Just Call It A Hunch..

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"Open the box and see." Pepper smiled at Peter encouragingly and Peter cautiously took the present. He was excited, but he was also scared and that was all do to his mother and Ed. As soon as he opened the box, his eyes widened and he pulled the gift out. Inside was a giant panda with 5 passes to the New York Zoo.
"There's one more thing." Tony added and got up, grabbing a booklet from the table. He handed it to Peter and smiled. "You start the 1st grade September 5th."
"Really?" Peter and Pepper asked at the same time and Tony nodded. Peter was excited since he had been asking to start school for quite a bit and Pepper was shocked.
"Thank you!" Peter exclaimed, jumping from his seat and hugging his father.
"Alright, time to eat then bed time." Pepper announced and Peter ran to the table, sitting down. "We'll talk about this later." Pepper spoke to her boyfriend and walked away, leaving Tony to sigh.

♧♧♧♧♧♧ Time Skip Brought To You By The Author Being Dumb ♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧

"Tony, I thought we agreed not to send Peter to school until next year?" Pepper asked with her arms crossed and Tony sighed, pulling on his pajama pants. Pepper lay on the bed and Tony crawled in next to her.
"I know Pep, but I have a feeling something terrible is going to happen soon and I want Peter as far away as I can get him while it happens." Tony spoke and Pepper raised an eyebrow.
"What do you mean?"
"Let's just call it a hunch." Tony finished as he turned off the lights.
When Tony awoke in the morning, he was happy to see Peter walking out of his room and chuckled softly. Peter had his blanket around him, eyes half open and hair defying gravity.
"I thought someone would be more excited to go to the zoo." Rhodey spoke from behind Peter and the kid jumped, frightened by the sudden voice. Rhodey frowned as Tony glared at the man and walked closer to his son, abandoning his coffee and paper at the dining room table.
"It's okay Pete, just your idiotic uncle." Tony reassured his son and Peter relaxed, crawling down the wall from the ceiling. Pepper smacked the colonel on the back of his head and Rhodey hissed in pain.
"Gosh, I'm sorry. I thought he knew I was here." Rhodey rubbed the back of his head and frowned.
"You wanna get changed for the zoo?" Tony asked and Peter jumped up in excitement, dragging his father to his room. The elevator doors opened and out walked May, slightly nervous as Pepper narrowed her eyes at the woman.
"Th-thank you for inviting-"
"Listen May, we only invited you for Peter. Don't think we've forgotten." Pepper cut May off and walked away, leaving Rhodey and May alone. May looked to Rhodey and he gave her a watchful glance.
"Aunt May?" Peter asked standing behind Tony's leg and looking around cautiously. He loved his aunt, but he couldn't forget that she was with Ed.
"Hi Peter. I-I miss you." May stuttered and Peter decided it was safe, before walking out from behind Tony's leg. He walked up to his aunt and she lowered her height, hugging the child in front of her.
"Okay, let's get going." Tony announced and Peter smiled widely, running to the elevator. Tony spared a glance at May, before following his son with a smile on his face.
"Do you think we'll see a red panda?" Peter asked excitedly and Pepper gave a loving glance.
"Maybe. Is a red panda your favorite animal?" Pepper asked and Peter shook his head.
"My second favorite. I can't decide between a fox and wolf for my top favorite so I like them both." Peter answered and everyone was in awe. A red panda isn't known by a lot of people and the fact that it was Peter's second favorite animal was as cute as a red panda.

◇◇◇ Scene Change Brought To You By Red Pandas Being Adorable, Yet Vicious If Provoked, Sort Of Like Our Smol Bean ◇◇◇ (Picture Above^^^^)

"Can we go see the Fennec Foxes? Pleaseeeee?" Peter begged and May smiled.
"Of course, I can-"
"We can. You're not taking Peter anywhere by yourself." Tony cut her off and May frowned.
"I didn't mean-"
"Don't forget, the only reason you're here is because you're my son's aunt. None of us trust you and until-" Peter heard a fox cry and broke off.
He wasn't too far from the Fennec Fox exhibit and arrived a few minutes later. He climbed up the wall to see what was going on and was worried. The baby fox had gotten stuck in the fence and the mother was stuck trying to make its way over. Peter frowned and climbed over carefully.
Once on the other side of the exhibit, Peter ran to the baby fox and tripped, cutting his knee and scratching his face. He held back the pain and continued on his way to the fox.
"It's okay. I won't hurt you." Peter said softly to the cowering baby fox and the fox calmed slightly, keeping a watchful eye on the kid. Peter walked closer cautiously and held his hand out for the fox to sniff. The fox sniffed his hand and relaxed immensely, making it easier for Peter to help the animal get free.
After it was free, the baby licked Peter's face and whined. Peter smiled and pet the animal on its head. The baby ran off as Peter fell from pain and blood loss. When he cut his leg, he hadn't realized it was worse than he thought. All Peter cared about was helping the baby fox and after he had, the adrenaline wore off and the pain set in. Soon, the fox and its mother returned and the mother ran to Peter. She licked his wound on his cheek and whined, nudging his face.
"I-I'm okay." Peter said, sitting up and the baby fox jumped on him, causing Peter to fall back once more. The mother nipped at her baby and Peter giggled. "I'm glad you're okay."
"Peter!" The child heard his father yell and he looked to the gazing area. He could see his family frantically watching and trying to figure out how he got down there. Peter gave a smile, but cringed in pain.
"I-I'm okay." Peter tried to yell, but it didn't come out that loud. The foxes curled up around Peter and kept a watchful eye on everyone. The door for the employees opened and the foxes snarled. They got into a defensive stance and covered Peter. The workers were confused and worried for the child.
"Peter-" Tony was cut off by slight snarls and was concerned. His son was behind them and he was scared that they would attack his son.
"I-it's okay. That's my daddy." A soft voice was heard from behind the foxes and Tony stared in awe as the foxes ducked back and licked his son. Tony took cautious steps to his son as the foxes watched his every move. Tony stopped before his son and slowly bent to pick his son up.
"Are you okay?" Tony asked once his son was in his arms and Peter nodded, looking to the foxes below him.
"Bye Ginger and don't let Asher go near the fence." Peter said to the foxes and Tony was confused. The mother fox nodded and the kit tipped. Tony walked with Peter to the employee entrance and the door closed behind them.
"Son, why-"
"You should look into getting the fences fixed. The baby fox was trapped in the fence and the mother couldn't help it." Peter said to the employee and Tony raised an eyebrow. He looked closer at his son's face, noticing the cut on his cheek and then he looked down, spotting the huge cut down his son's leg.
"Peter, how did you get that cut?" Tony asked as he continued out into the park and over to the other 3. Happy looked unconcerned to the untrained eye, but really he was worried. Rhodey and Pepper were rushing up to the two and May stood next to Happy, watching worriedly.
"I-I fell when I was running to help Asher." Peter admitted and Pepper grabbed her son from her boyfriend's arms.
"Don't ever run off like that again. Now, let's go back to the condo and-"
"I wanna see the red Pandas!" Peter interrupted and Pepper frowned.
"Sweetie, you're-"
"It'll heal soon. We can just wrap it up, pleaseeeeeeee?" Peter begged and Tony sighed.
"Alright kid." Tony gave in and Peter cheered. "However, you will stay in my arms or on my shoulders. You can't walk on that leg." Tony finished and Peter sighed.

₩₩₩ Time Skip Brought To You By Peter Being An Amazement ₩₩₩

"Did you have fun at the zoo, Pete?" Tony asked as the group moved to the entrance/exit of the park and Peter smiled, with a tired yawn.
"It was fun. Thank you mommy and daddy." Peter thanked and Pepper smiled softly, rubbing his head.
"You're welcome baby." Pepper whispered and Peter closed his eyes, falling asleep in his dad's arms.
"Rhodey, I need a favor." Tony said as soon as they entered the tower and Pepper carried Peter to his bed.
"What's up?" His best friend asked and Tony gave him a serious look.
"I need you to take Peter for a week." Rhodey was shocked and raised an eyebrow.
"Are you sick? What do you mean 'you need me to take Peter for a week'?"
"Look, I don't wanna say too much about it, but something Stane said to me at the 3rd annual benefit for the firefighters family fund and it's not sitting right with me." Tony explained briefly just as Pepper returned.
"Are you sure about this Tony?" Pepper questioned and Tony nodded solemnly.
"Maybe you should leave-"
"No, I'm not leaving you alone and risk you doing something stupid." Pepper cut Tony off and he sighed.
"I know Pep, but I can't risk you getting hurt-"
"I won't. Besides, you'll need help."
"I'm not getting in the middle of this." Rhodey held his arms up in mock defense and Tony sighed.
"Are you taking my son, at least?" Tony asked and Rhodey smiled.
"Of course, but if you need me-"
"Just make sure Peter stays safe and far from the condo and tower." I have a bad feeling about this.
Word Count: 1,766

This. Suckeddddddd. I'm so sorry, I hate that I didn't do better, but I promise the next chapter will be. Anyway, next book to be updated it my one shot book and y'all might wanna check it out. Had a great idea when reading some comments and you guys won't regret reading it.

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