Chapter 5

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July 30, 1918

I spent all of the next day sleeping. I had been so tired from the traveling that I couldn't even move myself into the wheelchair. Early the next morning after that, Timofey took me outside to their front yard. Timofey revealed two metal sticks.

"What are those?" I asked him with a confused expression on my face.
"They're called crutches. They were invented last year and recently made way over to Russia. Ilya got them from a hospital nearby for you."
"You mean he killed someone for them?"
"More or less." Timofey shrugged. "Anyway, you tightly attach them to your underarms and they help you adjust to walking again. They're very popular over in England. Apparently men who never thought they'd walk again are walking perfectly now! My friend, it is your time." He pointed to me and brought the crutches over to me. He attached them to my forearms and he was right, they were very snug. They felt heavy too. I went to stand up and I immediately lost my balance and fell back into the chair.
"Use your better leg to put your weight on. Step forward with that one and then swing your bad one up with it. It may take you a couple tries."
I tried again and stepped up. This time, I was able to keep my balance. Finally, I could feel something in my leg and using them again was wonderful. I hadn't been on my feet in over three-months.

Timofey started cheering and clapping. "Yes! Excellent job! Try and walk! Everyone get out here! Everyone, Alexei is walking!" Timofey screamed. I couldn't help but smile as I took my first step. Ilya and a few other men came outside and started to cheer too when they saw me.
Ilya went up to Timofey and wrapped his arm around him. "See, it was worth killing that doctor! Boys, bring out the medicine!" Ilya screamed. I was standing and taking a couple of steps. I was just so fascinated by myself. Ilya came up to me with a cup.
"Drink." He demanded. I opened my mouth and he poured some of the liquid into my mouth. The taste was horrible. I started coughing.
"Jesus, what is that?"
"Vodka. Just straight vodka. Drink again." He forced my mouth open and poured more in. I started coughing again and made a disgusted face. They all started to laugh again. Ilya wrapped his arm around me now. "See when you are all better, we're going to go have a very fun time. Until then, we drink. Oh say, let us fly dear." Ilya loudly sang and started to sing.

"Where kid? Through the sky dear! Oh you flying machine! Jump in, Ms. Josephine!" Everyone in the group started to sing as they went back inside. It was now just Timofey and I in the front yard again.
"Yes Alexei?"
"Do you really believe that I'll be able to walk again?"
"Of course! I'm sure you'll be able to."
"Shall God grant me to be happy again."
Timofey snickered and shook his head. "There is no God, Alexei. There's only fate and your fate is to be here. Come on, let's get you inside and see if we can run you a bath. And then, you will drink so much that you wake up in three days." I just chuckle at his comment. Perhaps life in Tomsk wouldn't be so bad.

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