It's All A Ruse..

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"Daddy, are you going to tell them you're the cool superhero?" Peter asked as he looked at his dad with wonder filled eyes and Tony picked his son up, holding in his winces. He placed Peter on his lap and sighed. Pepper was off talking to Agent Coulsin and it was just the father and son.
"Unfortunately kid, daddy can't do that." Tony spoked as he let out another sigh and Peter tilted his head.
"Why not, daddy?"
"Because that would put you and your mother in danger if anyone ever found out about you two." Tony explained and Peter shook his head, smilingly brightly.
"I know you'll protect us. You always try to protect me and mommy." Peter reassured and Tony smiled, wanting to say more; but he was told he had to go on. He placed Peter down and stood.
"Alright, let's get this show on the road." Pepper said as she grabbed Tony's coat and turned to her son and boyfriend.
"You know, it's actually not that bad. Even I don't think I'm Iron Man." Tony said as Pepper helped him get his coat on.
"You're not Iron Man."
"Am so."
"Is too!" Peter chimed in and Pepper shook her head with a chuckle.
"See even the kid agrees." Tony said as the cue cards hung from his lips and finished getting the coat on as Pepper rolled her eyes.
"You're not."
"Alright, suit yourself. You know, if i were Iron Man, I'd have this girlfriend who knew my true identity." Tony said as Pepper smacked his shoulder and he turned to her. "She'd be a wreck, 'cause she'd always be worrying that I don't die." Peter winced and Pepper crossed her arms. "Sorry."
"It's okay, daddy." Peter smiled and Tony smiled back at his son, turning his gaze to his girlfriend.
"Yet so proud of the man I'd become. She'll be wildly conflicted, which would only make her more.. crazy about me." Tony cleared his throat and straightened.
"Time to go talk to the press." Pepper reminded, and Tony sighed.
"If i must." He spoke dramatically and Peter giggled at his dramatic father.
"And now, Mr. Stark has prepared a statement. He will not be taking any questions. Thank you." Rhodey introduced and Tony walked up while Rhodey climbed off the stage.
"Uh." Tony started and stopped, silence filling the room. "Been a while since I was in front of you. I figured I'll stick to the cards this time." Tony joked as he pulled out the cue cards and the audience laughed.
"Mommy, is he gonna announce he's Iron Man?" Peter asked Pepper as the two watched the TV from the office and Pepper frowned.
"I don't know, baby. Your father.. doesn't like to follow directions all the time." Pepper explained and Peter just stayed silent, watching the TV.
"There's been speculation that I was involved in the events that occurred on the freeway and the rooftop..."
"I'm sorry, Mr. Stark, but do you honestly expect us to believe that, that was a bodyguard in a suit that conveniently appeared, despite the fact that you..." A reporter cut Tony off and the billionaire shut her down.
"I know that it's confusing. It is one thing to question the official story, and another thing entirely to make wild accusations, or insinuate that I'm a superhero." Tony finished and Peter turned to his mom with his head tilted.
"But daddy is a superhero.."
"I never said you were a superhero." The reporter brushed off and Tony froze a bit.
"Didn't you?"
"Mmm-mmm." The reporter shook her head and Tony looked like a fish out of water.
"Well, good, because that would be outlandish and.. fantastic.." Tony trailed off and looked back down at his cue cards, causing the reporter to tilt her head in wonder. "I-I'm just not the hero type. Clearly. With this, uh, laundry list of character defects, all the mistakes I've made, largely public." Tony rambled and Rhodey leaned into his ear.
"Just stick to the cards, man."
"Yeah, okay, yeah." Tony responded and looked back at the cards, lifting them to eye level. "The truth is.." Tony struggled to say and stared for a few seconds, Peter flashing through his head. "I am Iron Man."

■■■■ Rewriting What Happens After He Says That To Fit The Story ■■■■■

"Tony, you shouldn't have-"
"Daddy!" Peter exclaimed, cutting his mother off as he ran to his father and Tony bent to his height.
"Hey kid, did you enjoy watching?" Tony asked as he picked his kid up with a little trouble and Peter frowned.
"Not really. I don't like how you talked about yourself. You are a hero." Peter crossed his arms and the two adults nearly melted to the floor.
"Thanks, Peter. Hopefully you mom doesn't ki-" Pepper slapped the back of Tony's head and the billionaire cleared his throat. "Kick me to the couch to sleep tonight." Tony corrected and Peter's face lit up.
"You can sleep with me tonight! It could be like a sleepover!" Peter exclaimed in excitement and Tony looked at Pepper.
"Sure, Pete. Sounds good." Tony smiled and Pepper stared at them in adoration.

■■ You Probably Hate These Time Skips.. ■■

As Pepper opened the door, she expected to see Tony on the floor and Peter to be sprawled out on the bed. Imagine her surprise when she found her boyfriend curled up on the small bed and holding Peter close to his chest. Tony's legs were hanging off the bed and his head leaned against the wall, but the two looked really adorable.
"Mommy?" Peter whispered and Pepper was startled. She looked at her son and smiled softly.
"Goodmorning, baby." Pepper responded and Peter looked up at his father's face.
He carefully poked his cheek and Tony scowled, swatting at the hand. Tony lifted his arm and Peter bolted out, placing a pillow in his place. Tony frowned at the lost touch and hugged the pillow closely, pulling the covers up as the pillow felt cold from the floor.
"How about we make some breakfast and let daddy sleep a bit longer, hm?" Pepper questioned and Peter nodded, his stomach growling in agreement.
The two walked to the kitchen and Pepper picked Peter up, placing him on the counter. The woman turned to the fridge and grabbed eggs, bacon, cheese, and orange juice. After placing them down, she grabbed the pancake mix from off the bottom shelf and grabbed the cookware needed.
"How does pancakes sound with bacon and cheese eggs?" Pepper asked with a smile and Peter grinned, nodding. The two started to make the breakfast and Pepper let Peter carefully crack the eggs. She let him mix the pancake mix and the two sang as they cooked.
"Something smells-" Tony stopped with a yawn and scratched the back of his neck. "Good." He finished, smacking his lips and Peter jumped off the counter. He ran towards his dad and pushed him, making the adult stumble.
"Noooooo! We're not done! Go back to the room so we can finish and bring it to you!" Peter exclaimed as he pushed him to his room and pushed him on the bed, Tony raising his arms in mock defense.
"Alright, alright. I'll stay in here, go finish." Tony said as Peter ran out of the room and the adult looked around his son's room.
He stood and walked to the places he had placed his very few items. He neared the bookcase and saw very little books, a lot of them being extremely advanced, but one of them was a sketchbook Pepper got him for his birthday last year.
"Daddy!" Peter yelled as he ran down the hall and Tony stuffed the book into the back of his pants as he laid on the bed.
The door opened and Peter ran in, landing next to his father on the bed. Pepper followed with a huge tray and sat on the bed, placing the tray between the three. They started to dig in and Tony looked at his son with an eyebrow raised. He finished chewing his mouthful and spoke.
"Wait a minute, was this whole thing of sending me back to my room just a ruse to eat in your room?" Tony asked and Peter stopped chewing, smiling sheepishly as he swallowed his food.

□□□ Peter Is More Advanced Than Me □□□

"Pep, look at these drawings!" Tony exclaimed as the two were in the living room relaxing and Peter was in the medbay hanging out with the nurses and doctors. Pepper walked over from the kitchen after grabbing their coffee and carrying them over.
"Those are great." Pepper said in awe as she placed the coffees down and grabbed the book, tracing over the drawing.
"Peter drew them." Tony nodded and Pepper was speechless. She looked through the pages and every drawing looked better than the last. She flipped to the front cover and gasped.
"This is the book I gave him for his birthday."
Word Count: 1,506

I suck..

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