I'm Dying!

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Recap because it’s been quite a bit since I’ve updated this story.. 

It all started with Tony finding a 5 year old child abandoned on the streets of New York and the billionaire taking him in. Upon the discovery of Peter, the boy being his son and realizing the mom was alive, takes the two down a whirlwind of problems which lead to the decision of the court for Peter to stay with his father. Among the chaos of the author's original plot, we also have the lovely Stan Lee's story of Iron Man 1 and two tied into this story with a few add-ins from the comics here and there. 

An aunt he can't trust, a man known as Ed who's done horrible horrible things to his child, and still recovering from Tyler, seems Peter can't catch a break. After a short happy intermission, Tony goes missing; Peter locks himself in his room; everyone is almost killed due to stane. Just when we think a break has finally come for the lovely family, in walks Justin Hammer and all the problems he brings. 

As far as the last chapter recap, Tony got drunk in the previous chapter and pissed Rhodey off to the point of knocking out his best friend. Realizing he made a mistake, he tries to apologize but fails as words forsake him and he leaves. Knowing his best friend and wanting desperately to figure out his problems, Rhodey turns up to Tony's house to talk. Now we continue with our story and forwarding, this is not going along with the iron man 2 script as for the lovely thing called fiction. Enjoy!

 "For real man, what's up with you? Since Peter came into your life, you've barely been drinking and last night you went overboard. So what's going on?" Unfortunately for Tony, there wasn't a simple answer and he wasn't sure how to delicately explain his problems to his best friend who was watching intensely. 

“I'm fine, I just wanted a drink and got-” Tony began with his usual pompous attitude, but cut off when he saw Rhodeys face. The man before him knew the billionaire far too well for his lies to work and Tony knew that.

“C’mon Tones. You've always complained to me with no restraint, what changed?” In all honesty, James Rhodes was hurt. He was hurt that his best friend didn't trust him and even more so that it must be dire for Tony to keep it to himself.

“I'm dying, Rhodes.” Snapped back to reality by the sound, the Colonel felt anger stir within him.

“That's not funny, Tony. You need to tell me-”

“I just did!” The outburst was so sudden and out of character, neither knew what to do. Tony cleared his throat and a moment later released a sigh. “I.. I just told you, James.. I'm dying and that's why my behavior has been erratic.” 

“Wha-what do you mean? You're not dying-” Silence took over as Rhodey now looked at a damaged arc reactor, the skin around the circular device looking even worse. “Can't you-”

“Only thing I can do for the moment is use lithium dioxide to take off the edge.” The billionaire quoted a familiar eye patch man and the words he spoke at his house rang in his mind.

“What about Peter?” 

++++++++++ Hi, so I was gonna add parts of the script for iron man two, but for the most part.. the author went far off +++++++

“Is Daddy coming to get me today? He hasn't gone missing again, has he?” The little boy known as Peter asked with a weary look and eyed Pepper for anything that might convey her lying.

“No, no. He is not missing. You're dad messed up big time and while he's repairing what he did, he thought it better for you to be with me for the moment.” Silence followed as the boy glowered at the blonde and he searched for any deceit. “Is.. that okay?”

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