The Start Of The Storm..

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A Year Later...

"No Stane, I don't care what break through you think your team has found. The Arc Reactor is not to be touched. Now, if that is all you wanted to bother me about; I have to go." Tony blew off his company's advisor and walked away, leaving behind an angry Obadiah Stane.
"Tony, you-"
"Don't care." Tony cut him off and continued on his way. It had been almost a year since the whole incident with Peter's "mother" and May's ex-boyfriend. Since then, Tony was more secretive with his son. The only people to really know about his son was Rhodey, Pepper and May, plus some of the people from Peter's party. Once the media coverage on his son's existence died down, everyone seemingly forgot the multibillionaire even had a son.
"Dad!" Tony smiled as he walked off the elevator to the penthouse and saw Peter running to him. Tony bent down and picked his son up, smiling as he hugged him.
"How's my little man today?" Tony asked and Peter huffed.
"I'm not little." Peter crossed his arms once out of his father's arms and Tony held his arms up in defense.
"Woah, sorry big man. Didn't mean to offend you." Peter pouted for a few more seconds before dropping his stance and beaming at his father.
"Look dad! I lost a tooth!" Peter pointed to the spot a tooth once was and Tony grinned.
"That's great, kid. Looks like someone is getting a visit from the tooth fairy tonight." Peter shouted in glee and Tony smiled fondly, before becoming curious. "Hey Pete, where's your Uncle Rhodey?" Peter giggled and grabbed Tony's hand, leading him to the couch.
"Uncle Rhodey fell asleep during Star Trek." Tony raised an eyebrow, looking at the sleeping colonel on his couch and grinned, looking at his son.
"Wanna pull a prank on Uncle Rhodey?" Peter's eyes lit up and he nodded quickly, beaming at his father. Tony smirked and nodded, indulging his son in on the plan.
"Do you think it'll work?" Peter whispered as they spread the clear plastic wrap around the doorway to the kitchen.
"Of course." Tony replied with a smirk as he finished and stood back to admire his work. He nodded to Peter and he crawled under the wrap, into the kitchen. Tony hid and Peter took a deep breath.
"Uncle Rhodey!!" Peter put as much emotion as he could when he yelled and the colonel fell off the couch, standing up quickly. Sleep was still clouding Rhodey's eyes as he looked around the living room for his nephew and was concerned when he couldn't spot the 6 year old.
"Peter?!" Tony heard the concern in the colonel's voice and Peter ran out under the wrap, hugging his uncle's legs. "Where did you- Tony, where are you hiding?" Rhodey's eyes narrowed, as the sleep vanished and he saw the plastic wrap.
"Peter, you gave away the prank." Tony sighed as he walked out from behind the couch and Peter looked at him adorably.
"I'm sowwy daddy, but Uncle Whodey sounded weally worwied and I didn't want him to be sad. Pwease don't be mad at me." Tony's heart melted and so did Rhodey's. This child is truly amazing.
"Its okay, bud. I'm not mad."
"Thanks Pete. Want a cookie?" Rhodey asked, forgetting about the plastic wrap and walking face first into it, sending Peter and Tony into a fit of laughter.
"Nice job Pete." Tony high fived his son through laughter and Rhodey made a hurt face, dramatically clutching his chest.
"You were acting?" Rhodey asked, and Peter frowned.
"I'm sowwy Uncle Whodey." Peter spoke with tears in his eyes and walked forward to hug his uncle.
"Nope, I'm not falling for it." Rhodey joked, turning away and Peter's lip quivered. He looked down and stepped back.
"I-I'm sowwy." Peter dashed to his room, tripping over his feet. He fell forward and fell on his knees, but got up again. He continued to his room and Tony turned to his best friend. Rhodey stared back at his friend with wide eyes and Tony had narrowed eyes.
"Look, Tones. I-" Rhodey began to explain, but Tony cut him off.
"I don't want to hear it Rhodes. You know what that kid has been through. Joking at first was fine, but continuing without telling him it was a joke and letting him think you were actually mad? That was wrong Rhodes. Go fix this, before I do." Tony ended with a hiss and walked away to cool off. Rhodey hung his head and walked away to Peter's room.
"Hey Peter?" Rhodey spoke as he knocked on the door and quietly opened it. Peter was sitting on the corner of his bed near the wall with his knees to his chest and arms around his knees. He looked up and Rhodey felt a pain in his heart, seeing the tears in his nephew's eyes. "I'm sorry, I wasn't really mad. I could never be mad at you, I was completely joking." Rhodey apologized and Peter looked down.
"I-I didn't upset you?" Peter asked in a tiny voice and Rhodey smiled, shaking his head.
"Not even close." Peter got out of bed and hugged his uncle. "Do you forgive me?"
"Only if I can have a cookie." Peter smiled cheekily and Rhodey nodded, walking with Peter to the kitchen.
"I see you made up." Tony spoke as the two walked in and Peter nodded, smiling at his father. However, Tony could see the remaining tears, and fought himself to not hit his best friend.
"Yea, everything's okay now, Tony." Rhodey spoke cautiously and Tony nodded curtly, before walking off to his lab. Rhodey made a mental note to go talk to him later.

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