Reliving The Past

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The room was dark and eerie. The familiarity of the stench and sliver of light on his skin made everything in the small child recoil in fear. If there was any doubt where he was, that was gone the moment someone stepped into the light and revealed the face of Peter’s nightmares. The figure inched closer and as Peter focused his eyes, he could see the glinting of silver in his hand as the small amount of light hit off the surface of the object. He wanted to move back, but a wall and chains prevented mobility and left him to watch as the man smiled sickeningly. A blood curdling scream left bloody lips as a knife was dragged down a small torso, cutting the already tattered shirt and breaking through the skin. Peter was in unimaginable pain as a chuckle resounded through the small basement and the smell of blood filtered the child’s nose.

“Oh, how I’ve missed those screams and cries.” Ed relished in the tortured sounds leaving the small boy and he brought the knife closer, gliding the silver down Peter’s neck this time. Blood was drawn from the gesture and the man smiled wider. Peter was confused and scared as he had just been with Pepper and Tony.  

His memory was failing, but he thought that Pepper must've told the billionaire about their conversation and the man must've agreed with what the boy thought. Maybe he was kicked out to the street and something happened to make his mind foggy. Did he hit his head or something after Pepper told Tony or was it when they got back to Pepper’s after the beach? Maybe he hit his head when he got home and the billionaire thought it was better to just give the boy back to Ed after he was told about the conversation. Afterall, it didn’t take much for people to choose another person over the brunette child and Peter witnessed that first hand with May and Mary who had chosen their partners over the child. It wouldn’t be the first time Peter got close to someone just for them to realize he’s worthless and cast him aside like the garbage he is.

However, it felt as though every fiber in his being was screaming at him for believing such bullshit. He knew that wouldn’t happen. He knew no matter what he did or said, the man known as his father would never see things from his point of view. The love Tony had for his son was so overly abundant that even a blind and deaf person could feel how much love the man had for his child. Peter gulped as a horrible thought crossed his mind and he took a deep breath. Suddenly, Peter remembered his last conversation with Ed when they were alone in his room at Tony's place and he flinched.

“My-my da-ad…” His voice shocked even himself as the torture happy man stopped and glared at Peter with such hatred for being interrupted. A grin replaced the glare and his eyes lit up like it was christmas. 

“Ah yes, wouldn’t you love to know. I’m sure it eats at you that no memories remain from how you ended up here. I’m sure you haven’t forgotten our conversation at your father’s house?” Peter’s eyes widened as he feared the man before him and the thought of what happened to his father. 

“You-you couldn’t hurt him. He-he’s Iron Man and he-” A laugh so loud it echoed in the small area was released from Ed as he wiped at tears forming in his eyes from the bellow he let out.

“Hurt him? Oh Peter, you misunderstand….” Before Peter could question further, the blood loss kicked in and he passed out.

Peter woke up several hours later with a start and he began to struggle. He didn’t care about the chains on his arms or the noise he was making by pulling on the restraints. He needed to escape, to get free and find his dad. He didn’t like the way Ed spoke or smiled and with how the conversation ended before he passed out, he had no information on the man who loved him more than anything. Blood dripped from his chains as the metal around his wrist began to dig into the skin. Pain was irrelevant and all sounds were drowned out. He had to get free.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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