Slut Shame Shame

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I am so against this! I do not believe it is right to actually shame a girl for doing a guy. Like it's not fair that this womanizer guy can do so many girls and he gets a damn dat boy fine I want him to do me so good or he gets man dude how was Stacey's pussy dude and her ass? Dude your soooo cool!

Stop it guys! I mean you don't shame a guy for banging all the cheer leaders, so why do it to a girl who banged all the football players? I mean be happy for this girl! She wants guys to see her body and that's great!

She isn't like oh no I don't want a guy to touch me cause I'm scared he won't like my body.... No this girl is a bad ass ! She likes her body and she don't give a damn what no one wanna say! She likes to show off. Everyone does it so why can't she?

Like literally if I didn't have strict parents that bad ass bitch would be me.

And girls should be able to wear what ever shirt,shorts,dress, heck even underwear they want.

Her shirt doesn't fit her! Her shorts don't fit her! That lipstick was made for a whore... Just like her! ############################################

(Base picture is on the top) :)

Honestly it's not fair that men can walk around half naked and just totally become the most precious thing in the world, if a women walked around half naked everyone be CALLN her a whore,slut,booty call. Just like why? Where is the fairness in this world? Where cause I see nothing at all!

Like if I want to walk around in a crop top and tiny shorts I lower my expectations for people to not judgement because guess what? I know that in their eyes it's disgusting and slutty. Well guess what I like dressing like this and there ain't nun yall do bout it!

Girls and women should be allowed to be comfortable in their own bodies. They should be able to wear what ever the eff they want. And I see the argument here. I know some women decide oh look I'm not gonna get the size that fits me I'm gonna get a smaller size! Ok I see that well no one here has the right to tell her she can't wear what she wants!

It goes to crop tops,high waisted shorts,short dresses, shirts that are opened in the back and on your sides, all that shouldn't matter cause the way some one dresses doesn't even begin to tell you what types of person they are. It is a freedom for all women to feel comfortable in their own skin.

Don't even get me started with this stupid rule at school. If a girl wants to show her body, let her. Ok so what a boy gets distracted by her so what? The boy should be scolded not the girl. She should be able to wear what ever the eff she wants. Like please school listen there is this new thing, yeah and it has a name. What? No way! Yeah it's called fucking confidence!

Confidence is something that is rare. We all struggle to gain confidence and when a girl gets her confidence to wear a shirt that shows her stomach it, just imagine how it feels to be told that her wearing that shirt is wrong. And I like how all school councilors support confidence but they don't support this. WTF! WTF!WTF! WTF!WTF!WTF!

Oh she isn't a virgin? What a slut

Ok if you say that^^^^ your mother EFFN stupid! #sorrynotsorry. So what this girl had sex? So I'm sure every girl wants to have sex one day and not be called a slut. How the hell does having sex immediately make some one a slut? Tell me girl please.
Oh so now your prob writin down because she banged the whole football team

So? She banged them! That's a life goal. Ok maybe not... But still she is proud of banging these guys and she isn't scared of it. So what is Kelly likes to suck dick? Let Kelly have 3 dicks in her mouth. No, how bout 5! Yeah! Ok so your telling me that losing my virginity is slutty? Well than I'd rather be called a slut! Cause honestly being a slut is a mother effn compliment!

Slut in my mind means a girl that banged as much guys as she wanted and she prob banging a guy right now to.

Like seriously guys you see my point? And if she gets aids it might be her fault for 2 reasons

1.She didn't go to the doctors
2.The guys she banged didn't get checked at the doctors

See in a way it isn't fully her fault.
In my eyes sex is the best, most beautifulest thing on the world. And if this girl wants to keep that beautiful thing all the time let her! Like honestly calling a girl a slut for having sex is like calling every one stupid for breathing.

It's just wrong cause what is benefiting you when you call her a slut I mean we all know it's not true and no ones impressed. I just don't see the point in shaming a girl for having sex. So, she has sex with 10 guys in a week? Let me tell you why she doesn't have aids. She might have sex as much as she wants but she be clean af! That's why. And maybe y'all don't agree with me in my point of view, tell me you know comment and tell me......

Haha I'm not done bish's! I just want to say some thing. 4thgrd "sluts". Omg I'm laughing. This is funny because in 4th grade if a girl kisses a guy every ones like

** bing**
slut alert
slut alert

. Lol it's funny because at a young age, yall kids shouldn't even know how the word is said or spelled. DONT EVEN SAY IT KIDS! cause honestly in your eyes a slut is a girl who kisses some one then you need to stop thinking that cause

1. YA wrong


2. YA Dumb

You see my point because kids shouldn't poke their kiddy heads into teen business. And now I sound like my parents >.~

but disclaimers if you dont want to be like the "slut" dont do it dude....dont be some one you arent.

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