Painful Memories And Hershey's Park

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Tony was looking around for his son, knowing how he was with strangers and frowned when he couldn't find him. He spotted May and walked over.

"Hey May, have you seen Pete?" I asked and she furrowed her eyebrows in thought.

"Oh! He took Ed to see his room." May answered coming to the realization and Tony raised an eyebrow.

"Who's Ed?" He questioned as he continued to glance around.

"My boyfriend." She responded and his eyebrows raised.

"Didn't take you much for a relationship type." He responded and she rolled her eyes. 

"Yea, yea. They'll probably be back soon. I believe Peter is probably showing Ed his toys and stuff." Tony nodded skeptically and walked away. He didn't trust that guy and was worried for his son. He walked to his son's room and his heart dropped at the sound of Peter whimpering and crying. He quickly opened the door and was relieved to see it was just Peter, but wasn't that relieved as his son was crying.

"Hey, hey, hey. What's wrong kid?" Tony asked worried and Peter jumped back, looking up to his father. Peter shook his head and backed up further when Tony took a step forward. It broke Tony's heart further when his son flinched in fear and Tony froze.

"G-go away." Peter stuttered and Tony frowned. What was going on with his son? Tony sighed and walked back to the party area. He went to look for Pepper but was stopped short by May and a guy he didn't recognize. 

"Tony this is Ed, my boyfriend." May introduced and Ed grinned, holding out his hand for Tony to shake.

"Honor to meet you." He said and Tony raised an eyebrow, disregarding his hand.

"He just came back from hanging with Peter and they seemed to get along." Tony's eyes narrowed and he took a step forward.

"What did you do to my son?" 

"What?" Ed answered, a smirk lying behind his smile.

"Don't play dumb, asshole. You know what I'm talking about." 

"I have no idea-"

"Listen, dipshit. My son is in his room crying on his birthday and is terrified when I get close to him. None of this was going on before you went with him to his room. Now, either you tell me what the fuck you did, or I swear you'll wish you were never born." Tony whispered through gritted teeth as he held Ed up against the wall by his neck.

"Tony, let him go!" May exclaimed and everyone in the party watched. Pepper pushed through to the front with Rhodey and gasped.

"Anthony Stark, let him go right now." Pepper said in an authoritative manner and Tony glared at Ed.

"Consider yourself lucky." Tony spat before letting the poor bastard go and started to walk away when the bastard decided to push further.

"Go to your son, I'm sure he'd love to see you." Tony turned to see him smirking and balled his fist.

"You motherfucker." A fist was swung and connected with the guy's left cheek, causing his head to whip to the side. Ed turned back to him and spat out blood.

"See you in court." He said with narrowed eyes and walked away. May walked after him, but stopped in front of Tony as she was passing him.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" She glared and Tony gritted his teeth.

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