The Middle Of The Storm..

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"Is daddy home yet?" Peter asked Pepper as he entered the living room. It's been almost two months and everyday, Peter would ask Pepper the same thing and Pepper always had the same response.
"Sorry, Peter." Pepper apologized and Peter frowned.
"Is he gonna be home next week for my birthday?" Peter asked, eyes saddened and Pepper gave an apologetic smile.
"I don't know yet, Peter. Possibly." Pepper tried to cheer him up and Peter sighed. He turned around and went back to his room.
He lay on his bed and tears welled in his eyes. He's seen Pepper cry more than he should have, but nothing was told to him. As far as he was told, Tony was away on a business trip and he hasn't come home.
Peter felt abandoned. He knew this all too well. When his mother went shopping, she said she'd be back, but never returned. Now his father is gone and nothing is being told to reassure him.

◇◇◇◇ Scene Change To Tony  ◇◇◇◇

"Make sure the checkpoints are all clear before you follow me out." Tony said to Yensen as he was being suited up and Yensen looked at the computer.
"We need more time." Yensen muttered under his breath as Tony tried to attract his attention. "Hey. I'm going to go buy you some time." Yensen nodded to Tony and looked to a gun.
"Stick to the plan!" Tony yelled as Yensen walked to the gun and picked it up, shooting at the ceiling. "Stick to the plan!" Yensen continued to shoot and run forward.
"Yensen!" Tony yelled one last time and sighed, shaking his head. The computer finished loading as the lights went off and gunshots were fired. 

♡♡♡♡♡♡ Scene Change To Peter ♡♡♡♡

"Happy birthday, bud." Rhodey smiled as Peter walked out of his room half asleep. Peter's eyes widened and he looked around expectantly. A frown soon took over his face and Rhodey frowned. "What's wrong, Peter?" 
"I-I just thought he'd be home by now.." Peter whispered, tears springing to his eyes and Rhodey got on one knee. 
"Don't worry Peter, we haven't stopped looking for him." Rhodey knew he slipped up when Peter's eyes widened once more and the kid looked scared.
"He's missing?!" Peter exclaimed, standing up. "How long?" Peter asked and Rhodey gave a nervous laugh.
"He's not missing missing. He just- you know how your father likes to run away from responsibilities- not that you aren't his responsibility- not that hes-"
"How long has he been missing, Uncle Rhodey?" Peter cut off his uncle's awkward rambling and Rhodey sighed, putting his hand on Peter's shoulder.
"About 3 months." 
"But- that's the amount of time he's been gone. You and mommy… Have been lying to me this entire time?" Peter cried and Rhodey opened his mouth, just to close it a second later. Peter ran to his room and shut the door.
"Mr. Jarvis?" Peter spoke to the ceiling and waited for a response, wiping his tears.
"What can I do for you, Peter?" Jarvis responded.
"Can you put my room on lockdown? Please? I don't want mommy or Uncle Rhodey entering." Peter requested and sniffled.
"Unfortunately, in order to do this, I need an override code." 
"Your room is now on lockdown until Mr. Stark requests otherwise." 
"Thank you, Jarvis." Peter whispered as he sobbed into a pillow. 
They lied to him. They betrayed his trust. Peter was hurt, not just by the fact they lied; his father was missing. His father going missing was worse than Tony abandoning him. 
"Peter, can I come in?" Pepper asked, trying the handle and sighed when it was locked. "Peter, please. Let your uncle and I explain." Pepper begged, trying desperately to get to her son. "Jarvis, unlock the door." Pepper said, having enough of pleading.
"Unfortunately, I cannot do that Miss Potts. Peter has requested lockdown with a high override code. Mr. Stark would have to give the command. My apologies." Pepper was shocked. How did her son get a high level security code that surpasses even hers? 

♧♧♧♧♧ With Tony ♧♧♧♧♧♧

"Yensen!" Tony exclaimed when he saw his cellmate on the ground on top of some rubble.
"Watch out." Yensen choked out as the leader shot a missile at him. Tony narrowly dodge it and shot back. The missile hit the rock next to him, and the leader went down. Tony walked over to Yensen and threw a bag off him. 
"Stark." Yensen said breathlessly and Tony lifted his faceplate. 
"C'mon, we gotta go. Move for me, c'mon we got a plan. We gotta stick to it." Tony spoke hurriedly, holding out his hand and Yensen managed to shake his head.
"This was always the plan, Stark." Yensen said breathlessly and Tony sighed.
"C'mon, you're gonna go see your family. Get up." Tony tried to convince, but Yensen struggled to speak.
"My family's dead. I'm going to see them now, Stark." Yensen spoke squinting as his head swayed. "It's-it's okay, Stark. G-go. See your b-boy and-" Yensen coughed and tried his best to finish. "-a-and be there for h-him. Pr-promise me, you'll love him more than anything." Yensen asked as he started to drift away.
"I promise, Yensen. But you're gonna stay alive-"
"Let me go Stark. I-I want this. I want this." Yensen spoke, sounding weaker and Tony blew a breath, tears welling in his eyes.
"Thank you for saving me." 
"D-don't waste it. Don't waste your life s…" Yensen trailed off and heaved, before the life finally left his body. 

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