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Thank you all so much for reading my story! I know it took took awhile for the ending to come out, so I apologize. It was an absolute blast writing this and I'm even sad that it is coming to an end.

Of course, as most of you know, this story is a work of fiction. I made it up. While Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich Romanov of Russia was a real person, many people were not. The Bolshevik guards who saved Alexei, Ilya and his crew, along with Timofey, Rodion, and Hadeon were all works of fiction. Yurovsky, Nikulin, Peter Ermakov, and Medvedev were all real people.

Tsarevich Alexei died on July 17, 1918 with his parents, sisters, and servants. He was the first of the Romanov children to be murdered. Alexei initially struggled with the Bolshevik guards. But was shot in the head. Alexei's body would not be found until 2007 along with his sister Maria Nikolaevna, almost a century after his death. Alexei was only 13-years-old when he died.

It is unclear if Princess Ileana of Romania ever truly harbored romantic feelings for Alexei. They had only met once when she was five. However, there is a rumor that Alexei told Ileana that he would come back for her when they were old enough. But Ileana never confirmed this and there is no evidence of gun ever saying this. Ileana died in 1991, almost 73-years after Alexei's murder.

Thank you for reading! If you have questions or comments about the story, comment them here! Unfortunately, my DMs do not work. Anyway, new stories shall come soon! If you would like more Romanov content, then read my current story "The Lives of The Romanovs" about if the Russian Revolution of 1917 had never happened.

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