I Know The Math!

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Tony heard his phone going off as he entered his living room and he looked around for it. He moved a pillow and picked it up, seeing that Pepper was calling. Just as he hit the answer button and plopped down on the couch, he suddenly couldn’t move as a high pitched sound went off by his ear.
“Tony? Tony are you there?” Pepper’s concerned voice came through the phone’s speaker, but Tony couldn’t respond as his hand with his phone dropped. “Hello?”
“Breathe.” Stane spoke after hitting end on Tony’s phone and gently eased the multibillionaire’s head back on the couch. “Easy, easy. You remember this one, right?” Stane said as he turned the sound off and removed his ear plugs. “It’s a shame the government didn’t approve of it. There’s so many applications for causing short-term paralysis.” Stane walked away and Tony could only follow his movement with his eyes.
Out of the corner of his eye, Tony caught a quick glance of a certain brown haired boy sitting on his shoulders in a picture and the man prayed Stane wouldn’t see it. Tony was glad that he wasn’t a dumb ass hoe and decided to send his son with his best friend. The sinnister CEO turned around to the billionaire as he seemingly missed the picture and if Tony wasn’t paralyzed, he would’ve let out a relieved sigh.
“Ah Tony.” Stane gripped the genius’ cheeks and forced him to look in his eyes. “When I, uh ordered the hit on you, I worried that I was..” He trailed off as he paused and took out a tool from a briefcase on the floor next to the sofa. “Killing the golden goose.” He put his leg on the couch cushion next to Tony and positioned the tool above the arc. “But you see, it was just-” he pushed the tool down on the chest piece and Tony’s body jumped as the tool made a locking sound. “-fate that you survived that.” 
He turned the tool as it was on the arc and pulled it away from his chest, retracting the arc with it. He tugged quickly and disconnected the cords from Tony’s only life support. He turned the arc and pulled it out of the billionaire's chest. 
"You have one last golden egg to give. Did you really think.. that just because you have an idea, it belongs to you?" Stane questioned and went silent as he stared at the billionaire. 
"Your father.. he helped give us the atomic bomb, now where would we be today if he were as selfish as you?" 
Stane took the tool off the arc and examined it. He turned it to Tony and looked at the paralyzed man. As Stane was taunting the Stark, his eyes landed on a picture on one of the side tables. He packed the arc into the suitcase and stood, walking to the picture.
"Oh yes, I've heard a rumor of you having a son. This is him, isn't it?" Stane picked up the frame and gave a sinister smile. "A shame you had to bring Pepper and your son into this, really. Rhodey has him, am I right?" 

♤♤♤ I'm surprised so many of you still read this, tbh ♤♤♤♤

Tony stumbled to his feet and fell to the ground. He groaned and struggled to pick up the picture Stane placed down on the table. He looked at it with trembling hands and placed it down. He forced himself to stand and stumbled to the elevator, throwing himself at the wall once inside. It took him down to the lab and he fell to the floor as he made it to the garage/lab. 
He crawled as he hit the floor and passed the car. He made it to the table and reached up for the arc, but fell back against the leg. He looked up as Dum-e brought the arc to his hands. Tony grabbed it and stared at Dum-e for a few seconds.
"Good boy." Tony smiled as he smashed the glass containing the arc.
"Tony!" Rhodey yelled as he ran into the living room, but saw no one. "Tony!" He exclaimed as he ran to the garage and stopped short. "Tony!" He ran to his best friend and turned him over. "Tony, you okay?" 
"Where-where's Peter?" Tony questioned as he grabbed Rhodey's arms.
"He's fine. He's on the Naval base surrounded by my best men. No one will get to him." 
"What about Pepper?" Tony asked, still trying to find his strength.
"She's fine as well. She's with five agents. They're about to arrest Obadiah." Rhodey explained and Tony's eyes widened as he froze.
"That's not going to be enough." 

¥¥¥¥ Too Many Time Skips, I Know, But Bare With Me ¥¥¥¥¥¥

"How do you think the Mark I chest piece is going to hold up?" Tony asked his AI as he flew through the sky to find Stane.
"The suit's at 48% power and falling, sir. That chest piece was never designed for sustained flight." Jarvis responded and Tony kept a poker face.
"Keep me posted." He went into hyperspeed and called Pepper. "Pepper!" 
"Tony! Tony, are you okay?" Pepper asked, sounding extremely worried and Tony smiled to himself.
"I'm fine." 
"Obadiah, he's gone insane!"
"I know. Listen, you'd better get out of there-"
"He built a suit-"
"Get out of there right now!" Tony exclaimed, but Pepper turned in fear when the earth started to  rumble behind her. She stepped back and watched as the suit immersed from underground. 
"Your services are no longer required." Stane got ready to shoot the red head, but someone shouting drew his attention away.
"Stane!" Tony yelled as he flew in and Stane began to shoot at the armor. 
Tony managed to fly straight through the bullets and tackled Obadiah to the ground through the building. The two hit the ground and crashed through a wall out onto the freeway. A car full of kids and a mom stopped short in front of the two armored people and honked. Stane stood and picked the car up causing the family to scream. 
"I love this suit!" Stane exclaimed as he held the car above his head and Tony stood up.
"Put them down." 
"Collateral damage, Tony." Stane started to walk towards Tony and he powered down his palm blasters.
"Revert all power to chest RT." The repulser shot out at the suit in front and Stane went flying back.
Tony was quick to catch the car as it went flying forward and fell back on one knee. The mom stepped on the gas and the car went forward, with Tony gripping onto the front end. 
"Lady-" He tried to get her to stop, but fell under the car and was dragged down the street. He finally lifted the car and put it down above his head. 
Stane flew over as Tony stood and took a motorcycle from under someone. He smashed it against Tony and sent the billionaire flying into a car. People ran off the bus into the street and scattered as Stane kicked Tony into the bus. 
"For 30 years, I've been holding you up!" Stane yelled as he lifted Tony above his head and threw him down on the concrete. Stane stomped on Tony's chest and Tony struggled to get free. "I built this company from nothing!" Another stomp to the chest. 
Tony rolled over and tried to get away, but Stane pulled him back. He picked Tony up and brought them inches apart.
"Nothing is going to stand in my way." He threw Tony straight into the bus and walked a little closer, getting his rocket ready to launch. 
He shot at the bus and the entire motor vehicle burst into flames.  Tony flew straight into the air and fell back down, trying to gain control of himself. As he fell back down, his thrusters started to work and he saved himself, hovering a few feet in the air in front of Stane.
"Impressive! You've upgraded your armor! I've made some upgrades of my own!" His suit made some changes on the feet and he began to fly into the air, a huge cloud of smoke coming from his feet. 
"Sir, it appears that his suit can fly." Jarvis came up with the schematics from the other suit and Tony looked over the information on the screen.
"Duly noted. Take me to maximum altitude." Tony commanded and the AI responded back.
"With only 15% power, the odds of reaching that…" 
"I know the math! Do it!" Tony yelled back as Obadiah followed the billionaire and they took off into the sky.
"Thirteen percent power, sir." Jarvis reminded as the two armored men flew higher into the sky. 
"Eleven percent."
"Keep going!" Tony yelled as they reached the point where the armor would begin to freeze and Tony continued ahead of Stane.
"Seven percent power."
"Just leave it on the screen! Stop telling me!" Tony was finally annoyed and the AI remained silent. 
Stane caught up and grabbed Tony's ankle, causing the man to be forcibly pulled back. Stane pulled ahead and started to attack Tony. His hand was around Tony's throat and he began to speak.
"You had a great idea, Tony, but my suit is more advanced in every way!" Stane gloated and Tony smirked.
"How'd you solve the icing problem?" He asked, smirk evident in his voice and Obadiah was confused.
"Icing problem?" He asked as the suit shut off and Tony pulled his arm free.
"Might want to look into it." He said as he punched the top of the armors head and the suit broke off of him, sending the suit crashing back down to earth. Tony stayed hovering a few more minutes, before his thrusters began to give out.
"We are now running on emergency backup power." Jarvis announced and Tony managed to stop his fall.
"Whoa." His suit started to give out frequently, but he managed to land on top of the roof somewhat softly. "Potts!"
"Tony! Oh, my god, are you okay?" Pepper freaked and Tony began to take off his suit.
"I'm almost out of power. I've got to get out of this thing. I'll be right there." Tony responded and Stane landed right next to him.
Tony flew up and raised his hand, forgetting he took the thruster off already. Stane smacked him and Tony went flying. Tony almost went off the building, but managed to stay on and flew back at Stane. Obadiah caught the billionaire in his arms and squeezed. 
"What's my status?" Tony groaned to Jarvis as his suit started to send bolts of electricity out. 
"Repulsors offline. Missiles offline." Jarvis responded and Tony groaned as he felt pain from being crushed. 
"Flares!" Tony exclaimed as a desperate attempt and Jarvis complied, confusing Stane. 
"Very clever, Tony." Stane announced as he searched for the escaped man. Tony stayed hidden and knew what to do.
"This isn't working. We're going to have to overload the reactor and blast the roof." Tony responded in complete seriousness and Pepper ran her hand through her hair.
"Well, how are you going to do that?" 
"You're going to do it. Go to the center console, open up all the circuits. When I get clear of the roof, I'll let you know. You're going to hit the master bypass button. It's going to fry everything that's up here." Tony finished as Stane continued to look for the man. 
"Okay, I'm going in now."
"Make sure you wait till I clear the roof. I'll buy you some time." Tony snuck behind Stane and attacked him from behind. "This looks important!" Tony exclaimed as he took out some wiring in the back of Obadiah's neck. Stane's visual was taken out and he struggled to find Tony. When he finally found the man, he pulled him off and threw him over the glass window. Tony's helmet was removed by Stane when he was thrown and he looked down at Pepper. Tony looked up again as Stane's suit opened.
"I never had the taste for this sort of thing, but I must admit, I'm deeply enjoying the suit!" Stane crushed Tony's stolen helmet and threw it to him. Tony looked at it then back up as Stane walked towards him. "You finally outdid yourself, Tony! You've made your father proud!" 
Tony looked down as he saw the machine start up and his attention was brought back to Stane when he began shooting at the man. Tony used a shield built into his suit and tried to dodge the bullets. The glass caved in and Tony nearly fell if not for grabbing onto the medal from the glass design. Tony climbed up a bit as Stane continued to shoot. 
"Tony!" Pepper yelled out and Stane stared at the man barely hanging on. 
"How ironic, Tony! Trying to rid the world of weapons, you gave it the best one ever!" Stane exclaimed as he laughed. 
"And now, I'm going to kill you with it." Stane shot a rocket in Tony's direction, but missed. "You took out my targeting system!"
"Time to hit the button!" Tony exclaimed down to Pepper as Obadiah took some steps forward. 
"You told me not to!" 
"Hold still, you little prick!" Stane exclaimed as he shot another missile at the billionaire, but missed and Tony became anxious. Even if Peter didn't have Tony, at least he would have Pepper.
"Just do it!" Tony yelled out desperately and Pepper shook her head, tears falling.
"You'll die!" Pepper cried as Stane walked closer.
"Push it!" Tony exclaimed as he fell from the blast Stane sent and looked down at the red head. Pepper looked down and hesitantly wavered her hand over the button, before slamming down on it. "Tell Peter, I love him." Tony said only loud enough for Pepper to hear and she backed away as the machine began to send off energy in waves.
The blast hit Tony and he went flying into a design of the roof. Tony lay down on the rail and tried to dodge the burst of fire that came back up. He was unsuccessful in dodging the fire and half of his suit was burned up as he laid there dying. 
His arc went in and out as memories drifted through Tony's mind. Peter kept popping into his head, along with Pepper. 

♤♤♤♤ Again, So Sorry For So Many Time Skips ♤♤♤♤♤

"You've all received the official statement of what occurred at Stark Industries last night." Rhodey spoke to the news casters and press. "There have been unconfirmed reports that a robotic prototype malfunctioned and caused damage to the arc reactor. Fortunately, a member of Tony Stark's personal security staff…" 
""Iron Man." That's kind of catchy. It's got a nice ring-"
"Daddy?" Peter whispered as he stepped off of the elevator and saw his father sitting at the table with Pepper cleaning him and bandaging him. The kid dropped everything in his hands and ran to his father's arms. 
"Hey buddy, how was the base?" Tony smiled as he hugged his kid and picked him up carefully.
"It was fun, I guess.. Are you okay? I heard what happened.." Peter trailed off and Tony looked at Rhodey who raised his hands in the air defensively. 
"I didn't say anything to him." 
"Are you okay?" Peter repeated as he touched his father's cheek and gave him sad puppy dog eyes. Tony smiled and lightly grabbed his son's hand.
"I'm okay, kid." 
"Here's your alibi." Agent Phil Coulson held a card out to Tony and he hesitantly grabbed it.
"You were on your yacht." 
"Yeah." Tony responded as he looked over the papers in his hands. 
"We have port papers that put you in Avalon all night and sworn statements from 50 of your guests."
"See, I was thinking maybe we should say it was just Pepper and me-" Pepper lightly slapped Tony's face as Peter tilted his head. 
"Just read it, word for word." Peter looked down at the cue cards as his dad shifted through them.
"There's nothing about Stane here." Tony looked at the agent and Phil nodded.
"That's being taken care of. He was on vacation. Small aircraft have such a poor safety record." Phil spoke as Pepper glared at him and Peter looked down. 
                  Word Count: 2,733

So sorry for taking so long to update! I've been meaning to, but I didn't know if anyone actually still wanted to read this. Please vote and comment your opinions.

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