Chapter 20

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September 1928

Her and I met at the bank the next morning. The banker was old and I lucky for Ileana, I was a good liar and talker. All she needed to do was stay quiet and let me do all the talking.

"That's the thing, sir. My wife has cancer and doesn't have too much time left. That's why I'm hoping the bank could loan us some money and I can pay it back in the future after she's gone."
The banker shook his head. "I can't just do that, Mr. Savenkov. Mrs. Savenkova, how much time do you have left?"
Ileana started to sob. "Oh, only so many months! My husband and I are devastated! We don't need so much, just enough for some medicine and things to make me comfortable! Imagine if it was your wife!" She rambled and sobbed uncontrollably. I took everything I said before back: she was an excellent liar. An excellent-beautiful liar.
"I'm so sorry, ma'am. I tell you what, I'll do some research on money I can send and I'll get it over as soon as possible. What's your husband's name and where should I send the money?"
I replied before she did. "My name is Alexei Savenkov and you can send it to the hotel on Marx St." I said that. I put it in my name but her temporary address. She'd get the money first and I'd pay the debt. It was only right of me to do.

Ileana and I walked on the street together. I smoked a cigarette as we walked. It was quite chilly today. Probably really cold compared to a hot country like Romania.
"You're a spectacular actress. You should be doing opera." I said to her. She crossed her arms as she walked.
"I do not like lying. I'm doing this for my family and I will do anything for my family."
"Family is everything. Do you smoke?" I asked her and put my hand in my coat pocket.
"Rarely, my parents don't like the way it smells on me." She shook her head.
"You don't swear and you don't smoke. Please, my God, please tell me you drink."

We on the stools at the bar. We took off our coats and hats. She was dressed as a peasant woman: a white-button-up shirt and a knee-length black shirt. Her hair was cut short and wavy, the popular trend nowadays. There was no spot of jewelry on her which was smart. Robberies were common.
"I'll have whiskey. The lady will have whiskey too."
Ileana smiled brightly. "Actually, I'll have vodka. Thank you." The bartender nodded at us and poured us our drinks. He handed them to us and took our first sips at the same time.
"You drink straight vodka?" I furrowed my eyebrows. She shrugged at me.
"Yes, I drink straight vodka. Are you going to judge me for that?"
"No, no I will not. I am just surprised that someone as rich and petite as you-"
She giggled. "I am not just rich and petite. I know how to have fun, believe it or not. I have a Red Cross Girl's group that I started to teach women how to be nurses and I am in charge of so many charities. Those things are not very classy but very fun."
"Eh, it's a royal duty. Next in your life is a husband who you think you love but then realize is a jerk. Then, it's so many children you can't keep track of. You'll live your life forced to do things you find so boring. Because that is the life of a royal."
Ileana scoffed. "You bloody bastard. Just so you know, I am in love. His name is Prince Alexander Of Germany. He likes to have fun and do the things I love. I love him and he's kind to me. He'll propose soon."
"Will he?"
"Yes, he shall."
"Make sure the diamond is big enough first." I shrugged. Ileana scoffed once again and slapped me across the face. Though, not hard to enough to cause me a Hemophilia attack. However, she didn't stand up and quietly kept drinking her drink. I can sense an unhappy woman when I meet one. Ileana was definitely unhappy. Why? That was the real question.
"I'm sorry, your highness. It has been a very busy month." I groaned and rested my head on my hand.
"Do you want to talk about it? My family says that I'm a very good therapist."
"No, I don't need a therapist. Oh, I just need to get my work done so I can move on. I'd like to travel, you know?"
Ileana weakly smiled. "Yes, I know. You should go see America or France. They're fun places to visit. The people are kind. Say Mr. Savenkov, just call me Ileana right now. It'll sound less suspicious."
I nodded and weakly smiled. "Fine, then don't call me Mr. Savenkov. Just call me Alexei."

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