Moment of silence.

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So ok guys this chapter is going to be a bit serious. Just a bit.

I just feel the need to say some thing. In the morning in school we have a moment of silence. What we do is we stand still silently for all our soldiers. And we can pray to. It just pisses me off so much when the kids there don't even care. Like why not?

There are kids who have parents out there fighting in the war and you just siting down telling loren a joke. Their parents might not come back. Ha yeah that's not funny. All they are really asking for is a little respect and you can't even stand up? Better yet shut up?

Let's say something yeah. Some soldiers don't go home. And they never will. Why? Cause they are fighting for you! And these people are be like

Naaaaw I ain't need give nun respect dawg.

Like stop, stand up, and shut up. I'm sorry it pisses me off so much. my dads a soldier and here's a story from him.

Mama (nick name) I've been to many wars. And I've seen many things. Very bad things. Sometimes I wake up from a night mare. I've seen the devil walk around telling death who he wants. It's not pretty. I still remember young men no older than 18 who just can't come home. And the way I've seen people here? I let them be obnoxious because I fought for them. ~ Amada's Dad.

True story. True soldier. I need some one to tell me is it hard to stand up and be quite? I think not.

Moment of silence for our soldiers

Now let's have a talk about that one thing that's always been there for you . That friend that ACTUALLY listened to you when you just spoke chisme (it's gossip in Spanish idk how it's spelled). Your teddy bear (or what ever you have). A moment of silence for them. They are your true closest friend. Your protecter. Teddys are just AWSOME they hold your tears. They listen to you. They will always be there to hug you and take care of you. Teddy bears are just everything.

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