The Threats Of A Father..

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Song of the Chapter is... Move Along by The All-American Rejects

Once Pepper woke up, all hell broke loose. Pepper was shouting at Tony and Rhodey was still trying to comprehend what he saw, while Tony was attempting to defend himself. Peter was confused and scared. He never liked yelling, and with the enhanced hearing, everything was 100 times louder for him than any other human. The vibrations from the yelling didn't help either and he began to panic. It felt like he was getting trampled by elephants and it hurt, physically and mentally. Everyone stopped what they were doing when they heard a scared cry leave Peter's mouth.

"Hey, what's wrong little guy?" Rhodey questioned, kneeling since he was the closest to the boy in distress.

"T-too l-loud." Peter stuttered and everyone looked on sadly and guilty.

"I'm sorry bud. We won't yell anymore." Peter tried to nod, but failed miserably. Tony pulled his son to him and Peter cried into his father, the pain feeling worse. He felt irritated and pushed his father away, causing Tony to frown and feel hurt. Peter looked down feeling guilty and tears welled in his eyes.

"It-it hurts daddy." Peter whispered, before passing out in his father's arms and Tony freaked the fuck out.

"W-what's wrong with him?! Jarvis, run a scan and tell me what comes up." Tony commanded his AI and moved out of the way so the AI could scan the kid head to toe. After the scan was complete, Tony quickly cradled his kid in his arms and waited for the results to come back.

"Sir, it appears his senses are dialed up to 26 and he is very sensitive to loud noises, which caused him to pass out." The AI responded and Tony was more concerned now.

Why is Peter's senses dialed up to 26, when normally human's senses are only dialed up to 6? Maybe it had to do with the enhanced spider DNA that was now mixed with his own? I'd have to check it out. For now, Tony decided to just take his kid to his room and lay him on his bed. Tony exited the room and walked back out to the two other concerned adults.

"Will he be alright, Tones?" Rhodey asked and Tony sighed.

"If I'm right about what I'm thinking, it's not going to be easy." Tony then walked to his lab with Rhodey following behind.

"What would that thinking be?" He was worried for the 5 year old and wanted to make sure he'd be okay.

"Well, I'm thinking this...... Sensory overload has something to do with his infused enhanced spider DNA mixed with his DNA and it might be an easy thing to deal with." Tony went through everything on his screen about Peter's condition and Rhodey grabbed his arm, turning him to be face to face with the other man.

"What does this mean?" Rhodey asked, more concerned for his new nephew.

"Well, it means if my suspicions and deductions are right, then Peter will be having more of these sensory overloads until he's old enough to control it." Tony was distracted and sighed when he came to the sad conclusion. "I was right. His senses are going to continue being dialed up because of the enhanced spider DNA." Tony shook his head and looked down. Seeing Peter upset and in pain with tears rolling down his face was horrible; he couldn't handle watching his son like that, so he looked for ways to make it easier for him to handle the sensory overload.

"What if I..." Tony muttered aloud as Rhodey attempted to get his attention.


"No, that wouldn't work." Tony shook his head, groaning.


"But maybe.."

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