook his head. "Alyosha, I can't. You worked hard for this house and that company."
"Just shut your mouth. I am giving it to you because you are my best friend and greatest companion. You have been my best friend for a long time now and I am so thankful. So please, bring your girlfriend and daughter to Moscow. Marry that woman and be a dad."
"Bastard." Rodion walked over to me and wrapped his arms tightly around me.
"I love you too, man." I hugged him back. Hadeon came over and hugged us both. The three of us embraced for about a minute before letting go of each other.
"Alexei, what shall you do? Where are you going now?" Hadeon sighed.
"Maybe Paris. The sights are beautiful with luxurious fashion, great food, and beautiful women. But first, I have to go see another woman."

After going upstairs and packing everything I owned into my suitcases, I loaded it up into the car. I grabbed my coat, shoes, and hat. And for the last time, I looked at my house. I hoped Rodion would live there for quite awhile. He just needed to be happy. That's all I wanted.
I got in the car with the chauffeur. He quickly drove me to the shipping docks. I quickly got out and told him to just wait for me by the front. I walked past many people and searched for Ileana everywhere. Eventually by the upper-class shipping dock, I found Ileana outside. She was looking around carefully and kept her arms crossed.
"Ileana." I said loudly as I got closer. She looked over at me and softly smiled. She looked so beautiful. Saying goodbye was going to be very difficult.
"Alyosha. Hello. I was wondering if you were going to show up."
I weakly smiled. "I am here because you asked me to be."
Ileana sighed. "Are you sure that you cannot just tell people you are Tsarevich Alexei Romanov? If you will not do it for yourself, then do it for your family."
"Believe me, my darling. I have given my family justice. There is no need for me to avenge them any longer. I can continue my short-life peacefully."
"Alright, then. You seem so tired."
"I am tired."
"What have you been up to?" Ileana gave a wan smile and put her hand on my face.
"Do not worry about me. I am alright."
"Of course you say that you are alright. Alyosha, take this." Ileana removed her hand. She opened her purse and then pulled out a small photo and a scarf. The photo was of her maybe a couple years back.
"Do not forget me. I give you this so just in case you would like to boast, just say you met Princess Ileana of Romania." She giggled.
I chuckled with her. "Thank you, Ileana. You have really reminded of who I was about a decade ago. I am sorry I cannot be Tsarevich Alexei anymore."
"That's alright...I prefer the new Alexei anyway. He is more fun."
I smiled at her. In a quick move, I grabbed her face and deeply kissed her. Ileana moved her hands to my arms. After the kiss was over, Ileana and I deeply exhaled.
"Just in case I decide not marry Alexander...I will still be in Romania. You could always come visit."
"I may take you up on that in the future. Be happy, alright? Live your life to the fullest with no regrets. Do you promise?"
Ileana looked at me with tears in her eyes. "I promise. Alexei...I will always love you."
There was a loud noise from the ship. Everyone's attention turned toward one of crew members.
"The ship leaves in five-minutes!" He announced loudly.
Ileana looked at me. Quickly, she pecked me on the lips again. "Goodbye."
"Goodbye. Maybe in another life, things turned out differently."
Ileana giggled again. "Then in the next life, let's meet each other again. In every new life we have, let's just keep meeting each other."
"You should go before Nicholas gets concerned."
"I know. Bye."
"Bye." I waved her off as promised. I watched her walk away from me and on to the ship. I never did see her again. She didn't end up marrying Alexander, but married Archduke Anton of Austria instead in 1931. She had seven children and was content in her life. Which is all I ever wanted for her. I don't know if she ever thought about me, but I like to think she had. Our lives are defined by opportunities, even the ones we miss.

After leaving the shipping docks, my chauffeur drove me to the train station. I said goodbye to him and thanked him for what he had done for me. I got my suitcases and watched him drive away. After looking at the different locations, I decided to buy a ticket for Paris, just as I originally wanted.
"One ticket for Paris, France." I said.
"Passport and papers."
I handed my false papers to the man. He scanned them and then handed it back to me.
"Would you like a return ticket too?"
"No, thank you."
The man looked up at me again. "Are you running away or something? You seem too young."
"I am not running away. Not anymore." I shook my head. He just scoffed and handed me the ticket.
"Your train leaves in an hour."
"Thank you, sir."
I walked over and sat down on one of the benches. I watched as people rushed around. The mothers grabbing their children's hands and the men running to grab the train for their business trips.

I didn't know what the rest of my life would look like. I didn't know how much longer I had. But I knew I needed to live it to the fullest. For my family and for myself. I remembered a quote from The Count of Monte Cristo and the Bible that would stay with me forever.

God will give me justice.

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