The Aftermath..

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Song of the Chapter is... Don't Want To Be Alone by Abe Parker

Tony awoke with an immense migraine and vivid memories of the day before. He sat up and looked around, his thoughts solely focused on something- someone else. A struggle ensued as he attempted to stand, pain completely taking over and when he managed to finally stand, it was very difficult to walk around. 

“Peter? Rhodey?” Concern filled the billionaire as he saw his home nearly in shambles and rubble was all over, nearly covering the entire floor. After calling out to the aforementioned people, panic set in as no response was given and he ran to his kid’s room. 

“He’s not here.” The man spun around and found his girlfriend standing there with her arms crossed. Glancing outside, he realized it was nearly sunrise and his attention returned to the furious redhead before him.


“He’s staying with Rhodey while the house is getting repaired. He picked him up this morning from Natalie’s house upon my request.” Her tone was annoyed and disappointed as the man before her seemed confused.

“Why was he there?” Hidden in the confusion was a sadness that was unnoticed by the annoyed red head and if he were to be honest, he didn't want her or his son to find out anything was wrong.

"Are you serious right now?" Her tone was anything but kind and the billionaire silently cringed. He couldn't remember anything from the previous night and as he thought back, he only drew a blank. Seeing the confusion written all over his face, her demeanor became enraged and she couldn’t hold herself back any longer. “God, Tony! Do you ever think about anyone other than yourself?! It’s as if your actions have no repercussions as long as you’re the one behind it, you disregard the consequences that fall onto those around you.”

“Pepper, I-” The billionaire began, but the woman in front of him refused to let him continue and rapidly shook her head. 

“No. No more excuses, Anthony. I’ll be going to the tower to work, otherwise I will be taking a break from us. I can’t continue to go through this with you and when you finally decide to act like a grown man who has a child to take care of I will not be returning.” There was no room for discussion as she stormed out, leaving Tony heartbroken and completely alone.

&&&&&& Donuts... &&&&&&&&&

“Sir! I’m gonna have to ask you to exit the doughnut!” A man in a trench coat and an eyepatch over his left eye yelled up to Iron Man who was in a giant doughnut. Tony lowered his glasses on his nose and glanced back at the man wearing a black trench coat. The man entered the doughnut shop and the billionaire followed him in, sitting across from the eyepatch wearing male in a booth.

“I told you I don’t wanna join your super-secret boy band.” Tony spoke as he held his armoured hand up to his temple and attempted to relieve his migraine. Fury chuckled at his statement as he looked down at his cup of coffee.

“No, no, no. See, I remember, you do everything yourself. How’s that working out for you?” Fury taunted as he lifted his cup and took a sip, waiting for a response.

“It’s… It’s… It’s… I’m sorry. I don’t wanna get off on the wrong foot. Do I look at the patch or the eye? Honestly I’m a bit hungover. I’m not sure if you’re real or if I’m having…” The director of SHIELD leaned over the table and cut off the armour wearing billionaire.

“I am very real. I’m the realest person you’re ever gonna meet.” 

“Just my luck. Where’s the staff here?” Tony began to look around as Fury reached out and touched the infected area on his neck.

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